Archive for September, 2004

When Will Hispanics Shoot Border Guards in the Back?

The media says that the Republicans lost California once and for all when they tried to stop giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

This assumes that Hispanics born in the United States are loyal to their fellow Hispanics who are illegal aliens than they are to other American citizens. The vote shows that is true.

In fact, every political expert assumes that Hispanic loyalties are to Hispanics, not to America, no matter where they were born or their grandparents were born or what citizenship they hold. That is a simple fact of political life.

So the American border guards and the INS or whatever it is called now are regarded as enemies by Hispanics. Most big cities openly refuse to cooperate with Federal immigration officials or enforce Federal law because of their growing Hispanic vote.

Today the way real Hispanic loyalty shows itself is the way every other anti-white sentiment shows itself. Both liberals and conservatives look to interracial marriage as the final solution to the white problem, which they call “the race problem.”

They propose no such immigration and integration solution to any “race problem” in Asia or Africa. There is no “race problem” in non-white countries. Solving the race problem means solving the white problem, in the same sense that Hitler referred to solving the Jewish Problem.

As I say, liberals and conservatives agree that the white problem must be solved once and for all.

But liberals are more outspokenly ANTI-white, and they want to take money from the whites and give it to the coloreds. So Hispanics, like every other minority, show their loyalty by using their votes to make California a solidly Democratic state. Schwarzenegger is a fluke.

To repeat, so far Hispanics are the liberals’ Faithful Colored Companions. But as Hispanics become a majority, they are not going to stand for that Anglo border that splits the Hipanic majorities — or potential majorities — away from each other at the Rio Grande.

So far, Hispanics have been pretty meek about the whole thing. But the time will soon come when they stop being nothing but Faithful Colored Companions to white liberals.

They will start ambushing their INS enemies.

That is the next logical step after major cities have declared that the INS is the enemy.



I Hate Hi

Speaking of nasal (below), one of my petty gripes is the fact that nobody says “Hey” any more. It’s always Hi. When I complain about this, I always pronounce the “i”‘ in “Hi” through my nose, hard, to show its Yankee origin.

You see, I don’t think about world affairs all the time. I can be an opinionated old bastard about a lot of stuff.


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Nasal Versus English

When I was in high school, a lot of Dentsville School was made up of army brats. Watching TV, I always got the stereotype of the “Southern accent,” which sounded like nothing I had ever heard in the South, while Yankees portrayed on TV spoke perfect English.

In “the Raid” — a 1954 movie starring van Heflin about the Confederate raid on St. Albans, Vermont in 1864 — very few of the Southern Union prison escapees who wanted to be in on the raid could speak correctly like the natives of New Hampshah did. In the movie, all the New Englanders spoke Midwestern, soft English.

Meanwhile, back here on earth, I used to hurt peoples’ ears when I said, right through my nose, “A Yankee is somebody who tells me I’ve got a “southern eeeeeeeyaxkseeeeeent.”

The Yankee army brats tended to say the word that means ‘uncooked” as rooooah.

Does anybody else notice how many announcers on television seem to throw a lot of nasal “eee’s” into what they say? The state of Meeeuhsachusetts gets mentioned a lot.

You have any examples that come to mind?



Reply to Don

Don made a comment on my discussion of Zell Miller’s speech at the Republican Convention:

“I missed Zell Miller. My stomach is not strong enough to handle the party conventions.

“I was, however, able to deal with a National Geographic special on exotic foods worldwide, which included rotten cheese filled with squirming maggots.

“In fact, this reminded of the party conventions.”

Comment by Don

Don, I am a political specialist. A specialist has to do some pretty foul things. For example, do you notice what a doctor has to do to check your prostate gland?



Zell Miller’s Other Point

After his fiery speech at the Republican Convention, Chris Matthews talked to the Georgia Democratic Senator on the Convention floor. Matthews was in his studio. Matthews made the usual comments about Miller helping out a party that was denying care to poor children.

Miller was in a fighting mood. He said, “The only reason you say that is because you’re safe in your studio and I’m here. Nobody accuses me to my face of denying care to poor children.”

He demanded that Matthews give him SPECIFIC details of that charge. As Matthews went silent, Miller said he wished he were in the days when you could challenge someone who insults you to a duel.

This is a major point of my book at


called “Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood.”

Zell Miller wouldn’t last a day as a professional commentator like George Will or any of the media’s pet conservatives. Try to insult Miller and he won’t stand for it.

Normally liberals casually say conservatives want to starve the poor or oppress minorities or hand out guns to children, but no respectable conservative will show the slightest outrage no matter how insulting the liberal is.

A respectable conservative makes his living by keeping that “respectable” label. And it is the media liberals who give that title to them. I make a major point of this in “Why Johnny Can’t Think.” I point out that the cowards and wimps and morons who are conservative spokesmen on television and in other media are the best friends liberals have.

It was such a relief to watch Zell Miller tear Matthews apart. It was very entertaining for everybody to see how to shut up a liberal who has said something he can’t back up.

I hope you saw it, because you won’t see it again.


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