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Peter’s Compliment

Posted by Bob on January 12th, 2006 under Comment Responses

In reply to “I Am not Your Average Braggart” Peter says,

“You might not be your average braggart but you are the funniest.”

Can you imagine how a person in the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation would take that?

Here Ole Bob has described sufffering, fighting, insults, and Peter says I’m funny.

That’s because he knows I WANT to be funny. The worse things get, the more you need humor.

I suppose the Greatest Generation is thinking in terms of veterans’ benefits. The more sympathy the Peters of the world feel for them the more they’ll demand money for them.

And they want everybody to shout about how they SUFFERED.

It never occurs to Peter that I would give a damn about that. He knows me too well.

You know, if Peter could go back in time and spare me some of that suffering, I have a strong suspicion I would have to hold him back. But a time machine is not available, and neither of us think it is.

So Peter routinely tells me the one thing that the Greatest Generation would never have forgiven: You’re funny.

Which is exactly what I want to hear.

A sense of humor is a sense of proportion.

One of the lessons I am trying to get across here is a sense of proportion.

Peter has got all that.

Peter can help laugh the whole world into sanity.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 01/12/2006 - 9:05 pm

    I have said the same thing on more than one occasion on this Blog. You are, at times, funny. It’s the way you put something. I don’t think you plan it out. It’s just the way it comes out in your speech. I don’t take you for a standup comedian but there are times when I laugh till tears come out of my eyes your stuff is so funny. At base, though, I understand that you are a deadly serious man. You are correct in suggesting that a sense of proportion is so important. We do not want to become morose people. So we laugh at times. We’d better. Or they’ll carry us back to the padded cells we came from.

  2. #2 by Don on 01/13/2006 - 1:05 am

    RE: “A sense of humor is a sense of proportion. One of the lessons I am trying to get across here is a sense of proportion.”

    Such an important lesson. If 50% of the problems we face are not due to uptight people who are on edge about every perceived slight or insult, I miss my guess. We can solve this problem. Bob can help. I hope Home Depot does not sue.

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