The story goes this way:
A bill on equal pay for men and women was being debated in French Parliament. One of the members was making a speech in favor of it. In the course of that speech he said, “There is really very little difference between men and women.”
At this point the entire French Parliament, left and and right, stood up and shouted,
I despise liberals and respectable conservatives. I would be deeply worried about myself if they didn’t call me a racist. I would also be worried if they didn’t call me a sexist.
When I was appointed Director of an Oversight staff on Capitol Hill, my first hire was a woman who had previously held high positions as my Assistant Director. Back then none of the antidiscrimination laws Congress had applied to everybody else applied to Congress itself. A congressman could openly hire only white males to higher positions, and many did.
Nobody congratulated me on my socially progressive hiring of a woman to the number two spot. Everybody knew damned well that I was not socially progressive.
In fact, my male staff had a problem reporting to a woman as their superior.
I hired her because I needed a woman in that slot.
If you go to any successful political event, you will see the men walking around as the leadership and you will see women doing the work. This is sexism in action.
It also works.
If I want something done, I turn it over to a woman. There is nothing more realistic than a woman. Men have the attention span of a fly on LSD. Women do it.
I have heard endless legions of men say, “Women just don’t get it.”
They are perfectly right. There are many things that women just don’t “get.” That is what men are for.
Vive le difference!
When you say, “Women just don’t get it” you are complaining about the thing that justifies the existence of men in any organization.
When the Great Man makes his Great Decision, he turns it over to his female Office Manager, what amateurs call his “secretary,” to “handle the details.”
When the Great Hunter came back from the hunt with the meat, he turned it over “to the women.” When he sired a child, he left it to “the women” to make the new generation survive, which happens to be the whole point of human existence.
This is something women’s libbers just don’t get. They take the male view that what women are reduced to doing is just the details. To a real woman, raising the new generation is the point. While men think they are using her for that, a real woman thinks she is using men for that.
My Assistant Director was never satisfied until the job was done. She didn’t sit around and talk theory like the men did. She stayed with the project, as the total realist she was, and got things done.
I hired her because I am a sexist.
It worked.

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