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Basics are WORK

Posted by Bob on May 5th, 2008 under General

After all those years of answering libertarians who said the Mexican border wall is the same thing as the Berlin Wall, it wasn’t until YESSTERDAY that the perfect simple answer finally occurred to me:

“If you have to build a wall to keep someone IN, you’re doing something wrong. If you have to build a wall to keep people OUT, you’re doing something RIGHT.”

Sounds simple, right?

I was the only person who answered this crap. I talked about the DC jail having walls to keep people in, like the Berlin Wall, and the same wall keeps people OUT. Try getting INTO a jail without a good excuse. I used that argument in the Washington Times, when the Moonies who run it made the old statement about immigration controls being the same as the Berlin Wall.

I had to do the whole New Right Papers to make my point about Societal Property Rights, but I am still working on the BASIC answer, as stated above. When I answered the Southern Partisan as a Senior Editor in 1982, I did not yet have the Mantra. Hammering things down to BASICS requires decades of work. It then sounds so obvious people think, “That’s CUTE!”

On the subject we have been discussing just now, catastrophes and Problems as addressed by Experts, what I am saying is equally basic. An elephant matriarch is the ultimate Expert. She KNOWS about Problems, like where the food is now and how to dig around a dried-up waterhole for water.

Human beings special adaptation is NOT the ability to address obvious Problems. It is to innovate. If Marx had been given his dreams in 1848, the best we cold have had would have been an 1848-level egalitarian economy, which is what environmentalists want today.

This Marxist-environmentalist economy would, under the leadership of Idealists and Intellectuals coincidental similar to those who run the environmentalist and Marxist movement, take care of Inequality, the waste a free economy creates when competitors do the same thing, population as numbers and not quality, pollution, and so forth.

That’s the theory. Actual planned economies took care of none of these things.

Actually, the HUMAN way to deal with The Shortage Problem is for the economy to move on. An 1848 Marxist economy would still be rationing coal.

China and Africa never move on. The Chinese paddy culture, based on aquatic rice developed in White India, would have lasted much longer than others because the Hwang Ho and Yang Tzu Valleys are regularly replenished by the rivers, as is the Nile Valley. But climate changes, and some day there will be no Nile Valley, much less the two main Chinese rivers.

Whites do not so much solve Problems as they keep on the MOVE. They developed coal because their forests were running out, but this was only partly a result of the Wood Shortage. They simply found that coal is a better way, so they did not have to face The Problem.

The ultimate Chinese genius is an elephant matriarch.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/05/2008 - 3:55 pm

    As North Korea, Cuba, and Zimbabwe prove, it is very easy for whites to levy brutality and ruin upon nonwhites. All we have to do is insist that nonwhites govern themselves.

    And the universal answer to every problem faced in America’s nonwhite neighborhoods is, “We must find a way to encourage whites to move in.”

    And the capital management community is now betting on it, the world cannot tolerate the mishmash of intercultural nonsense called the Euro, the global trading community simply must have the Deutsche Mark in its pure nationalistic form back. As the real players in the global banking community most assuredly know, they are going to get it, sooner than anyone knows.

    Meanwhile every nitwit pundit under the sun expresses astonishment at the endless “zombie” purchases of US Treasury obligations by foreign central banks in settlement of the US trade deficit. It never occurs to them that the entire nonwhite world has no option to sit anywhere but in the lap of the white man, no matter how great their industrial or mineral outputs.

    And those those nations that do not sit in the lap of the white man, just sit, literally.

    When a celestial body comes into the influence of the gravitational force of a “black hole”, that celestial body has passed an “event horizon” from which there is no escape.

    That is where the Politically Correct version of race relations is right now. The “event horizon” has been passed and it is over for Political Correctness in racial matters. It is a done deal.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 05/06/2008 - 11:03 am

    I have to slightly disagree with Dave here. There are limitations on the “magic debt” finance scheme that we have used since Nixon dropped the gold standard. The “Heart of Darkness” we must lead the world wordism is inducing madness like it did to Kurtz. I personally would not take a short bet on the scheme but I do hedge against the feckless inflation being induced by the looters.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 05/06/2008 - 6:38 pm

    I would question this…

    “Whites do not so much solve Problems as they keep on the MOVE. ”

    Bob, your statement, my quotes.

    I posit that whites move until they encounter a problem. Upon solving the problem, whites move on.
    This is the dynamic of our history. We tend to seek challenges.

    Then we solve them. Then we move on. What happens if we are presented with a challenge that we cannot solve? We would be trapped. What if we are presented with an insoluble challenge?
    Check mate.

  4. #4 by Dave on 05/06/2008 - 10:42 pm

    It is just so important to recognize that basics are everything.

    Political Correctness will turn out book titled “100 People Who Changed America”. In that book there will be included Jelly Roll Morton and Theodore Roosevelt. Of course, Steve Wozniak (a key developer of the personal computer) will be omitted. All of this is completely logical to Political Correctness.

    You see there is never any weighing of anything. Everyone is presented as being of equal importance.

    In fact, this is what our universities do in their course offerings. They just present a mishmash of things, sometimes purporting some hierarchical order, but the student is led through ridiculous maize of “distribution requirements” where the weighing of things on any scale of knowledge is wholly absent. It is as if all knowledge and all information were equal in importance. A degree is then conferred on the student who is then pronounced, “educated”.

    It is absurd. But that is the same approach Political Correctness takes to labeling white people and black people “equal”. You can do that as long as nothing is truly weighed.

    But what about all nitwits out there who are incapable of understanding that voting rights can be an instrument of tyranny?

    Representative government was abolished at the very moment the voting franchise became universal. That is because a society with the universal voting franchise is incapable of weighing anything in self-governance. All issues are elevated to equal importance.

