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Skin Color

Posted by Bob on January 28th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Reply on Stormfront:

You said, “On the ethnics(you should say “coloreds”), they will follow our race wherever it goes.”

That is why I told rednecks8ofmind he didn’t get my point. My point here is VERY specific.


Let me repeat that:


Here “ethnics” means the non-Anglo-Saxon whites.

The Big Lie is that SKIN COLOR does not matter.

Everybody, even racists, want to emphasize that they are not obsessed with SKIN COLOR.

I want to emphasize that I AM obsessed with skin color. This isthe ultimate undermining of everything they intimidate everybody, inclduing scientific racists, with.

Meanwhile, back on earth, where do the non-whites go?

To white-SKINNED countries.

Not to IQ countries.

Not to Culturally Aware countries.

Not to religiously correct countries.

On the real planet earth, the wetbacks are ALWAYS swimming towards WHITE SKIN.

I do not start with an attempt to be sophisticated. I begin with REALITY.

The REALITY is not IQ test. The REALITY is not the proper interpretation of religious doctrine.


I do not have to explain WHY this is true. It is TRUE.

I don’t care if it sounds simplistic. The only thing that matters to me is that it is true.

I would not want to be born into a world that has brown skin. Nobody seems to want to REMAIN in a country with dark skin.

So let us state the Ultimate Heresy:

It is ALL a matter of skin color. The Golden Rule does not ask for a scientific explanation. The Golden Rule says t hat if people without a white skin produce societies people want to escape from, then it is a matter of SKIN COLOR.

A Whitakerism consists of examning facts that are so overwhelmingly obvious that we never really look at them.

This is a Whitakerism.

  1. #1 by Shari on 01/28/2006 - 8:41 pm

    Then white skin must have significance. C.S. Lewis said something, which I can’t find, about other races not being saved, yet. I’m worried about the generation coming of age. If they are to cope they have to have their heart’s and minds grabbed by something more than “white skin.” Just arrogance won’t work. They have to think that something is true.

  2. #2 by Mark on 01/28/2006 - 9:38 pm

    “Meanwhile, back on earth, where do the non-whites go?
    To white-SKINNED countries.”

    I think it can also be said that whites will go away from non-whites, which is kinda scientific — like that old axium, “every action has an equal an opposite reaction.” Which means at some point the white race is going to be hemmed in geographically and surrounded by non whites who will continue to prey upon them (since it is in their biological nature), which in turn will force another equal and opposite reaction.

    That’s about as theoretical as I can get.

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 01/28/2006 - 10:54 pm

    Could it be that there is a conspiracy to not look at a Whitakerism? If a Whitakerism is so overwhelmingly frightening to those who dare not look at it or those who would hide it from others, could there be an ongoing conspiracy to suppress all the Whitakerisms that could possibly come to light? Why would anyone want to bury any Whitakerism? More especially, if Whitakerisms are potentially helpful to mankind in a world-shattering sort of way, what sort of diabolical entity would organize to bury the entire bag of Whitakerisms? Whitakerisms are either good or not good. If they are good, only badness could oppose them. That’s the way it is. That’s the law of the West. There is no neutral ground. Whitakerisms are either good or not good. What do you think, world? Anybody got any questions? Make them to the point.

  4. #4 by Peter Gene Budarick on 01/29/2006 - 1:09 am

    I am not going to get semantic and argue about the use of the word “white”.

    I understand what you mean by it.

    What you state is an observable fact.

    What i find most significant is the fact that i have not see it before you mentioned it.

    The word “white” is an indicator of race or a group of sub races from Northern Europe were i suppose they evolved. I am not expert in this but i suppose it would include Nordic, Celtic and others. It does not have to be some abstract “pure master race”. “White” may mean the interbreeding of the best sub races from the North who survided producing a hardy people who could survive in ANY environment including Mars if necessary. So i think most of us can aggree on what “white” means.

    Now i don’t think the “coloureds” who flock to white countries do so because they make the analysis we might make as i did above. They see only the final product of our cultures. I think they understand without thinking that “white” is an indicator of a benign, efficient and rich society. They see here sanitation, social security, work with good income, leasure time and so on. Above all, as many children do, they intuit that “white” means a people who can be emotinally blackmailed, made to feel guilty and thus not only accept them but bend over backwards to help them. The “white” people – Your people and my people – have always had this “weakness” [?] of empathy for others of lower evolution. This is most notable in our treatment of animals compared to “coloureds” [in General]. However contrariwise a being of lower evolution cannot have empathy for beings of higher evolution. A man can behave like a dog but a dog cannot behave like a man. I know that is a terrible “racist” thing to say, but i belive it to be true based on some evidence.

    Well i was just thinking aloud.

    But what you say is a very powerful observable indicator.

    Interestingly they are now running a TV series here in Australia which purports to prove there is no such thing as “race” and they try to show this by using latest DNA research. When you look it up on the web, you find that most of the people behind it are Jews. This program [ducumentary] is pseudo science and is clearly of political intent. It is aimed at an audience who know very little about DNA, etc. That further convinced me that the Jews are involved in a major way [i don’t say exclusively] in the world takeover. The Jews are doing this not because they believe it, but because it is of survival advantage for them, if both “whites” and “coloureds” believe it. Later when they have got their way, they will come out with the truth: There are 2 races: Jews and Everyone else. By then it may actually BE true for most of us! Now that is a form of Jew assisted Genocide.

    If we look at all the indicators world wide then the Jews are seen to be making their most audacious moves on the largest scale ever seen before.

  5. #5 by Peter on 01/29/2006 - 2:37 pm

    Darkies follow the whiteman, whitemen follow the nordic, nordics follow the genius, and genii follow Bob Whitaker.

    Bob let the genie out of the bottle.
    By the way, “Nordic species” includes “Celtic peoples” and others.

  6. #6 by Derek on 01/30/2006 - 1:37 am

    In the age of globalization should it not be that white countries rule the rest? It seems as if this is the case already.

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