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Posted by Bob on May 22nd, 2008 under General

Brilliant posts Dave. Especially the previous one about minorities vying to stay near whites. I have read all about the riots in South Africa and seen the grisly photos. There are not enough whites to go around. I am all for cloning BOB’s.

Most Americans only watch the news on cable. That is changing with the internet. I believe a surprising number of Americans are becoming more savvy about what is going on around the globe. This is only natural as you get your news online. They are turning to the internet for news in shocking numbers.

When your neighborhood gets destroyed by Mexicans you become more aware about the wonders of diversity. That is only natural. Then you do a search online and find out there are plenty of budding racists just like you. On the internet, we are never alone. If racism were a stock, I would go long. Stormfront Futures.

— Tim

I am SO glad Tim did some THINKING about the world WE have to operate in. Tim is the OPPOSITE of the torchlight procession crap so many in SF concentrate on. This is a brilliant summation of our present situation and what WE must look to.

It is depressing to see young people waste their lives talking about the Glory Days of the Third Reich.

Yes I said depressing, not scary. It is natural for frustrated young leftists to have pictures of Che Guevara and for frustrated young pro-whites to carry around swastikas. Getting all excited about that is as pointless as bitching about the Law of Gravity. When dealing with young people, I don’t get all het up screaming I’m not a Nazi. Healthy young people grab the most extreme thing they can find.

But when it becomes an obsession, it is a DEPRESSING waste of precious time. Young people can understand the flow of technology in a way that is hard for old guys like me. They need to USE that understanding.

What is the REAL lesson we can learn from Hitler? In fact, what is the REAL lesson we can learn from Lenin? Their ideologies fitted into 1918 Russia and 1920s Germany. That is not what we have to learn from them. The real lesson they have for us is that of POLITICAL GENIUSES.

Let’s look at what Hitler did POLITICALLY. He took Germany from the established leadership of giants like Hindenburg and Ludendorf. How did he do that? For one thing, though he was a vegetarian and a teetotaler, he went to the place where he could get lots of Germans to LISTEN to him. Hitler did his big work, not in the torchlight parades which RESULTED from his earlier work, but in the BEER HALLS where the hard-drinking Hindenburgs and Ludendorfs would never have set foot.

In other words, Hitler looked around and found the VEHICLE he needed. Our vehicle, as Tim so brilliantly points out, is the explosion of technology in the NEW century. In a young person’s lifetime today, the changes Tim describes will seem as primitive as crystal radios did in the age of television.

All the old communications monopolies are becoming as outdated as Western Union. Genetic engineering will determine the future of human evolution. So when young people OBSESS over torchlight parades and “Let’s get out on the streets and FIGHT” it is just plain depressing.

Like the torchlight parades, we’ll get out there and fight when we’re READY. In the meantime, the WORK is in today’s beer halls like the Internet.

  1. #1 by BoardAd on 05/22/2008 - 10:11 am

    I’ma gonna nitpick this ‘ere post.

    We still one one more comunication monopoly, the class one carrier AT&T. They own the trans-american data links that form the backbone of the worlds internet.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 05/22/2008 - 10:36 am

    There is even a rock song that plays on alternative stations about the fears of today’s “adults” and the rising tide of “hip gangster wannabees” being washed away. Meaning we have a huge boulder ready to roll, but per usual we on the right confuse the issues by finishing the sentences of liberals then trying to agree with them and any hope of setting an evolutionary divide in place is lost.

    Even Tim who you quote screws up royally, so he must be AR trained. He uses the word “racist” like he was trained by mommy prof and given his post doc work by Jared Taylor and his “intellectuals.” He screwed up his work like Spengler did by his quotation of Boas.

    All is not lost with Tim there is hope, there always is. Whites make the mistake of standing toe to toe with non-whites and traitors, breathe the same air and then think literally there is no difference that a few stupid words agreed upon cannot broach or eliminate.

    Of course if we are even remotely right then there is a Cosmos’ of difference and Evolution is taking us there. Now the rest want the religion of PC to halt this, but even its pitiful congregants will fail.

