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If Political Correctness Means Everything You Don’t Like, It Means Nothing

Posted by Bob on June 10th, 2005 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

HS says evolution is the basis of Political Correctness. Elizabeth might say that deviation from orthodox Catholicism is the basis of Political Correctness. Liberals are now saying that evangelical Christianity is forcing them to be Politically Correct.

All this does is make the term Political Correctness irrelevant, as the use of “racism” by conservatives to attack affirmative action and by liberals to attack everything makes that word meaningless

The Professor-Priesthood has no interest in evolution one way or the other. It has no interest in genetics at all except to ignore it.

If you want to trot away on your hobby horse that is entirely your affair. IN MY OPINION it just makes you intellectually useless except to our enemies who would like nothing better than to make Political Correctness a useless term.

Someone asked me why they should follow the Golden Rule in any form. What rule you follow is none of my business.

I am too old to be chasing people’s hobby horses.

Political Correctness is a very specific and natural growth of a powerful academic hothouse. I described it in detail in Why Johnny Can’t Thin: America’s Professor-Priesthood.

I wish I could say that Political Correctness included ALL my pet peeves. If I did that, I would be happy but the term would be absurd and useless.

The use of Political Correctness as a hobby horse is exactly like the conservative use of the word “racist.” Instead of forcing liberals to define it, or using it to make the point about white genocide, they use it to attack liberals back.

It doesn’t work because it is silly. They are just trying to win an argument instead of using the charge to fight the real fight.

Political Correctness is the idea that professors should rule the world.

Political Correctness is nothing else.

The reason people use the Political Correctness in a hobby-horse way is because they have some specific new form of political correctness they want to replace it with: six-day creation, Nazism, Natural Law, or whatever.

I attack PC as it is. We can unite to destroy it, but we cannot unite behind everybody’s substitute for it.

So I do not tell people they must follow the Golden Rule.

I see Political Correctness as a disease. If I cure a disease, I do not have to tell the patient what to do when he is healthy. On curing disease, all good people can agree. But if you have to tell the former patient how to live afterwards while you attack the disease, there can be no cure.

Let me repeat:

In a white society, now knowing everything is the key to science.

  1. #1 by H.S. on 06/10/2005 - 9:51 pm

    The “we came from lower life forms” type evolution is THE CORNERSTONE of the Priesthood and the religion of Political Correctness. –H.S.

    The Professor-Priesthood has no interest in evolution one way or the other. It has no interest in genetics at all except to ignore it. –Bob

    I don’t know of any Professor-Priesthood that isn’t interested in it. If you disagree, you will not be ordained. It’s a foundation, what’s there to discuss anymore. True genetics and biology debunked it but if those professors want to keep their jobs, they don’t say it. Then we could start on the caveman myth. All these things that don’t work that they line up 5,000 professors to say is true (frogs will eventually have wings).

    If the Professor-Priesthood had no interest in topics of belief or behavior, there would be no concepts of what it would be to be “Politically Correct” as you have outlined example after example after example. I mention the cornerstone of evolution theory as a primary falsehood that they drill minds with for 17 years of required education. It is primary because it is in opposition to its only major competition, Christianity (as you say Jesus demonstrated). Every religion has doctrine (truths one adheres to). Every religion has rules about its membership via orthodoxy, even you said that. People you would say are behaving “politically correct” wouldn’t say that professors should rule the world.

    “Political Correctness is the idea that professors should rule the world. Political Correctness is nothing else. I see Political Correctness as a disease.” –Bob

    So if you think it best to state that as the overarching, bottom-line phrase, prior to any other talk — fine.
    Religion always rules. One religion is always replaced by another, if it is replaced. Science is not a religion. Science is a tool, merely a tool. Those tools evolve. Religions can use or ignore any tool.

    “Political Correctness isn’t like a religion, it IS a RELIGION.” –Bob

    So fine. And they will keep teaching and changing and philosophizing its doctrines and getting paid for nothing and for forcing on everyone else programs and ideas and behavior that DON’T WORK. The cornerstones are so foundational, so inculcated throughout our society, our world, that they are not seen anymore with the Trained Eye. Political Correctness does not include most of my pet peeves. *My* being the key word.

    So why is “race” or “white genocide” not your hobby horse. Or, is race foundational as well?

    The Professor-Priesthood has no interest in race except to ignore it.

  2. #2 by Bob on 06/10/2005 - 10:26 pm

    My hobby-horse IS the white race.

    If you are a social science professor, you are perfectly welcome to attack evolution. You may be considered a kook, but no one fires you. If you dissent on race, demands for your resignation are routine.

    You mentioned a book where a group of professors rejected evolution. Can you imagine a group of professors PUBLISHING a book denouncing the Politically Correct position on race?

    You want a biblical substitute for Political Correctness. There is nothing wrong with that. Though I would oppose it, it is your right.

    There are plenty of churches and preachers who are paid to push this agenda. Nobody gets paid to fight the professor-priesthood as a disease unto itself.

    Every other religion, including libertarianism, has financing to push its agenda. No one gets paid to attack the disease without pushing another agenda.

    It is the agenda, not curing the disease, that pays off. Just attacking the disease is BORING.

    One of the problems with the bacteriological theory was that it didn’t offer an expensive substitute. Galen offered a Total Theory of Medicine, Restoring the Normal Balance of Huors by bleeding, all in Latin.

    Bacteriology just went after specific diseases.

