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Prometheus in General Comments

Posted by Bob on May 11th, 2008 under General

Richard says Bugs regulars may be interested to know that, according to an article I read recently on the trade in bodily organs, the most valuable body parts on the world market are the eggs of a “northern European woman”.

Prometheus says, Anti-whites know this too, just as well as anyone else.

Could you imagine the reaction to a Pakistani woman was boasting about how her children wouldn’t be Pakistani but mixed? She has nothing to boast about! I think most anti’s would just ignore such a boast, wondering what the big deal is. Unlike the stereotypical white woman, particularly nordic, who can BOAST about not continuing her phenotype.

You see, if you break a $2 melamine vase for a cause, no one cares, but if you break a $20,000 ming vase, thats a different matter entirely.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/12/2008 - 12:13 am

    The Pakistani’s woman’s boast was not anecdotal. It was universal. It was lawful, for among all nonwhite races, in every corner of the world, even among the indigenous races, the relative lightness of their offspring’s skin color is the central and heartfelt axis of their desire, prestige, and status.

    In contrast, the very lever of Political Correctness lay in the proposition that skin color is irrelevant, a proposition that succeeds only in the middle class silos of white society, among whites who do not know the world.

    Few white nationalists weigh these facts adequately. Their error rest with failing to appreciate that everything in fact is in perfect alignment, for Political Correctness would have no need of its absurd propositions were they not wholly contradicted by the real, heartfelt, and sincere objects of the very nonwhite peoples Political Correctness claims to represent.

    Accordingly, white nationalism should surrender its sails to winds that are authentic and lawful for whites are empowered by forces that could not by more empowering, forces wholly resident within the hearts of nonwhite peoples and their real and unwavering desires. There is only one race that matters to the nonwhite races, as deeply and soulfully as anything can matter, and that is the white race and the prestige of white skin.

    That fact will not alter, ever, the millennial delusions of Political Correctness notwithstanding.

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