    P.S. Tim would you define the word “racist” for me please.

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 05/22/2008 - 6:33 pm

    Bob made a point I would like to elaborate upon.

    Bob wrote:

    It is depressing to see young people waste their lives talking about the Glory Days of the Third Reich.

    in reply:
    I have talked with my nephews about the VFW crowd, and how they will all be wearing their Goddamn cheap-ass paper hats for a few days, as if it meant something.

    I tied that in with my ideas concerning “Movement Past,” and I think we are on to something here.

    Look at the kids who adopt the Forms of the NSDAP, but not the Substance – the truly Revolutionary substance – that the NSDAP government captured like lightning in a jar.

    Note, for instance – the German Cross website has tons of examples – how they reacted like a spring that has been released – new technology was adopted and adapted at lightning speed.

    The torchlight parade crowd never talks about that, or how it was done, or what its counterpart would be like today, and how that counterpart could be achieved.

    They are like “Movement Past,” and the VFW Cheap Paper Hatters, in so many ways, and none of those ways are at all flattering.

    They are trapped in a Cultural Moment that they only see, and do not understand what the German people, and the NSDAP government, was trying to manifest at a Racial level, in response to a Racial attack.

    I was talking about the VFW people with my nephews, when one of them looked at them in the light of demography. In summary, a long discussion ended on this note:

    “Uncle, it seems to me that they have been low-level, low-education, low-energy lower blue collar workers, who only had one moment of socially approved activity in their life, and they are seeking the same social validation they thought they had, because otherwise they would just be bottom-of-the-barrel losers. The only moment they were socially approved and validated, however nominally, was with their acting in accordance with One Rule – Obey Your Superior (Officer) Without Question.

    THERE is your Goddamn Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation!

    And, until everyone else gives them the Green Light of Approval, they will always dream of the torchlight parades, and the V Day parades.

    They will never do anything to make that happen, of course, but that’s for another time.

    No, let’s start to deal with it now.

    Color television greatly crippled their ability to think Creatively, and the Dreams of their Racial Enemies were placed over their ability to develop their own Creative Solutions.

    If you notice, we haven’t won one since widespread television came about – Koream fought to a draw – and have lost one after another ever since – particularly Vietnam, the first war brought to you “In Living Color.”

    Vietnam was much worse to the VFW crowd; with WWII, one and all pretended the vets were more than they were, essentially, unskilled, untrained, draftees choosing Fort Dix over Fort Leavenworth, and/or grueling poverty.

    The post-war economy, built on the ruins of our industrial economic competitors, had plenty of jobs for them, and allowed them to form the first broad middle-class in history.

    Vietnam was different.

    They came home, not to validation, but to scorn, and softly disguised contempt. I remember a poster with Joan Baez, saying to potential draftees, “Girls Say ‘Yes!,’ To Guys Who Say ‘No!” When Carter gave those who fled to Canada a blanket amnesty, damn but they felt they had been played for fools.


    And, like the other VFWers, and the camo BDU-clad clowns of “Movement Past,” they continue to wait for the pat on the head, the validation, for being “Really Right, After All!”

    It is almost like a kind of sympathetic magic; if we just keep using the Symbols, eventually, the Magic will come.

    No, it won’t.

    To build our way out of this, we are going to have to work like trapped animals, and the water is rising, building Something Better out of the economic and social ruins of What Is To Come.

    More to follow.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 05/23/2008 - 10:57 am

    Well I must be permanently banned from AR, too disrupting to the same ol’, same ol’. From Wed. night they were running torchlight parade practice over black school failure, 46 responses of amusing anecdotes, repeat as necessary.

    I wrote a single sentence asking if it is now appropriate to discuss genetics when discussing behavior and intelligence differences. So I must seem too far out ahead of respectable opinion.

    It seems you must combine the works of the IQ wonks with a dap of respectable conservatism which in turn leads back to discussing why the person saying such is not a “racist.” Give the AR crowd some paper hats, please whatever it takes to make those people useful.

