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It is Hard to HATE Strangers

Posted by Bob on September 10th, 2005 under Musings about Life

A doctor will fight day and night against a disease caused by a virus or a particularly deadly form of bacteria.

But it never occurs to him to hate the virus personally.

When Aleksander Solzhenitsyn wrote “The Cancer Ward” about his own battle against cancer, he said “Everyone in the ward just wanted to LIVE. Even the cancer just wants to live.”

You have to be a very old Southerner, and from the Deep South at that, to remember Brother Dave Gardner. One of Brother Dave’s many classic sayings was, “Jesus was right. You should LOVE your enemies. It’ll drive ‘em NUTS.”

Hatred is like a duel. Robert E. Lee would never have fought a duel with a hunk of white trash. He would ignore him or take a whip to him, but he would NEVER duel with one of them.

You do not HATE a virus. You do not HATE a cancer or a bacterium. If you were in a hospital foaming at the mouth about the personal biases of the virus that was getting you the doctor would assume your temperature was out of sight and you were delirious.

There is an old joke that contains a lot of wisdom and is therefore banned by Political Correctness. And old black man is offended by a younger black man and says,

“You know, our race is divided into three groups. There are colored people, the better class, and then are niggahs, the general run of the population.”

“Down at the bottom are the real trash, the coons.”

“Niggah, you is a COON.”

In other words, this offensive black guy was to him what a hunk of white trash was to General Lee.

Below I had an article called “A Conscience of His Own” about a black writer named Levy who used the most viciously insulting terms he could think of to describe the blacks who acted like savages in New Orleans. He took their behavior as a personal insult to himself, the way I take it personally when a white Southerner is a traitor.

That is REAL hatred. To repeat, real hatred is like a duel.

What drives minorities up the wall about old bigots like me is that they know that I do NOT hate them.

To me, the “niggahs” of New Orleans were acting like a bunch of coons. I would cheerfully shoot them down with exactly as much compunction as I would kill a cancer.

But HATE them? HATE a cancer? You’ve got to be kidding!

But for Levy, a decent black man, this is nothing like what it is to me.

Levy HATES them.

  1. #1 by Texas Hold 'Em on 09/10/2005 - 10:22 pm

    “To me, the “niggahs” of New Orleans were acting like a bunch of coons.”

    The pointlessness of chaos is its urge not to evolve. It is the bubbling froth that becomes nothing more.

  2. #2 by Mark on 09/11/2005 - 9:04 pm

    Bob, it may be hard for you to hate strangers, but it’s not always the case with other folks. I knew a man who’s newphew (a white man) had just finished his stint in the army and was waiting by himself at a bus stop to go home, minding his own business. This happened, if I remember correctly, in either North or South Carolina. Anyhow, the young man was spotted by a group of black men who ran over to where he sat and proceeded to abuse him verbally. When the young man spoke up in defense the blacks pulled knives and carved literal holes in him. This young man died hours later in the hospital. To this day, the uncle of this young man exhibits all the signs of hate toward blacks. He cannot speak of the incident without going red in the face, veins out, and with clinched fists.

    With episodes such as this on the rise (even though not reported by the liberal press or by respectible conservatives) I’m afraid there will rach a point in America when it will be very easy to hate strangers.

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 09/12/2005 - 1:15 pm

    Hatred is not a good thing. I recommend staying as far away from it as you can. In the case of the uncle and the nephew, I can thoroughly understand the uncle’s attitude. I expect I might have adopted the same attitude if my nephew was murdered in cold blood by members of one race only. Then if I was to read about similar murders, rapes, and assaults by the same kind of people I might be reinforced in my negative attitude toward the lot of them. Still, I am sure that hatred is not a good thing. You hate and you pay. Right on the spot. Right at the time of the hatred. Now the hatred owns you. There’s another way to deal with the problem. I suspect that time is coming. The masses can only be fooled for so long. When this problem comes knocking on their door they will understand it for what it is. A problem can be thoroughly eradicated without hatred being involved in the motivation. Still, on another day, I know exactly where the uncle is coming from and I don’t blame him for his attitude even a tiny little bit. I just know that his hatred is stealing his freedom. He can solve the problem without hatred. If you can swat a fly and not hate the fly you at least keep your blood pressure down. That’s the thing to do. Swat the fly, kill it, get the job done and stay calm.

  4. #4 by Derek on 09/12/2005 - 2:24 pm

    I do not hate blacks anymore than I hate skunks or thornbushes. This does not meant that I want either in, or around, my household.

    Like you said before, they are acting according to their nature.

  5. #5 by Mark on 09/12/2005 - 7:54 pm

    Perhaps hatred is the wrong word them. Perhaps revulsion or disgust is a more suitable term. A questions comes to mind though: Would the U.S. have won it’s war against the Axis powers during the 1940’s if the public had not been whipped into a frenzy of hatred toward the mighty Nip and the dreaded Hun?

  6. #6 by Texas Hold 'Em on 09/14/2005 - 1:24 pm

    Update: I have used “political correctness is a religion” with family members with good results. I saw the blink in the eye, meaning “Oh my gosh he might be right.” Another said I was “crazy” in a humorous way. People seem perhaps a little more receptive to critical thinking afterwards.

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