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Trager’s Spare Tire

Posted by Bob on October 12th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Trager needs the old coach to put him through some spring training while we are exchanging ideas. He has gotten intellectually flabby.

Older seminar members don’t need me to remind them of this and Trager may not, but I don’t know where Trager is right now. I don’t put IN MY OPINION here, but it is understood here. Those three words are the key to the kingdom. When I say something here, it comes with IMO.

So, IMO Trager is the classic example of a world class player who has become intellectually flabby for lack of people in his on rarified range to talk to. That was what I criticized in his first entry.

Those of us who are in THIS intellectual league spend our lives talking to people who aren’t. The result is that everything you say is out of their league. You get lazy. You get unorganized and soft. It takes no effort at all to beat the hell out of third rate minds and intellectual fossils.

So you get lazy. You get used toe verybody being impressed by the most superficial observations.

So you get superficial.


I need the old Trager, the one I used to talk with toe-to-toe.

From the outside, it would seem as if Trager has been in the intellectual fast lane the whole time. He has hobnobbed with Nobel Prize Laureates and the leaders of our movement, including William Pierce.

But outside of people like Pierce and me, Trager has been dealing with 1) Lesser minds and 2) Intellectual fossils. A Nobel Prize Laureate, for example, spends the rest of his life on some extension of his basic idea. The mental flexibility that made his insight goes away.

One Laureate Trager and I know has not had a new idea since Trager and I met forty years ago. He has spent the rest of his life mathematizing his ideas and using Publicchoicespeak. The days when Public Choice was stated in plain English and when it was developing are long gone. Now Public Choice has ‘a literature.”

In academia, when something gets “a literature” it is time to call the undertaker. No one who is not keeping up with “the literature,” who doesn’t talk about the latest pointless jargon and agonized mathematical stuff can talk to those who have turned a living field of thought into an embalming session. You get no more intellectual exercise in dealing with these intellectual fossils than you do from third-rate minds.

We deal here in BASICS, the way Public Choice used to. Trager has been away too long.

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 10/13/2006 - 12:51 am


    I came across something awhile back in regards to Russia allowing immigration, the premise was, Russias population was aging. I hope Putin has the best interest of the Russian people at heart and brushes off this request. Note, there was a threat that came with this request, I believe it revolved around Russia’s ability to procure low interest loans, I smaell a jewish rat. Relations between our two countries are not well, Putin has snapped back at GW, he told king George to mind his own democracy, this may be a good sign.

  2. #2 by Al Parker on 10/13/2006 - 2:03 am


    “Did anybody else witness PC (Pretty Creepy) tolerance in action at Columbia University, it was on the news. The gracious hosts at Columbia invited two members of the Minutement to speak to the gathered brain farts, sorry, students. Once they approached the mike a group of well trained Group think victims stormed the stage and the lecture was called off. Once on stage the brain washed brain farts chanted a few words, raceism etc, usually tripe that qualifies one for a diploma from the cultral gulag.”

    Yes. I would say it backfired on them. Did you hear the founder of the minutemen respond in the media? He pointed out how the protestors hate freedom of expression, that they are the Klansmen of the 21st century — they go around terrorizing peaceful activists and their organizing, such as the recent Council of Conservative Citizens picnic that was attacked by a mob of anti-racist anarchists.

    This shows that not only are the anti-racists actually racist (by being anti-white), but the people that call themselves anarchists are actually fascists! They use fascists tactics such as the strikebreaking that was seen in Mussolini’s Italy — all in the name of enforcing their “anarchism,” which, by the way, works to support the current order that they claim to be against. We ought to coin a new term for them, anarchofascist.

  3. #3 by Edwin on 10/13/2006 - 5:43 am

    Greetings! This is my first post, so please be HARD on me!
    Every Che Guevera t-shirt wearing politics major and his cousin seems to be a campus leftie these days. Conservative are not aggressive enough in arguing with these people. They need to be shut down, and that means showing how they are anti-white racists. I think it’s always healthy to take an accusatory approach with them. Conservatives will never go for the jugular.
    We White Nationalists deserve some of the blame for giving these weaklings free reign. We are a scatterd group of net surfers and do not have a unified presence on Columbia campus like the
    Republicans. If we did we could give these conservatives at Columbia a model of a political movement that works.

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