Archive for August 8th, 2004
Book Burning, Crying and Moaning
Posted by Bob in Political Correctness on 08/08/2004
People are always talking about Hitler’s book-burning.
Today the only people who actually burn books are on the left. For example, if someone here sends a copy of David Duke’s Jewish Supremacism to Canada, the government BURNS, yes I said BURNS, the book. Not only that, but the Canadian government sends a bill for the costs of burning the book to the intended Canadian recipient!
But to a liberal or a respectable conservative the burning of a book labeled “racist” is not “book burning,” so no one is going to mention this to you but Ole Bob.
I wish to hell people would stop bitching TO ME about how bad things are.
A couple of middle-aged guys were bitching to me about how affirmative action had ruined their lives and careers. I warned about all that forty years ago. Everybody back said “Oh” and then went on about how busy they were.
Today I try to tell people what they should be doing and they tell me how busy they are. These guys are busy bitching.
Moan, sob, cry! God, I get sick of listening to it.
You asked for this for fifty years. You wanted to give away your country, you had no interest in politics. Now you get mugged in the street.
Who cares?
Those whining guys today are the exact copies of the generation that caused all the disasters they whine about. They are busy. They’ve got other things to think about, like crying about their fate. They are preparing the disaster for the next generation.
Don’t blubber in my ear, buddy. There are still a few things I can do, and I don’t want to waste the little time I have left with you clowns.
The white man has never committed a sin other races have not committed. It is the good things he has done that are unique.
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