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Bush and Kerry Agree: The Borders Must be Protected!

Posted by Bob on September 30th, 2004 under Politics

Near the beginning of the presidential debates, I heard words that shocked me so much that I almost woke up.

Senator Kerry said “the border must be protected.” Bush agreed with him absolutely and raised him one. He replied, “The borders must be CLOSED.”

Surely I wasa dreaming. They COULDN’T have said what I thought they said.

Well, they weren’t. They were talking about IRAQ’s borders.

  1. #1 by Don on 10/01/2004 - 11:57 am

    I can understand that Bush and Kerry are vying for the position of Chief Flimflam man, but couldn’t they at least be embarrassed by it.

  2. #2 by Jeff on 10/01/2004 - 11:57 am

    And, unsurprisingly, both mentioned that it’s the President’s responsibility to seek security for Israel.

  3. #3 by Elizabeth on 10/01/2004 - 7:01 pm

    Job interviewers tend to ask about some things you might not want to discuss, like your attendance record — and what you have accomplished in your present employment.

    Well, John Kerry hasn’t been at work a lot lately. He’s been looking for another job…and, in twenty years in his present job, he hasn’t accomplished anything significant, like sponsoring or co-sponsoring a bill. Where’s the Kerry Act, the _____-Kerry Act, or the Kerry-___ Act?

    Why should we hire you, John?

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