Someone on Stormfront was trying to deal with all the fanatical pro-lifers. They were trying to explain that their interest was in saving our race, not pro-life and prayer in school.
This was my attempt to back them up:
I am with you. If somebody’s big interest is abortion or Family Protection, Jerry Falwell is their man.
Those people are a pain. I have to sit around and deal with their hangups. It’s like having a white supremacist Jew in your organization.
Some Jews are really fanatical white supremacists. But you always have to be careful what you say around them. You can relax and say almost anything, even if it has nothing to do with Jews, and they suddenly decide you are Hitler.
These pro-life fanatics are exactly like Jews. You never know when they are going to suddenly decide that you are anti-life. You are suddenly Satan Himself.
If I were a baby about to be born into a brown world, I would BEG to be aborted. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto unto you.”
But that was just Jesus who said that.
If you are the Chosen People who own the Law the way Jews and professional pro-lifers do Jesus is just an asterisk at the end of the Old Testament.
They say, “Seventy percent of the Bible is the OLD Testament.”
The Jews and the extreme pro-lifers have a God of their own. They own Him. They represent Him.
So my attitude, my obsession, is pure Satanism.
My aim is to save my race.
It happens that saving my race is critical to making life worth living for all of humanity. But even if it weren’t, I would fight for the preservation of my own race.
I have to humor anyone who has another agenda.
The minute somebody says he is a big pro-lifer on Stormfront, I put him in the Jew category, the “Other Agenda” category.
But not for a second do I forget that this is a wonderful person. In a world where the only allowable opinion is to be anti-white, he is a person who, somewhere among his many priorities, wants to PRESERVE my race.
At the same time I never forget that this person, Jew or pro-life, is one of the Chosen People first. My race is FAR down his list of priorities.
I am grateful that he is a friend of my race. I am happy when a Jew is a genuine friend of my race, despite all the pressures he faces.
Professional pro-lifers are fighting to get third world children adopted into all-white areas, but here is a pro-lifer who resists all that and is still for my race. I appreciate that deeply.
But saving my race is ONE of his priorities.
He is NOT a comrade.
If you treat him just right and say all the right things, he can be an ally.
Bless that person with all of your heart, but keep your distance.
#1 by Don on 10/31/2004 - 11:57 pm
Oh yes! God bless all of the fanatical fools and hypocrites.
Pro-life indeed. Until it’s time to bomb Dresden or Baghdad. Then all of a sudden the children who were so inviolably precious in the womb are collateral damage. Tsk, tsk.
Pro-choice indeed. Until someone chooses racial separatism over their multi-racial cesspools. Then all of a sudden pro-choice flies out the window.
There are problems and there are solutions. It helps if one has enough good sense to know which is which.
#2 by H.S. on 11/01/2004 - 1:53 am
This is all general silliness.
But this is unwise:
“But saving my race is ONE of his priorities.
He is NOT a comrade.
If you treat him just right and say all the right things, he can be an ally.”
And this is deceitful:
“Bless that person with all of your heart, but keep your distance.”
You know that priorities are hierarchical. Just the “priorities” you mentioned here are symptoms of higher order priorities that are out of whack. Rightly establish the higher order priorities and the lower order ones take care of themselves.
All of life is an intricate web of cause and effect — of adherence to or non-adherence to absolute rights and wrongs. Now it’s pre-born suicide talk! Welcome to chaos and its consequences. Jesus said this just prior to what you quote, Bob — His are absolutes: “You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father Who is in heaven: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love them who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” He created the races. It’s His design to start with.
#3 by Bob Whitaker on 11/01/2004 - 6:25 am
In a life-and-death emergency, there are no “other priorities.”
#4 by Hank Parnell on 11/01/2004 - 7:14 am
Will white people EVER learn that the Christian religion, or ANY form of monotheism, particularly Semitic, is utterly alien to their true natures, the greatest danger the white race has ever faced, and the root of all our race’s problems today?
I kinda doubt it. But if we are all brothers under the skin, children of one (“loving” but vengeful) god, how can we justify having differences and maintaining our own kind, culture and heritage?
THAT is the question for the white future, if any, and NOBODY is going to face it until it’s too late.
#5 by Scott on 11/01/2004 - 10:45 am
Bob, Pro-Life IS Pro-White. Do you have any idea how many White babies are aborted/murdered each year? The ‘turd’ world doesn’t have access to these facilities, but yuppie Whites in the ‘First World’ who want to get rid of a ‘problem’ get abortion on demand.
Make no mistake about it. Abortion is a tool of the enemy. In the Old Testament God judged Israel in times of apostasy and moral decay by sending waves of ‘strangers’ across their border to take over. Sound familiar? The decline of our race is THE crucial issue, to be true, but it is but a symptom of a larger problem. That problem is that we no longer care what God thinks.
Get rid of the cancers of abortion, the decline of the nuclear family, feminism, integration, and every other social ‘advance’ of the past century, and perhaps God will allow our race to survive. The problem is SIN. Race-mixing is SIN. Abortion is SIN.
Your premise that pro-lifers cannot be just as an integral part of the cause of White Surival as you or anyone else is fundamentally wrong. In fact, Pro-White and Pro-Choice do NOT mix, in any form or fashion. You CANNOT be Pro-Choice and Pro-White (I don’t think you personally are Pro-Choice, but doubtless many who read this do not care one way or the other about the abortion issue).
Again, how many Whites are killed by abortion each year? Can you say ‘genocide?’
#6 by H.S. on 11/01/2004 - 5:17 pm
“In a life-and-death emergency, there are no ‘other priorities.’ ” –Bob
OK. Then the only life-and-death emergency is at the instant a human being is about to be murdered (first degree homicide) by another one (including anyone else aiding and abetting) – YOU STOP THEM!
When the dust settles and we see who’s dead and who’s alive, we’ll talk (in several courts and everywhere on the internet) about HOW in THE world we got to this point. Screw-ups of priorities happened long before we got to this emergency.
#7 by Bob Whitaker on 11/01/2004 - 5:47 pm
H.S, our positions are simply different. Your priority is anti-abortion and mine is saving my race.
I have been very valuable, VERY valuable, to pro-lifers. But they understood that I was an ALLY, not a COMRADE, of theirs. They consider every fertilized embryo on earth of every color to be as valuable as any white baby. If a black man raped a white girl, I would drive her and to the abortion clinic and I would fight them hand-to-hand to get her in there.
From their point of view, my murder of a rapist’s baby is as bad as any other murder.
I do not want that white girl to waste her life bringing up a mixed-race baby. I want her free to have white ones.
So when I take her into that clinic, their former ALLY becomes their ENEMY. I am NOT their COMRADE. I was their temporary ALLY on Capitol Hill.
For you, since you are a blog reader, I will repeat this one more time: If pro-life is in the same category in your mind as pro-white, then you are my ALLY, not my COMRADE. I must keep in mind where you stand, and I must always remember that this person can turn on me at any time if I violate his OTHER priority.
I welcome you as an ALLY.