I like it when people appreciate my humor. So I’m not COMplaining, I am EXplaining
Some time back I wrote a piece about how I wished America had a Great Northern Neighbor the way Mexico does. All of the commenters thought it was a joke.
It wasn’t.
Do the math.
Mexico is trying desperately to bring itself into the year 1900. Its Great Northern Neighbor is, technologically, wel over a century ahead of Mexico.
What if we had a Great Northern Neighbor who offered us the tecnolgy of 2100 AD today?
Mexicans seem to HATE that.
I wouldn’t.
If a Mexican can steal his way across the border of Mexico’s Great Northern Neighbor, he can increase his income TEN TIMES.
So if I were an entry-level American worker and I could steal across the porous borders of MY Great Northern Neighbor, my minimum wage would be forty dollars an hour!
If there is a threat, like Communism, my Great Northern Neighbor would protect me from it.
If there is a disaster here, my Great Northern Neighbor would pour in help beyond my wildest dreams.
Consider this: That Great Northern Neighbor would be a century ahead of us in medicine. Think of the diseases the average Mexican contends with today. Think of how it would be if they did not have American and white discoveries in medicine.
Then do the math.
What would OUR health be like if WE had Great Northern Neighbor which lived in the next century in medical advances?
Oh, goodness gracious, but this Great Northern Neighbor, who were Nordic as the snow compared to us, would LOOK DOWN on us!!!
Oh, the pain, the humiliation!
This Great Northern neighbor would EXPLOIT us by sending us industries that paid only five or six times the wages we could normally get.
Oh, the pain, the humiliation!
That’s what the average Mexican thinks about.
I am NOT the average Mexican.
I want a Great Northern neighbor.
#1 by Kevin from Canada on 09/27/2005 - 2:05 am
According to the liberals, you already have a Great Northern neighbour. Canada is about 100 years ahead of America in Left-Wing years.