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Alab B, Pain, and DISCIPLINED Initiative

Posted by Bob on October 26th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Pain has developed what he calls “Mantra parties.” He reported back here to headquarters in a comment that he had handed out the Mantra, but taken off the title BOB’S off the Mantra. Pain knows very well that that is no problem, but he reported it back because we are using a style of warfare that made the West so devastating from ancient times.

The reason our approach is so devastating is precisely the same reason the Roman legions conquered the old world. And for centuries no one could explain it to Easterners. To a Middle Easterner, the difference between what Roman and what they had was simple too subtle to explain.

Roman legions wheeled in formation. They were a solid block. We use the same one-two punch, Mantra and HERESY! over and over. To an ancient Middle Easterner or a modern Political Correctness freak, that is just blind obedience.

But blind, slavish obedience was the specialty of the East that faced the Romans and it is the foundation of the Politically Correct establishment today. So why were a hundred thousand of their troops cut to ribbons by a thousand Romans then and a single Blog practitioner today?

Well, I added the word “initiative” to it. But the hordes of Eastern potentates then and PC freaks today show plenty of what THEY call initiative. In fact, the reason Romans ripped them apart was because each of the members of their howling horde was fighting his OWN fight. They came roaring down in hordes, or being wildly offended in the case of today’s OC freaks, and the Romans wheeled in formation.

Our enemies had initiative and they the discipline of slavery, i.e., blind obedience.

We form a block, but that is not BLIND obedience. It WORKS.

Alan B reports back to HQ that he GOING to distribute a hundred copies of the Mantra at his old university. That is a GREAT idea. I am anxious to see how it comes out, so the word GOING is in caps as a challenge.

But, one could ask, what is the difference between Alan B handing out stuff and the billions of pieces or paper PC freaks have handed out? Nobody is better at going into a mental coma and repeating the same things over and over than they are.

You and I know the difference, but this Blog is all basics, so let’s spell it out.

No Eastern potentate ever said, “OK, you men go out there and find a way to use our disciplined formations. The Roman model was developed when the Roman army was made up of citizen-farmers. Their WEAPON was their formation, their discipline. But in each battle they had to wheel and move together in the bewildering confusion of real battle.

All the Tough Guys will tell you that the whole plan of a battle falls apart in the first minute of real shooting. If that had happened to the Romans they would have been dead half an hour later. The magic of the while thing was that the Romans stayed information and, at the same time, adapted that weapon of discipline into the wild confusion of an actual battle.

Now let me give you an example of how OUR formation can so easily break down. A year or so ago, when I was trying desperately to get some people like you, one person decided my discussion was a parlor game and not a means of warfare.

He didn’t want to sound like he was just being a follower, so he said, “You say Political Correctness is a religion, and I agree it is a lot like one. But (what us true intellectuals know is that) it is not a religion. It is rigid system of beliefs.”

This is the break in discipline that gets you slaughtered. It made me tired all over. No, I explained for the hundredth time, PC is not a “rigid system of beliefs.” The Bill of Rights does not say the United States Government cannot establish a rigid system of beliefs. The whole public school system cannot be defunded for teaching for teaching a “rigid system of beliefs.” A professor cannot be fired for teaching “a rigid system of beliefs.”

The whole point is that this is a religious, something, ILLEGAL for one to use public funds to promote. The point is, this guy thought he was showing intellectual discipline when what he was doing was fatally breaking up our ranks, our line of battle.

Like the Roman legion, the Mantra and HERESY! were the products of YEARS of costly trial and error.

Both the legion and the Mantra look like common sense. But any professional writer, especially in politics, will tell you that when something looks like it is obvious and just fell out of the typewriter, there’s BLOOD on the typewriter keys. You SLAVE to write 1) something that just flows; 2) contains ALL the point AND 3) quits, dead stops, when it has done and makes it SHORTER.

Once I have hammered my points down, once I have figured out exactly what the truth of what I am trying to say is, each rewrite is SHORTER, not longer.

I have given you some weapons which are the best fifty years of using a powerful mind can produce. I demand that you not PLAY with our rigid formation. But at the same time the LAST thing I want is a bunch of Oriental hordes or PC Zombies who keep repeating The Master’s Words.

So Pain is having a little fun. He is finding ways to hit people with the message and then reporting back to us about the wasps’ nest he stirs up. But he NEVER breaks formation. He is NEVER lured into running out and chasing down one particular slave of the enemy he has got cornered.


That is why one of us can destroy the solid front a whole university has spent millions of dollars building.

Sic ‘em, Alan B.

And report back.

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/26/2006 - 12:22 pm


    Two Points:

    1. My inclination is confront “players” in the pundry industry with the mantra. E.G., publishing academics, politicians, local and national media personalities, foundation members, public relations pros, US military mouthpieces, and so on. Just my personal inclinination.

    2. Keep in mind an alterior objective: There are two types of humans in this world, domesticated humans (“dogs”) and undomesticated humans (“wolves”). BWs writings are not going to appeal to “dogs”. “Dogs” are going to be threatened by the raw political reality they expose. “Dogs” respond only to what comforts them. Any politician worth his salt knows this. That is why the general public, being “dogs”, are clueless as to how they are manipulated by persons far more cunning than themselves.

    The primary strength of BWs writings are the writings’ appeal to “wolves”.

    BW needs to write his samzidat on the development of political correctness from the ante-bellum point of view. The “wolves” out there need it.

    I have no doubt that BWs writings are going to succeed in catalyzing the first truly effective white nationalist revolutionary cadre.

    I think perhaps this makes me different alone among the other participants in this seminar. I know for a fact that the success of these writings is a forgone conclusion. Call me arrogant, but believe me, I am very good at these kinds of prognostications. It was a talent I was born with.

  2. #2 by Shari on 10/26/2006 - 2:26 pm

    Not Spam

    The last two times I have tried to send the mantra I get ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING POTENTIALLY UNSAFE ATTACHMENTS HAS BEEN BLOCKED: N.URL. This happens if I try to send it anywhere.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 10/27/2006 - 1:49 am


    I want thank Bob for the encouragement he has provided, I known our fight is the right one and I will do all that I can to get our message out. I will report back on my results at the University, I’m sure Bob’s mantra will strike a nerve with the brain farts, but I will maintain my dignity and stick to the message, “I will stay on message”. My copy of “Why Jonny Can’t Think”, arrived today, I plan on reading some of it tomorrow, in the mean time lets all keep up the good work.

  4. #4 by Papillon on 10/27/2006 - 4:09 am


    Hi Shari,
    Are you trying to send the mantra as an attachment? If so, include it in the actual body of your message. Make it your message, instead of an attachment. It should go through that way.

  5. #5 by Shari on 10/27/2006 - 1:51 pm

    Not Spam

    No, I didn’t send as an attachment but in the body. I might be able to get something figured out in a couple of days, when my computer literate son arrives. Thanks

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