Archive for September 5th, 2005
From Equal Schools to Integration to Desegregation and Back Again
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 09/05/2005
In 1950 James F. Byrnes, former Senator, Supreme Court justice, Assistant to the President, and Secretary of State, was elected governor of South Carolina. Her ran for governor entirely because he was worried about integration.
One of Byrnes’s first acts as governor was to push through our first sales tax, three cents on the dollar. It was to be dedicated entirely to equalizing the black schools.
Stokeley Carmichel was perfectly correct when he founded the Black Panthers. He said,
“The only people who get results are the ones who have POWER.”
The push for integration gave blacks POWER. In North Carolina in 1950, the average pay for black teachers was higher than it was for white teachers.
The South was desperate, and wanted to put money into it.
But blacks had turned all their power over to the white liberals and rich blacks. They wanted integration. They wanted country clubs and white women for blacks who could afford them. Almost every issue of Jet Magazine, the magazine for black people, had a mixed couple on the cover in the 1950s.
They were not out for equal schools. They were out for REVENGE on whites.
In the 1960s integration became “desegregation.” The idea of doing away with whites as a goal was no longer mentioned. They were fighting age-old discrimination. They were fighting Hitler.
Then came busing. Whites were running away from desegregation, so they had to be chased down.
Busing was wildly unpopular, even among blacks. So the line changed again.
Liberals began to say that the only reason they pushed busing was as a threat. The threat of busing would force white people to make “inner city,” i.e., black, schools equal.
No one but Bob has a memory, so I realized this was where we started. It was what Byrnes was doing in 1951. It was what North Carolina had already done and was still doing in 1950.
Stokeley Carmichel died in Africa, trying to help blacks. Black “leaders” here live in the suburbs and attack Confederate flags.
We just saw this mentality in action in New Orleans. The overwhelming motive of black action today is not the welfare of their children. It is a hatred for whites, a hatred which liberals and respectable conservatives share.
We told you so.
In 1950.

Posted by Bob in Musings about Life on 09/05/2005
Not a year has passed since my teens that at least one Northerner has not asked me, “Bob, when you Southerners were fighting integration, did you REALIZE it was about the very survival of the white race?”
These Northerners were the ones who, tiny group by tiny group, began to realize what integration was all about as it progressed from tokenism to racial balance to open borders.
To put it in plain language, they simply could not believe that a bunch of ignorant, bigoted Southerners knew very well what they themselves were slowly and with great effort realizing: integration was always about getting rid of the white race.
To make this perfectly clear, let me give you an instance. In 1954 a Methodist bishop in the South was demanding that Methodists integrate immediately.
He led off by saying that integation DID mean the end of the white race. He said that, like Jacob who was willing to sacrifice his only son Esau, Christians should be willing to sacrifice their race for God.
Unfortunately, Bible Belt Methodists had READ their Bible. When Jehovah stayed Jacob’s hand from sacrificing his only son to him, it was a milestone in religious history.
In the time those words were written down it was a standard practice, when a city or country was in mortal danger, for the ruler to sacrifice his favorite son or daughter to the gods. When Jehovah stopped Esau, it was the end of human sacrifice in the Jewish religion.
No, they didn’t invent it. Other faiths had abandoned human sacrifice long before. But a major point of the story was that this was something Jehovah would not ask.
In his obsession with Social Progress, the bishop set religion back morally some three thousand years.
But I will give the Human Sacrifice bishop this much: he was cutting straight to the heart of the
whole question.
In the 1950s everybody did.
Robert Heinlein was a Northern promilitary conservative science fiction writer. He wrote story after story about how wonderful it would be when all Americans ranged from brown to black.
I remember listening to a Jewish spokesman from the NAACP on our black-and-white television back then using every synonym he could think of, “assimilation, intermarriage, total mixing, racial mixing,..” and on and on and on, to make it perectly clear what integration was about.
Which is why, in the 1960s, “integration” became “desegregation.”
When I was on Capitol Hill, one othe staffers under me was a hard-core conservative. He
had been pro-white, but when he converted to Orthodoxy, he became totally dedicated to the idea that the ultimate sacrifice he could make was that of the white race.
In my version of Christianity, there was only one sacrifice that mattered, and it was a human sacrifice, and it has been made.
Any obsession with any other sacrifice takes one’s mind off of that one as much as an obsession with sex or food does.
So everybody understood what was at stake before code words like desegregation or Hate or anti-racism or anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews came along. The code words came along to cover up the nasty reality as itgs implications began to sink in.
You may keep your image of those ignorant yokels down in the 1950s Bible Belt. But we were never ignorant of the Bible, and we were never ignorant of racial reality.

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