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Peter Appeals to a Higher Court

Posted by Bob on January 18th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I have a Big Sister.

She is a little over half my size and is well into her seventies.

My Big Sister is the sweetest person you will ever meet and is willing to do anything for you.

But she is one of those Southern Females. Which means that she scares the hell out of us Tough Southern Males.

In Japan, Gone With the Wind is STILL the most popular show.

Why? Because Japanese women consider it the ultimate explanation of themselves. On the surface, a woman is to be altogether feminine, smiling and accommodating.

Scarlette O’Hara had not a trace of the masculine in her.

But a shrinking violet Scarlette was not.

Which is why a very popular movie about Southern women was called, “Steel Magnolias.”

My sister is a very sweet, completely feminine piece of tungsten steel. She doesn’t scare me exactly, but I know how to stay out of the way.

I talked to my Big Sister today. She reads this blog and she wondered where Peter was.

She thinks Peter is great.

By an odd coincidence, I decided today that Peter is great, too. That doesn’t mean I’m skeert of my Big Sister.

All it means is that discretion is the better part of valor.

I ain’t skeert.

I just have one hell of a lot of discretion.

  1. #1 by Mark on 01/18/2006 - 5:17 pm

    This entry has made me quite ill and I’m not kidding in the least.
    Bob, but I thought you wanted a real exchange of ideas, not the slobberings of a yes man who licks your boots and tells you you are god. This is my last entry in your blog which I’m sure will not bother you in the least but it will make my day. I’ll seek out those with balls enough to actuallly do something more than pontificate for the white race instead of sit out honey for class pet lap dogs.

  2. #2 by Peter on 01/18/2006 - 11:41 pm


    I am sure I speak for many when I say that your comments are almost always outstanding, which is why I made sure some of them were published as part of a short essay on the front page of a prominent White website (it isn’t mine but I arranged it). So many of your thoughts are truly commendable and I can’t help but admire how you cut straight to the pith in few words with words that will help our success. I mean this.

    You should write more. Even these last words are absolutely hilarious and I might print them out to remind me to laugh at myself: “the slobberings of a yes man who licks your boots.” If I can’t laugh at myself at least I know somebody else that will.

    Stick to task: the Whiteman. And never forget that guy “Peter” who in times past annoyed you so much.

    Now I think I’ll have a cigar outside.

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