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Joe’s “Concession”

Posted by Bob on January 10th, 2006 under General

In response to my “Joe Admits Defeat” Joe writes,

Absolutely, Bob! I admit defeat. The reason for this is because you are a winner. A man among men as the lion is among beasts. Everybody knows you’re a winner. Nobody denies that. Notice how I’ve even learned to use the words “everybody” and “nobody” just like you do. What is it they say? There’s no compliment like imitation. Something like that, I think. I like that headline “Joe Admits Defeat!” Ha! Ha! I thought that was very funny. Hell, I didn’t even know I was in a contest. But I’ll admit defeat anyway.

Oh, yes. Now I remember. You were pleading for someone to comment on what it was you were saying and I caved in and commented. I was defeated by your outstanding ability to persuade. Yes, Bob, I stand utterly defeated in your awesome presence. They just don’t make ‘em like you anymore.

Comment by joe rorke


A little while back someone (I’ll look it up) corrected me factually and in detail about my contention that Hitler destroyed himself by declaing war on the United States. Reading what he wrote I concluded he was probably right.

So what did I do about this catastrophe of getting caught with my pants down? How did I reply?

I didn’t.

My piece consisted entirely of repeating his comment, complete and in the body of Bob’s Blog. I do not wake up at night crying, “Oh, God, he was right and I was WRONG!”

For a lot of people, ideas seem to come in two flavors, 1) Those that make me look good and 2) Those that make me look bad.

While I do not always practice what I preach, I LIKE to think that, for me, ideas come in two flavors: 1) right and 2) wrong.

Another thing I just preached below was that a person who does not either 1) limit his use of the words lie or liar to real cases or 2) does not follow it up when he does is a person whose word is no good.

Neither Joe nor I admit defeat to be diplomatic. Like lie and liar, we both know that admitting you are wrong is a big deal.

So when one of us admits he is wrong, just as when one of us used the word lie, it carries a lot of punch.

But if what you say carries a lot of punch because you do it seldom and only when you mean it, you just have to say it. That is all the punch you need.

Exactly the same thing is true of apologies. There is an old saying people have forgotten, “A gentleman’s apology is ALWAYS accepted.

Joe did not apologize. He had nothing to apologize FOR. But again, “A gentleman’s apology is ALWAYS acccepted” falls into the same category as saying the other guy’s argument is stronger than yours.

When a gentleman offers an apology, it is the grossest, trashiest kind of insult if the response is, “Well, that’s not enough. I’m not sure you really MEAN it.”

When Joe or I say we are wrong, one sentence will do it. If someone says they are wrong and you expect them to say more, you are refusing to accept them at their word.

So Joe said he has decided, for the time being, that I was right and he was wrong on a point of argument.

In one sentence.

That was trhe end of that discussion.

The rest of what Joe said was about as apologetic as a gamecock in a bad mood. The sentence was said, the old discussion was over. Joe then went on to what he had to say.

That is EXACTLY the way it should be between gentlemen. So I was proud of it.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 01/10/2006 - 7:26 pm

    You gotta keep an eye on this wild-eyed Irishman O’Rourke. He’s liable to say anything. I know. I’ve been watching him for years. Anything he’s ever said on this Blog is very mild for Joe Rorke. Once he was in a classroom taking a course in Constitutional Law. He was already in his mid-thirties and Watergate was going down and he was already well-versed in the law when the professor said to him, “Mr. Rorke, you are very blunt. You put things very bluntly.” The Marxist professor preferred that the student beat around the bush and proceed with a mealy-mouthed approach. But Joe chucked right down to the cob. He’s that kinda guy. None of the Marxists at that institution liked Joe Rorke. He refused to wear the mandatory yarmulka. Still does. Gotta keep your eye on him. I think he’s a revolutionary.

  2. #2 by Peter on 01/10/2006 - 7:58 pm

    Man, this blog is so funny!

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