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A Repeat on Stormfront

Posted by Bob on October 24th, 2007 under Coaching Session

I expanded somewhat on the point below on SF.

I am realy upset that you missed the point so completely:


I did not get ONE comment on this!

Everybody wants to talk about whether things are hopeless or not, not what to do if we succeed.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is doing more to convince people of our possible success than we do.

Someone on my blog DID comment on this, an anti, and my reply is important:

— Hpfeffer

Wow! You fellas are truly drunk with power! Where did you get these ideas as to what you are going to do?

– hpfeffer


As a matter of fact, this is exactly the kind of thinking we have NOT been doing.

I mapped out a sixty-year program, and one comment got back to whom we should have vengeance on FIRST.

No commenter pointed to the PRACTICAL aspect of what I said.

Everybody feels a groundswell, and the desperation of the ruling class shows it. That means we should take ADVANTAGE of it. Instead, the comments are generally the same old same old.

If we make it clear that we will have the same mercy on genocide that Jews had, it adds a whole new dimension to the equation. First of all, unlike anything anyone else has said, this is a direct threat tot eh superrich, who are already our enemies. Right now they can safely look on their going with the flow as costless.

Secondly, a lot of people will benefit from this ruination of the traitors. All this is more important to me than anything any commenter has discussed. This is PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS.

What is NOT PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS is sitting around asking each other, “Is it all HOPELESS?” The only PLANNING we seem to do is planning when to surrender. Surrender is not a complicated process. Winning IS a complicated process.

For God’s sake, let’s PLAN for WINNING.

Lenin never spoke to more than a small roomful of people before he arrived in Moscow in 1917. What gave him the Soviet Empire was the simple fact that he hit the ground running. No one else had PLAN for revolution. hpfeffer have made fun of this little man making such grandiose plans when he was an exile in Switzerland.

Lenin won precisely because he would have given hpfeffer the finger.

We get a revolution or we don’t. The ONLY discussion that makes sense for us is to plan for when it happens.

I am not advocating anything illegal. I am advocating what is being done. The idea of being chased and punished FINANCIALLY with the enthusiasm Jews and the US have put into chasing down reparations will put the necessary dread into more and more of our enemies as the SPLC and others convince that our takeover is a real possibility.

As it is, they have nothing to lose by being our enemies.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 10/24/2007 - 11:10 am

    I beg to differ. My post was straight practicality for going right for the power center, a 39 billion dollar endowment that represents the heart and soul of jewish/whiteliberal vanity. Lenin did not accomplish his goals by himself, Moscow and St.Petersburg were swarming with people subverting the power of the Tsar and organizing enough people to scare the army into incaction.

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/24/2007 - 11:07 pm

    My response to Hpfeffer is this:

    This blog is about mega-views. The transmission mechanism for an accurate mega-view analysis is merit.

    There is nothing unrealistic about this. This is precisely the kind of activity that removes the restraints that enable revolutions.

    This does not prevent the commenters on this blog including myself from getting lost. But it doesn’t matter, because the function of the discourse on this blog is to lead us to reality.

    Think of it in terms of force fields: BW has been working all of his life to insinuate a mega-view into the larger consciousness of white people that turns white nationalism away from the syndrome of taking ever-larger doses of aspirin for the headache of political correctness.

    Upping our doses of aspirin is not the solution and upping doses of aspirin is about what most of white nationalism today is mired in.

    Attacking the restraints that prevent us from achieving our objectives is the solution and these restraints reside within inaccurate and ineffective mega-views.

    This is the only blog and BW’s writings are the only writings thus focused. That makes our activities the most important activities currently underway in the field of white nationalism.

    Yes, Hpfeffer, we do take ourselves seriously.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 10/26/2007 - 5:03 pm

    The problem with stormfront is that it is full of pimply-faced children playing Nazi.
    “Oh, you guys aren’t serious” they say.
    We are fighting to win. There is no alternative.
    Let me repeat, There is no alternative.
    Again, There is no alternative.
    Failure equals extinction.

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