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Going to Iran

Posted by Bob on October 19th, 2006 under Bob

While most of the people who know me are not the least surprised that I might go to Iran, some of my family and my doctor are up in arms about it.

The United States Government warns people not to go to Iran beacause some have been kidnapped by outlaws over there. But if I did not go where outlaws might have killed me, my travels would have been very limited indeed. In Europe in 1959 the Germans I was with insisted that we only speak English in the Netherlands because of violent anti-German feeling there.

They may have a wonderful chance to say, “I WARNED him” if they see me being held as a kidnapee over there or having my head cut off.

This is a very painful business unless an expert does it, and they don’t assign experts to it when you are kidnapped. I know about that.

The United States still does nothave diplomatic relations with Iran since the American Embassy was invaded and its employees held there for a year at the end of the Carter Administration. As anaside, I know exactly where the Iranian Embassy was and probably still is. It is directly beside the South African Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington. Back then the South African Embassy was forbidden territory which I visited regularly. Now it is loved by Washigton and the Iranian Embassy is forbidden territory.

I seem to have a habit being in places the United States Government does not like.

When I first went to Russia legally, it was famous for the violence that followed the overthrow of the Soviet Empire. People told me not to go there. What they didn’t know or couldn’t understand was that it was a LOT safer for me then than it had been before.

The chances are less than fifty-fifty they’ll invite me, but I plan to go if they do. Maybe this time my luck will run out. But it’s a little late for me to change my lifetime habits.

  1. #1 by Tim on 10/19/2006 - 12:35 pm

    Now I know we are going to start bombing Iran. BW, I am not worried about the Iranians harming you. But the Neocons may order the bombing as soon as your speech begins.

    The average person may not know who you are BUT the average Neocon probably does! You are becoming famous or shall we say infamous.

    I have good news for you tho. In spite of what happens to you, I will stay on message. Me and all the LIL Bobs will stay on message until the WALL FALLS. Count on it. Hell, even after the wall falls I will still be on message. Which reminds me. One last request, before you go, you better write out the NEXT message I am supposed to be on AFTER the Wall Falls. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

  2. #2 by FREE ZUNDEL NOW on 10/19/2006 - 12:45 pm

    The Zionists will have us believe that the sky is yellow and the sun is blue to advance their agenda but I don’t think you have much to worry about, you might watch this Scott Ritter clip, he is just back from Iran and had many good things to say about the travel condition in that country:

    Scott Ritter on Iran (10/16/06)

    On the subject of Authentic History here is some rarely seen historic news footage from Ernst Zundel’s 1980s Holocaust Trials now available on YouTube. After seeing these it’s no wonder the Zionist network is so scared of the Revisionists and willing to go to such great lengths to shut them up, here Team Zundel really puts a head lock on the Holocau$t Industry heroic stuff:

    CBC News Zundel Trial Video

    CBC News Zundel Trial Video

    David Irving on the Holocaust

  3. #3 by Dave on 10/19/2006 - 1:34 pm


    I hope they do invite you. A true radical is going to choose his best opportunities “to stir the pot”:

    (1) The U.S. elites through long bitter effort have a high quality mercenary fighting force at their disposal but are facing a huge problem in finding a way to continue paying for it.

    (2) The Iranian elites (every bit as corrupt as our own) have had a high quality mercenary fighting force fall into their laps through no effort or skill on their part.

    (3) The ability of the Israelis to form an effective fighting force (getting the trigger pullers to do their job effectively) has blown up on them. The whole dynamic set into motion in 1967 has reversed.

    If I were King Abdullah II (Jordan), I would begin shopping for a fine casket.

    What this means to me is that THE WORLD IS TRULY GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET which I guess is a good time for the truth to get out.

    Those involved in stirring up the latest episodes of treason, defeat, and enormous slaughters are already planning their “plausible excuses” and splendid retirements.

    They follow the principle they are genuinely committed to: ANY PLAUSIBLE LIE WILL DO.

    Furthermore, with the election cycles pending, the “both sides” industries are gearing up to orchestrate “plausible explanations” for tomorrow’s treasons, slaughters, and defeats.

    But it is factor (1) above that is most important: When the economy tanks (and it will) ALL PRETENSE OF OUR ACTUALLY HAVING A COUNTRY WILL EVAPORATE.

    That is when “the fun” really begins.

  4. #4 by freeagent on 10/19/2006 - 4:55 pm

    It sounds great. There’s no substitute for seeing for oneself. I’ve been wanting to go there for a while, as well as Afghanistan, though obviously Iran would be much safer. I believe it’s a very safe country for the most part. Certainly there are no insurgents or Taliban types who might try to kidnap you. The Persians are (relatively) sophisticated, except maybe out in the boondocks. There’s a great documentary DVD available I strongly recommend called “Mystic Iran,” about an Iranian’s woman’s travels through the country exploring various religious groups and sacred sites including an ancient Zoroastrian fire temple (still in use) and some female Dervishes. Just try not to get stuck there if the bombs start falling.

  5. #5 by Pain on 10/19/2006 - 6:47 pm


    Have a good trip. When you are there, notice any Iranians that may still have some old Aryan influence.

  6. #6 by mderpelding on 10/19/2006 - 8:30 pm

    Not Spam

    At least you will know where your
    host’s loyalties are.

    just because the Iranian leadership shares
    our understanding of Jews and Judaism doesn’t
    make them our allies.

    Given infinate power,
    our fairweather Iranian friends would just as soon
    destroy us as their Hebrew enemies.

    In fact,
    considering the fact that only white
    gentiles are philo-semitic,
    our Iranian allies may conclude that
    us white gentiles are greater enemies
    than yahwehs chosen.

  7. #7 by Kevin on 10/19/2006 - 11:30 pm



    Great news bob! I look forward to reading your paper come December if you are accepted as a speaker.

  8. #8 by Pain on 10/20/2006 - 12:40 am


    FZN: Thanks for the links! Ernst Zündel is a hero.

  9. #9 by freeagent on 10/21/2006 - 12:51 am

    People forget that Iran is a very large country (larger in area than Alaska) and relatively sparsely populated — only the 158th most densely populated country in the world. There are vast areas of desert and wilderness, and it is NOT racially homogenous. The Persians as such only make up about half of Iran’s population. There are Kurds in the west of the country who would love to have an independent country like their brethren in Iraq and Turkey. There are Pashtun and Baluchis in the eastern deserts who sympathize more with their brethren in Afghanistan and Pakistan than they do with the government in Teheran. (There’s a nascent Baluchi independence movement in Pakistan which rarely makes the news.) In short, Iran is as likely to split apart as Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan (or the U.S. for that matter.) The Neocons think they can make this happen by attacking the country, but the result be the same as in Iraq — chaos and quagmire.

  10. #10 by PeterGene Budarick on 10/21/2006 - 7:32 am


    Great to hear this Bob.

    I wish your paper will be accepted and you will go to Iran.

    Dr. Fredrick Toeben has been there on two occasions already. His reports to me about the people and how they view the current world situation, “Holocaust” and German history have been very encouraging. If you go, perhaps you will meet him there.

    I wished i could go, but i am limited by poverty, work and my mother i must look after.

    I look forward to reading your paper later.


  11. #11 by Alan B. on 10/21/2006 - 10:04 am


    Bob has nothing to fear from the Iranians, He will be an invited guest of a goverment that was elected by the people for a change. I would fear being the guest of a puppet goverment, if anything the dissidents who are out of power are probably pro American.

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