Archive for September 3rd, 2005

A Man With a Memory Looks at New Orleans

I have sent some money to friends and done a couple of other things.

Oddly enough, I have very little to say about what is going on out there, except concern for friends and comrades.

One rule of war is that you keep your eye on the job in front of you. If you are in the Pacific Threater or the Eastern Front, what happens in Europe or on the Western Front is vital to you. But no matter what happens there, no matter how dramatic, you cannot let it divert your attention from the job in front of you.

In early July of 1863, the news of defeat at Gettysburg and the fall of Vicksburg, which occured on July 3 and July 4 of that year, arrived in many other areas of conflict simultraneously. Preoccupation with those disasters demoralized, distracted, and killed many Confederate soldiers who were on other fronts.

I have been through a lot of disasters, and the last thing anybody needs on the scene is people frantically trying to “show their concern” by frantically trying to get information or making some other kind of push.

Let the families get the information they are desperate for.

When Hugo hit South Carolina, I was in drug and alcohol rehab, and was sponsoring addicts and alcoholics. I made some trips I had been ASKED to make.

It wasn’t wasy. The whole lowstate was under strict curfew with National Guard troops standing with automatic weapons in hand.

For some odd reason, I felt right at home.

But even civilians like me, if they were “in the program” dealing with alcohol and drugs, get the most amazing breaks from the authorities, almost in the same way a doctor does.

Also, when I was with the Reagan Administration, one of my areas of responsibility in certain areas was the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and that gave me some contacts and some
special trust.

Hugo was after Reagan, but I still had the contacts.

I could even have said, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” If I HAD said that, one of the soldiers would probably have shot me.

Back to the present crisis. In the case of New Orleans, the question is not how desperate you are at this moment. The question is will you remember people down there NEXT week, when something else is in the headlines?

I’ll call people if and when the ways are clear and people with something real to do won’t stumble over me.

And I’ll remember them next week.


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9/3/05 Bob’s WOL Articles

I Am Taking A Year Off, Starting Now
In The Meantime…

I Am Taking A Year Off, Starting Now

Starting now, no ifs, ands, or buts.

I am not dying, at least physically. I had always thought that was the only thing that would take me out of action for so long.

I remember a line from one of the Godfather movies that went something like, “He’s been dying of the same heart condition for thirty years. He’ll be here forever.”

In terms of what really matters to me, the fact that I am not dying has a downside. There is something about the smell of embalming fluid that makes people take a short break from chattering about Nixon or Bush or Coolidge and actually look at what a man said as he worked his heart out to try to get ideas across.

After over half a century in this fight, when I speak of the dead, I have very specific people in mind.

They were people I worked with and whom I loved. It is a constant source of anger to me that they got all those flowers and flowery tributes after they died.

They would have much preferred a tenth of that flower money as support for what they were doing, a tenth of that attention when they needed it, a tenth of the effort on their book sales THEN.

In a wild and hilarious science fiction comedy called A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, one of the characters could not be reached because, “He’s taking a year off dead for tax purposes.”

Well, I am taking a year off dead for urgent health purposes. Maybe that smell of embalming fluid will make me great for twelve months.

In any case, I definitely do not have a choice.

The world will be here a year from now. I have been fighting for fifty-one years, and every one of those years were wasted by the “It’s now or never” crowd who should have been helping me lay the groundwork for the future.

I remember one woman who genuinely believed that if the Catholic Kennedy beat Nixon there would never be another election.

She said, “Forget everything but winning THIS election.” She never planned for anything but the political equivalent of Judgement Day.

Bless her heart, she did much more harm than good for our cause.
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In The Meantime…

Sometimes the best thing a writer can do is shut up and let those who are interested actually absorb his ideas.

WhitakerOnline has come out every week for exactly seven years.

We have scarcely missed a week in all that time, so there’s plenty there.

The WhitakerOnline archives are longer than the New Testament or the Koran, though it hasn’t caught up with the Old Testament or the Talmud.

WhitakerOnline Article Archive

My broadcast archive consist of only a few programs, but I hit the very important points first.

If you think I am worth listening to, then the programs there are worth hearing at least twice. They represent my major concepts.

WhitakerOnline Audio Archive

My blog archive is there, but the blog itself may lose its liveliness for the year.

