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The Christian Children’s Fund’s Racist Message

Posted by Bob on June 11th, 2005 under How Things Work

I was enraged by the ad from the Christian Children’s Fund asking for money.

It shows little brown children and says they have to drink what they call “foul” water.

What do they mean by “foul?” How DARE they say that?

The water that flowed through the capitals of Egypt was muddy Nile water. It had been used for disposal of EVERYTHING by millions of people for a thousand miles before it got to them.

Is the Christian Children’s Fund saying that white societies are somehow SUPERIOR because their water is purified, the way “white-bread WASPs” like it?

They say that these little brown children eat food that “You wouldn’t touch.”

Once again, this is western values, which means it reflects the viewpoint of anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

There is not a word about the great sophistication and cultural values these children have. It makes no mention of the fact that these children live WITH Nature. They are not raping the environment. The Christian Children’s Fund wants these children to join the white hordes who eat artificially bred and raised food.

In plain English, the CCF is demanding more environmental rapists.

  1. #1 by willing on 06/13/2005 - 11:53 pm

    IMO,the staff of the CCF is simply practicing self-deception.They have to,otherwise no one receiving their pitch letter would ever respond back.Those contributing are equally practicing self-deception. Both sides,soliciting and contributing,are aware of the fact that the intended beneficiaries are not going to change their ways no matter how many contributions (minus CCF “expenses”) they receive.

  2. #2 by Doug on 06/21/2005 - 3:46 am

    Hey Bob. There is nothing wrong with being a W.A.S.P. I AM ONE AND BLOODY PROUD OF IT!!!!!
    Please don’t use the term even in a slightly derroitory manner.By the way , my family all eat
    7 grains bread. Other than that, I love your blogg
    My family were displaced American – my great grand father being a Kentucky coal miner and
    my grandparents, who were of the Salvation Army faith and doctrine were married in Provost,


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