  5. #5 by shari on 05/23/2008 - 11:31 am

    I feel sorry for that part of the Greatest Generation that was taken in. And I feel sorry for myself, and some of my generation, being boomers. But, the truth absolutely has to come out. The slime and the muck washed off and the poison neutralized.

  6. #6 by Bob on 05/23/2008 - 6:57 pm

    I never promised you a rose garden.

    AFKAN, “Movement Past” is a GREAT topic!

  7. #7 by AFKANNow on 05/23/2008 - 7:03 pm

    in reply to shari:

    I feel sorry for the Self-Proclaimed “Greatest” Generation (SPGG), the same way I feel sorry for an animal that has been abused, and then allowed to attack me – “Yes, you’ve had a hard life, and no, YOU CAN’T DO THAT.”

    SPGG has essentially bankrupted the future of my nephews – there is no getting around that now – and the Boomers have nailed the economic coffin shut over their futures.

    However, they are learning to NEVER see themselves as victims; “I’M not in here with YOU; YOU are in here with ME!

    Instilling this mindset has been quite the challenge, and it requires damn near incessant vigilance on their part, and mine, to avoid falling into the most corrosive of Masculine emotions, self-pity, at their prospects.

    I see that the Boomers have had one massive, incredibly self-indulgent tantrum, and are about to pay a horrific price, which will include the futures of my nephews, one way or another.

    This weekend, as we walk and drive by those simple-minded paper-hat wearers, all waiting for the torchlight parades they were promised, I will look at them, and remind my nephews, my Posterity writ small, that what they are seeing is what happens when they believe the hollow Words of their Enemies.

    I am working with them on the Idea that each and every thing they do, no matter how small, is an Act that must be considered in the context of their Race.

    There is no “there” for them to go back to…

    They must see the future as Ambassadors from a better place, and as Conquerors of their Enemies.

    They must have as their motto:

    Family, as the microcosm of Race;
    Race, as the macrocosm of Family, and;
    Race, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 05/23/2008 - 7:17 pm

    in reply to Bob;

    You wrote:

    AFKAN, “Movement Past” is a GREAT topic!

    in reply:
    Thanks – it has been a deep concern of mine that “Movement Past” is trapped in the State of Mind damn near chosen for them as an intellectual trap by their Racial Enemies.

    I think, in part, “Movement Past,” with few exceptions, never had the courage to look deeply at WHAT they were trying to accomplish, and WHY, all the while framing it in the larger analytical framework of A Positive Theory of Race.

    So, they all – again, with very few exceptions – acted things out in an imitative manner, hoping that, if they followed the Rituals they had SEEN, the Glory of the people who ORIGINALLY formed those rituals would fall to their shoulders, and the torchlight parades would begin.

    Thus, they resemble, say, a modern version of the Cargo Cult – if we ACT like our Ancestors, we shall BECOME our Ancestors.


    They did what they did for a reason, and the Symbols and Practices developed organically in response to the situation in THAT place, and at THAT time.

    I can assure you of this:

    If Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest returned, they would look to their allies of the meritocratic Southern Aristocracy, and say:

    “Gentlemen – new Day, new Time, new Rules. Our Plans have to be set to work over the span of years, decades, and generations. Here’s the Big Picture, and here’s what we must do – here are the skills we must master – here are the Institutions we must consciously develop – Bill! put down that sheet and pillow case! – Bill! We have to get us some of these Hart, Schafner and Marx suits, and do some new book-learning. This here ‘Long March Through The Institutions” is worth studying, but we shall have to develop our OWN Institutions for our OWN People. Roger! This ‘Home Schooling’ thing. That’s your responsibility. Steve! We need to learn how to write business plans, and learn how bankers think. That’s YOUR task.”

    Don’t see the torchlight parades; build the social system that will allow them to develop organically, AFTER The Battle has been won.

  9. #9 by AFKANNow on 05/23/2008 - 10:43 pm

    in reply to Bob (2):

    I was talking about “Movement Past” with my nephews, and drew a MindMap of how I saw it.

