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From Equal Schools to Integration to Desegregation and Back Again

Posted by Bob on September 5th, 2005 under Coaching Session

In 1950 James F. Byrnes, former Senator, Supreme Court justice, Assistant to the President, and Secretary of State, was elected governor of South Carolina. Her ran for governor entirely because he was worried about integration.

One of Byrnes’s first acts as governor was to push through our first sales tax, three cents on the dollar. It was to be dedicated entirely to equalizing the black schools.

Stokeley Carmichel was perfectly correct when he founded the Black Panthers. He said,

“The only people who get results are the ones who have POWER.”

The push for integration gave blacks POWER. In North Carolina in 1950, the average pay for black teachers was higher than it was for white teachers.

The South was desperate, and wanted to put money into it.

But blacks had turned all their power over to the white liberals and rich blacks. They wanted integration. They wanted country clubs and white women for blacks who could afford them. Almost every issue of Jet Magazine, the magazine for black people, had a mixed couple on the cover in the 1950s.

They were not out for equal schools. They were out for REVENGE on whites.

In the 1960s integration became “desegregation.” The idea of doing away with whites as a goal was no longer mentioned. They were fighting age-old discrimination. They were fighting Hitler.

Then came busing. Whites were running away from desegregation, so they had to be chased down.
Busing was wildly unpopular, even among blacks. So the line changed again.

Liberals began to say that the only reason they pushed busing was as a threat. The threat of busing would force white people to make “inner city,” i.e., black, schools equal.

No one but Bob has a memory, so I realized this was where we started. It was what Byrnes was doing in 1951. It was what North Carolina had already done and was still doing in 1950.

Stokeley Carmichel died in Africa, trying to help blacks. Black “leaders” here live in the suburbs and attack Confederate flags.

We just saw this mentality in action in New Orleans. The overwhelming motive of black action today is not the welfare of their children. It is a hatred for whites, a hatred which liberals and respectable conservatives share.

We told you so.

In 1950.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 09/05/2005 - 4:53 pm

    I live in Clarksburg, West Virginia. I moved here from another state. I had a conversation with a person in the genealogy section of the public library here one day. I will never forget what this person said to me. He was in charge of the genealogy section of the Clarksburg public library. He told me that he had relatives here that went back to the time of the Declaration of Independence. He was practically weeping when he told me that he was so ashamed that he had no “black blood’ in his veins. He was clearly apologetic about it. Oh, how he longed to have negroid blood in his ancestry. I couldn’t understand it. This man was a white man somewhere in the neighborhood of forty-five to fifty years old. This was, perhaps, five years ago. When I disagreed with this man politically he threatened to have me thrown out of the public library in Clarksburg, West Virginia. This expulsion was to be permanent. I had been visiting public libraries for one reason or another for over forty-five years at the time and no one had ever threatened to expel me from a public library. I began to wonder whether the man had been released from a mental hospital in West Virginia and, through political connections, had somehow landed a job with the Clarksburg public library. It would not be unusual for the Clarksburg,
    West Virginia area to do such a thing. All kinds of sad sacks find employment through the government in this part of the country. Perhaps this person was what you would call a “liberal.” It almost floored me that a white man would think so little of his own heritage and race. He appeared to be ashamed of being “all white.” Could this be the result of extensive brainwashing through the Corporate Media and Hollywood, etc? It just seems to me that all the races ought to just be what they are and let it go at that. What is this some kind of chemistry experiment where one race has to mix with another race just to see what comes out? I think the day will come when all this nonsense about “multiculturalism” and “diversity” is going to fall by the wayside and all the natural races are just going to hang out with their own kind. I think that’s the natural thing to do. What I think is unnatural is to force different races to live together when they don’t want to do so.

  2. #2 by joe rorke on 09/05/2005 - 5:28 pm

    It was a mistake. A huge mistake. They will come to see that in the years ahead. The 1950s were wonderful years in which to live in the United States of America as far as I’m concerned. The Social Engineers made a huge mistake when they decided to “break down the barriers.” Yes, they broke down the barriers on an unsuspecting populace and what you have today is the result of their actions. This has been a huge mistake and the evidence of it is everywhere. It’s disgusting. I lament the fact that I brought children into the world. If I thought, in 1959, that I was going to bring children into an unflushed toilet bowl I would have joined a monastery. This experiment in madness will not work. The evidence is all around you.

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