    Accordingly, the universal voting franchise suffers from the same problem today’s universities suffer from. The establishment just gives them a check off list where the voters are informed of what has been decided to be decided.

    I meet very few people who are capable of understanding or being aware of this.

    I experienced this directly once as Teamster (I was a Teamster at one time). The shop steward said to me, “Shut up! You had your right to vote on the contract. It has been decided.”

    So now the union was my oppressor, not company management, the union, and the very organization that was supposed to represent me. In fact, the union represented management and I was required to salute the lie that it was myself that was represented.

    That’s Political Correctness. The requirement that you salute a lie.

    In fact, this vignette says everything about what America is in our time. I hate the election cycle. That is because I understand it accurately. It is the central instrument of the tyranny we now suffer. In no way shape or form do elections in America today enfranchise or represent the public. The election cycle today has nothing to do with representation, but rather its opposite. It’s function is to abolish representation and self-government.

    Although Political Correctness refuses to weigh anything, and is accordingly idiotic, the larger nature in which we are all embedded does weigh things.

    And that gives us here at BUGS, we who do know how to weigh things, a huge advantage.

  5. #5 by Tim on 05/08/2008 - 7:52 pm


    Someone at the DNC should have had you on the payroll for the last few years. You could have warned them about the impending Race War in the party.

    Drudge Headlines and very funny to bugs readers



    Begala: We can’t win with just ‘eggheads and African-Americans’…

    Donna Brazile Warns: ‘Stop trying to split us into these groups!’

    Classic Quotes. We got a front row seat at history being made here. When is the last time anyone talked about White Voters so damn much? Probably never?

    Chris Matthews is throwing a fit that Hillary is stating the obvious. She can get White Working Class votes (ie–and Obama can’t). Chris is upset over this or that she is stating it so blatantly. Hillary sounds more pro white than the Stormfronters. She should give a Stormfront interview to prove her sincerity over “White” issues. LOL……don’t laugh ….at the way this is going it may be a requirement to give Stormfront interviews (to prove your Whiteness) by the next midterm election.

    The bubble is bursting…….

  6. #6 by shari on 05/08/2008 - 9:24 pm

    I think that it might be more likely that Hillary will try to steal the nomination, than she will get a lot of working class white votes, whatever she says.
    Maybe we should hope that she does try and steal it and that she gets caught. The bubble would explode!

    On the other hand I don’t really know what to hope for specifically, just that the spell is broken and sanity returns to us. Dear Jesus help us!

  7. #7 by AFKANNow on 05/08/2008 - 10:23 pm

    Dave has made some great points, most of which seem all too obvious in painfully gained hindsight.

    “The franchise became irrelevant the moment it became universal.”

    If we examine the Progressive Movement, for example, we discover the instituions it fostered were quickly co-opted by the very groups theywere designed to control.

    This is also true of your rights in court.

    If you notice, all of the courts that matter – the ones that REALLY make the decisions that matter, from Family Court on up, ALL run without a jury, and have justices that are appointed by the Executuve.

    “Political Correctness,” in turn, becomes the de facto State Religion, with Unquestioned Commandments, enforced all too often by unelected tribunals.

    It IS rather exciting to see Hilary Clinton state, point blank, that she is the choice of WHITE people without a college education.

    Note this well – the Faithful Colored Companions will lose, horrifically, no matter who wins.

    If McCain wins, the illegals become legal, and they go AFTER the Faithful Colored Companions.

    If Obama wins, the illegals become legal, and they go AFTER the Faithful Colored Companions.

    If Hilary wins, the illegals become legal, and they go AFTER the Faithful Colored Companions.

    And the Clintons are among the FIRST to throw all but a few tokens of the Colored over the side.

    Hot Damn!

  8. #8 by Simmons on 05/09/2008 - 2:57 pm

    But Francis Fukayama declared the end of history. But even the submission words “racist” and “anti-semite” are losing their effectiveness and whites are gathering again their wits even if it is in small drabs. Soon even the respectables will have to give up “liberalism.”

  9. #9 by shari on 05/09/2008 - 4:50 pm

    Basics are VERY hard work. And then,knowing when, and where, to apply them is hard work too!

  10. #10 by mderpelding on 05/09/2008 - 6:44 pm

    Bob, this brings to mind a rather simple dialectic that the lower classes understand.

    The difference between “what is” and “what should be”.

    Smart people tend to be wordists that derive “what is” from “what should be”.

    Us simpletons tend to derive “what should be” from “what is”.

  11. #11 by AFKANNow on 05/09/2008 - 10:11 pm

    Here is a good look at the future of America, as the Faithful Colored Companions run into their Nominally Brown Brethren, who – quite aggressively, from what I can tell – take the war to the enemy!

    Now, contrast that with the indoctrinated geldings our Public Indoctrination System has created…

    Note that the news station’s comments clearly mention the interracial nature of the strife; obviously, this can not be ignored by them, any more.

    Lessons to be learned here!

  12. #12 by backbaygrouch4 on 05/10/2008 - 4:01 am

    The Clinton racist ploy underscores the self-defeating flaw in the multicultural game plan. As minorities grow in strength the inchoate majority finds its identity. It is our job to turn it into an effective hammer.

    The average voter must be taught to ask himself, “What is good for White Christians?” before casting a ballot. Whites must evolve into an electoral phalanx. Divide et impera works best against an unconscious foe.

    Hillary, by identifying Whites as Whites is raising racial awareness. It is a small step forward. This opportunistic maneuver can be appreciated but do not forget that she is a race traitor, not a heroine. She is to be used, not embraced just as she seeks to use Whites, not advance their unique interest. The Marxist designation, “useful idiot” comes to mind.

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