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It’s not Contradiction, It’s a PATTERN

Posted by Bob on October 4th, 2006 under Coaching Session

When you see the world as I do, you sit in amazement at how callous people are. Many years
ago someone pointed out to me, “Bob, the thing about you is that things other people don’t even notice jump our at you.” The problem is that this talent for having reality jump out at you has an uncomfortable side effect. Something just jumped out at me, but I am absolutely alone in hearing what was REALLY said.

Years ago there was a televised debate about whether an AIDS-infected child should be
allowed to go to public school. The American Medical Association had a representative
there to argue in favor of the AIDS childn being in the general population. In the course
of the discussion, the moderator asked the AMA rep, “Is the AMA saying categorically that no other child can possibly get AIDS from this child?”

The AMA rep replied that the AMA could not say THAT. I sat waiting for the parent’s rep to jump on that.

It was ignored.

The AMA rep was saying that the probability of one of these parents’ children getting a fatal disease was low enough for the AMA to demand that the child be admitted, but NOT low enough so that the AMA could put something serious, its REPUTATION, on the line. As I say, the parents’ rep didn’t even NOTICE that!

So when I saw the program on reducing the probability of crime mentioned below, where the program repeated the Politically Correct line that there is no correlation between race and crime, I was not at all surprised. The AMA was simply stating publically and openly that the danger to the children was not high enough for them to fail to endorse the politically correct position. Sure, one of the kids MIGHT die, but that was not a critical matter, like the AMA’s reputation.

After a while, I got used to this sort of thing. But here lies a pitfall for those in this seminar.

You see, there’s more here than just the particular callous hypocrisy I see in each case.

After a while, I develop RULES about these hypocrisies.

To give another example, Enron’s mantra in its adcertisements was “Ask WHY.” The ad would end with an echoing voice saying, Why, why, why, why, why… And, of course, the reason thousands of people lost their jobs and their life savings was precisely becasue they never asked ENRON “Why?”

Here is the problem:

When you first learn this way of thinking, you get all wrapped up in these contradictions, these ironies that jump out at you. You are so concentrated on the asburdity of the AMA talking about its professional ethics and using its ethics to violate real ethics that you don’t see the forest for the trees. I sit here waiting for people who notice that Enron advertised “Why?” when it was destroying its investors because they didn’t ask “Why?” to


While a few people are slowly beginning to notice the obvious ironies, I am still sitting here all by myself, waiting for them to GET it. I keep forgetting that it took ME decades to GET it.

The fact is that you are not here until you come to the realization that OF COURSE a person who destroying medical ethics is going to do so inthe name of Medical Ethics. The company that does not let people ask “Why?” is GOING to be the one that says, “Ask WHY?” Those who are for real, ongoing genocide, are OF COURSE those that are official anti-racists.

I love it when people begin to wake up. Bu when they express amazement for the tenth time that they have discovere that nobody could hate like hte Love Generation and nobody

chickened out in real life faster than The Greatest Generation, I begin to realize what my high school football coach meant when he would shout, “Feel around you, Whitaker, maybe you’re still in bed!”

There comes a time when one must wake up and smell the coffee. The first time this coincidence is a contradiction. The tenth time it becomes a RULE:

When someone starts preaching, watch for this RULE.

1) anti-racist or HATE! means they are pushing genocide

2) Flower power means screaming attacks on opponents

3) when the AMA starts preaching Ethics that are Poltically Correct, they are attacking ethics

4) when the greatest generation preaches about fighting for liberty, it is the generation that gave freedom away

5) when enron talks about why, why, why, why, it is keeping anyone from asking why.

How many hints do we need?

By the way, this applies to me, too.

WATCH ME when I get off the basics I am preaching about.

  1. #1 by Al Parker on 10/04/2006 - 1:28 pm


    How can something called “the basics” be so difficult? You have learned a skill which the rest of us need to develop, but it will take a lot of time and effort for us to be hit with this way of thinking until we get it. Most of us have been conditioned by television and the media to absorb information uncritically.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 10/04/2006 - 1:32 pm


    The word “Why” is our greatest rhetorical weapon. “Why” is our acid to destroy the religion of PC.
    My drill instructor told us recruits to never use the word “why” in the USMC and from then on I knew the word “why” was the gold card to life.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 10/04/2006 - 1:38 pm

    Good after noon Bob, i’ll try to get off a response to the post before work.

    The AMA was more concerned with its public relations reputation than with the lives of the american children. As usual the homosexual community was on the heels of the AMA, all special interest groups have allies and the homosexual lobby got there friends to do their dirty work. Politicans do this same thing, special interest groups are what they are called. Now, the AMA had to allow the child in, if they had not, then american adults would be asking about their own safety with in the general public at large. The gay(Fag)lobby, I can say that here, I think used the lives of children to keep their sick organization healthy and the AMA got a good arm twisting to see it got done, so did the lawyer for the other parents, politicas as usual corrupting commonsense.

  4. #4 by Alan B. on 10/04/2006 - 2:19 pm

    Please let me know where I may be off point etc, kick my butt and dont be shy. I should have mentioned that white coats and labels can trump commonsense, the average american look up to doctors like they are gods. Question, were the other families really their to apose the aids childfrom attending school. I have readarticles on how the ACLU will fake an entire senerio, read about the sodomy case in texas, they wanted to cops to catch these gays in the act, hell the cops had to pull them apart, lol. As usual this stayed out of the lime light until well after the 5 gods in black costumes waited for the constitution to breath a breath and discovered gay sex was in it.

  5. #5 by Pain on 10/04/2006 - 3:15 pm


    Since allowing AIDS-infected children to attend school anonymously, good old fashioned bloody noses have become a reason for panic. OSHA has mandated ridiculous procedures for dealing with the presence of even a small drop of blood. And since the AIDS child is anonymous, all children must be treated as carriers of the deadly disease in equality.

    OSHA mandates maintaining a kit including special heavy and impermeable gloves, overalls, high concentrates of bleach, special scrub brushes and absorbent towels to be bagged with the gloves (removed inside out) and taken to a hazardous waste disposal site. If a drop of blood is spotted in the classroom, the room must be evacuated. If a drop of blood gets on anyone besides its source, the person is supposed to report to a hospital.

    But as they say, AIDS is not very contagious.

  6. #6 by Mark on 10/04/2006 - 6:39 pm


    I realized years ago that the organizations who create the rules are always the worst rule breakers. I used to watch this in action when I was a youngster going to church. When a church group would shout about the right to be free to believe as they wanted, that church was usually the one with the most rigid dogmas and used mind and social controls to keep their flock in line.

    Credit card companies are another great example. They are going to give the consumer “financial freedom” to buy what they want by saddling the working white class with more debt at usurious interest rates.

    Politicians are the same way. If they’re on a soapbox about reducing violence by taking our guns away what they are really intending is for the white race to be shot up by blacks and mexicans becasue we “deserve” it. It makes me wonder if anyone is telling the truth.

  7. #7 by Trager Smith on 10/05/2006 - 9:07 am

    Bob, there really are such things as probability and risk. I will not claim that the AMA is not bowing to political correctness, but it is bad reasoning on your part to confuse the AMA’s statement that the risk of AIDS contamination is low enough for AIDS-infected children to go to public schools with its refusal to state that the probability is zero. There are not many things that have a probability of exactly zero, not even Teddy Kennedy becoming a decent human being.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 10/06/2006 - 2:23 pm


    The only people who love statics are those who work in this field. Gambling is a losing proposition, thats common sense, I don not need graphs and charts to tell me this. People who rely on ststistics are those who think they are smarter than the rest, my common sense cost me nothing.

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