    Semmelweis told doctors that the solution to puerperal fever was for doctors to wash their hands after they left the dissecting room, using carbolic acid which was available right there in the hospital.

    If Semmelweis had recommended a complicated tirual and Latin phrases, or, better, Hebrew, all incidentally including annointment with carblic acid, he might not have died in madhouse.

    The truth is usually simple but it is never easy.

    And simple truth is a hard sell.

  3. #3 by Bob on 06/10/2005 - 10:28 pm

    HS, let me repeat your last line, “Political Correctness has no interest in race except to ignore it.”

    Do you believe that?

  4. #4 by Peter on 06/10/2005 - 11:13 pm

    Aren’t the professors-priests just paid mercenaries of a higher power, another aspect of a more systemic disease?

    By the way, when the revolution rides the wave, won’t they jump head over heels to prove that they are for race and always were? Do we believe them or do we throw the rascals out?

  5. #5 by H.S. on 06/11/2005 - 3:59 pm

    Yes, I do.

    The book I mentioned was not by or of professors necessarily. It is filled with the quotes from scientists (and professors, no doubt) who were trying to prove it out, and who desperately wanted to believe it. It wasn’t true and they very quietly made their statements and moved on with their lives.

    Race is today’s topic of persecution. It didn’t used to be, as you’ve described. It used to be Evolution and scientists (like those Russians) and professors who breathed a word against it were fired and excommunicated and their work purged from bookshelves like race is today. Before abortion, or race, or evolution or sex or whatever, it was something else. In the past you describe, it was microbiology which I loved and would not have spent many an hour on had it not been for the men who proved the truth.

    The damage done by PC is relative to the stakes and consequences we endure from believing and doing what is wrong and doesn’t work and was selfishly short-sighted.

    The high stakes are what make this so deadly. People don’t die or ruin their lives directly because they believe in evolution or not. Our abortion attitudes are largely a result of that belief system. Our stupid psych and social programs are largely due to it. Expecting people to act like animals is largely due to it.

    When abortion is OK and driven hard onto a society, people DIE. They are gone forever never to be a part of anything and it lowers the gene pool of that line. In the past anti-abortion advocates lost their jobs. Now they are no longer feared and are ignored.

    When white genocide is OK, a whole RACE of real people will be gone forever, never to be again. And that includes cloning/using of any and all body parts or wholes from all the worldwide tissue, ova, and sperm banks. They can’t do it.

    But, as you surmise and I must be intellectually honest enough to agree with you now, one may not be able to expect the races which are left behind to know how to run *what* has been left behind.

    But, even in race-mixing – numerically and genetically and sheer mathematics numbers later – the genes that ever were are still there. I believe the races were divided on purpose. I wouldn’t surmise why. Whites are not the majority.

    The white genes are still there recombined with whatever else. They have gone nowhere. But since dark is gene-dominant over white in appearance, then your blond beauty may be gone forever. The Asians already believe they are superior. The blacks don’t care. The Indians had too many addict tendencies – they love their drugs more than most and now we have judges sustaining their drug use outside of normal drug laws. (SW tribes). There have been whole books written about the medical effects of combining race genes. I have never heard of a positive, better than parents, outcome. While working emergency aid stations, I finally began to hear some truth from medical staff about what they saw. I had never known before what problems race-mixed children had. The neonatal nurses are most familiar.

    So in pure theory, the working influence of “bad” (IMO) genes affects the “good” (IMO) genes and somewhat keeps the person from being the best of what they could have been without the bad genes then without family-controlled morality and marriage rules, and society rules and regulations concerning its members. GASP – all societies must be “wordist” or they don’t work. What word is the battleground. All societies (nations) are most successful based on family kinship and city-state organizations. America is your perfect example. Children can never expect to marry outside of their families’ basic desires. It doesn’t work, never has and plenty a Hollywood flick has made fun of that. You are who you are from. I speak of both nuclear and extended family units.

    From within family descends all else. Family is prime. Family must be protected. Family IS education. Families together provide community and thereby leaders and mates and offspring to all families and community. PC destroys family with every one of its doctrines bar none. IMO only the taking back of every designated family responsiblity will KILL PC.

    I have chosen to fight the disease with the weapons I have. I have been fighting your “priesthood” for many years and it is a lonely thing.

    Family has abdicated all of its responsibilities to the Priesthood and we are reaping what has already been sown. You are a casualty to some degree because it slammed us when we were young. The world is available to everyone.

    Race is the widest extent of family. I don’t like every member of my close or my extended family. I have every type of person imaginable in my “family” and some of them should have been dealt justice and been gone LONG ago. But alas, who can understand being practically perfect in every way except Mary Poppins.

    This is drastically an oversimplification. But blogs are like that.

  6. #6 by Bob on 06/11/2005 - 4:48 pm

    I’ve been listening to that “”””good””” (did you notice the quotes?) versus “”””bad”””” genes a stuff for fifty years. If you don’t put in the quotes, you’re anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. But nobody wants to be ugly or dumb, and the people who say looks don’t matter spend a fortune on their clothes and in beauty and barber shops.

    I spent a lot of time in Central and South America. Some countries there have excellent family values but they’re all just like any other brown-skinned country.

    I have never seen any book or any theory or any religion or any institution cure what ails brown-skinned countries.

    I do not know why. The basis of western science is not knowing everthing.

    Perfect in every way? I never remember even hinting that anything could be. But I do prefer children without worms in their bellies, diversity and Great Cultures be damned.

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