Bob’s Blog

We have about sold out the first edition of my book, Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood. It will still be available from READBOB.COM until they are sold out.

The ideas in it are planted.

But, a plea on behalf of the book’s message:

Please, please, PLEASE never say, “Whitaker says Political Correctness is LIKE a religion.”

Please do not say, “Political Correctness is a religion, ***OR*** at least a rigid belief system.”

I wrote until my fingers were blue, over and over:

“Political Correctness IS a religion.”

I proved it and showed you why it is so important that Political Correctness IS a religion.

This is absolutely critical to the whole message of my book. To say PC is LIKE a religion is worse than saying nothing at all.

Auf wieder sehen, “until we meet again.”


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9/3/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 9/3/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

Je Ne Se Quois

I probably didn’t spell it right, and I couldn’t care less.

I learned Spanish and German and other languages, but never French. They take their little language too seriously. Also, my Austrian wife wouldn’t let me use any French. She said she couldn’t stand hearing a MAN speak French.

Anyhow, Anyhow, Je ne se quois means nothing but, “I don’t know what.” If I say “you have a certain I don’t know what,” you would wait for me to figure out something to actually say. But if someone says, “You have a certain je ne se quois,” a Yuppie or an Intellectual will think you are Magnifique!

Magnifique is French for what the black guys call,”A Bad Dude.” If the subject is female, the black guys say something I can’t repeat here.

Je ne se quois drives ’em wild up in the circles where a Modern Artist can crack a toilet seat and sell it for a million dollars. But if they picture an ugly, swarthy Frenchman wearing lipstick and rouge saying je ne se quois with his lips stuck out so far they drip a bit, the intellectuals and yuppies pass out with pure admiration.

Most actual Americans — not Yuppies or “intellectuals” — never realize HOW American they are until they live in Europe for the first time. I was eighteen years old, not only living in Europe for the first time, but a teenager.

Nasty but true things about America really bothered me.

I was working for a businessman who, in addition to having a doctorate in engineering, regularly dictated letters in English, Italian, French, and, of course, German. When I wasn’t in a kiln shifting brick or traveling with him on business, I would be doing some German to English translation with him. He spoke excellent English, but it is always better to have a native speaker translate INTO his own language.

Once he asked me an innocent question that really embarrassed me. He showed me some pages from an American book where there was a lengthy quote in French. He asked, me, “Wouldn’t it have been better if he had written this whole section in French?”

Yes, it would have, but to explain this to him I had to reveal what morons New York writers are, and he thought New York was America.

The reason the writer didn’t write it in French was because he couldn’t write in French. Correct writing is MUCH harder than speaking. And if you use the wrong grammar, a Frenchman will have a stroke. All the other sophisticates will laugh at you.

Even if the writer COULD write in French, as William Buckley and all his sycophants keep reminding us that he can, the readers couldn’t read that much French.

So what the writer is doing is showing how sophisticated he is and letting the people who are “sophisticated” enough to decipher a little French know how sophisticated THEY are. This is a little hard for an eighteen-year-old to explain to a man to whom foreign languages are as much a tool of the trade as knowing the proper temperature at which clay should be dried before firing.

He was, of course, a little incredulous. He could not believe that grown men did this sort of thing.

He didn’t know the half of it.

I hope he never saw that cracked toilet seat.


Auf wieder sehen, “Until we meet again.”



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********Blog Book

One thing I already know I have to follow up on in what I just wrote below is my explanation of humor. You can’t make a joke unless you canmake an INSTANT connection between Yuppies and relgious bigotry in your own mind.

I have to go from there to make the point that you cannot DISCUSS the world rationally with someone who cannot make that instant connection. I could talk with William Pierce but everybody around us said it sounded like code speech. That was because we both instantly understood this kind of connection.

Both sides and the middle of the road are obvious nonsense to anyone who studies intellectual or scientific history without a carefully trained mind. It is stupid to say that one side says the sun is the center of hte universe and the other says the earth is the center and the truth lies somewhere in between.

But if you have to EXPLAIN that to every person you talk to, what passed for discussion gets tedious beyond imagination. Pierce and I, Sam Francis and I, never paused for such crap.

So to others our conversation sounded like code.

But I have to go slow while asking for speed. I have to let the reader slowly, painfully, get what I am talking about.

Which is one reason this book will never be published.

But with the blog, I can get the thought in raw.


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