    I realized something that really deserves some thought:

    Everyone who was involved in “Movement Past” could easily fit in a college gymnasium’s bleachers.

    Everyone who “mattered” in “Movement Past” could fit on the basketball court of that gymnasium…

    With room left over.

    As I look at the remnants of “Movement Past” still operating, by and large, it resembles little more than a dysfunctional family waiting for the Patriarch to return.

    I really am coming to accept the idea that “Movement Past” could not have done a better job of failing to achieve any substantial success if they had tried.

    There are moments when I don’t this was entirely by “accident.”

    Yes, there is more than enough proof of ineptitude to go around; that goes without saying.

    Yet, Rockwell had the Patriarchal Perspective, and saw the use of the Symbols of an earlier time as means to an end – TOOLS to be used, when necessary, and set aside, when necessary – and not as ends unto themselves.

    I think it is because the Vision has been too narrow in scope, and looks in the rear view mirror for The Way Forward.

    Again, I see the classical SPGG – “Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation” – Pattern, of waiting for the validation of the Authrity Figure present…

    After Rockwell, nobody had a comprehensive model of what to do, and how, in developing an alternative system that worked for the Race.

    The closest we have come since in Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model, which seems to require too much responsibility for the members of “Movement Past.”

    I think this is because Covington laid out an outline, and expects those who can to fill it in as they build a new nation out of what this nation will become in the lifetime of all too many of us.

    This makes the incessant comments about the Goddamn Jews all the more understandable; yes, they work, and yes, we can – and must – learn from their experience.

    Yet, “Movement Past” NEVER addressed what we can learn from the Jews, and how it can work to our benefit.

    They always remained out there as – and this is just my opinion – the reason – the rationalization – WHY nobody really took the initiative to take Rockwell’s ideas, transform them, and apply them in a positive manner.

    That’s why they could ALL fit on one basketball court…

    They were stuck with someone else’s Model, and no one could see the common thread, and extrapolate it into a Positive Theory of Race.

    I see that as pretty simple to formulate:

    Family, as the microcosm of Race;
    Race, as the macrocosm of Family, and…
    Race, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

    You know, if I took the word “Race,” and replaced it with “Christianity,” I can think of some young men who, in time, might be able to make a little bit of headway around here.

    Hell, Rockwell would be the first to cheer them on!

  10. #10 by BoardAd on 05/23/2008 - 11:06 pm

    That was a horrible song, Bob.

    All joking aside, I know you didn’t Bob but rarely am I ever knowledgeable enough to chime in on a topic. I saw my opportunity and clenched it, I clenched it like a little boy being given a bag of candy!

  11. #11 by Simmons on 05/24/2008 - 10:48 am

    AFKAN have you ever tried to ask the TV or radio a question? Neither did the masses, they merely accept its actors dictums. Have you ever been lectured by a tube zombie only to ask that person a cutting pertinent question? I do that for entertainment to watch that authoritarian physically squirm in pain. This is our gene pool we must work with, but you know that. My point being that we must not get ahead of ourselves with “plans” for the masses till the masses are themselves asking the questions. Otherwise you and your “plans” will be little but infotainment on the glowing jew tube of boob slavery.

    Think of that one person who tried his honey trap (FBI/Stormfronter) with his “secret nazi plans) here at BUGS, don’t get caught in that mileu. I don’t think you are, I’m just saying that is what it sounds like to an outsider would see if he brought up the blog (like say a fanatic at the SPLC or the FBI extremist watch whatever).

    Then you fall into the super secret Stormfronter we against the world mentality, let us all hide from the “authorities” and plan stuff. When what is needed is inquiry into the world around us, for example, and I’ll keep picking on Stormfront for this, the principals of that outfit need to actually seek out its detractors such as the SPLC, FBI, Canadian Human Rights Commision, ADL and ask of its principals daring cutting questions as to their business and why they want our genocide.

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 05/24/2008 - 1:11 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    Great points!

    I’ll discuss them at greater length later – have to get them off to church – but I’d like to tie your excellent point about the inherent limits of the “super secret Master Plan” gang of losers, and what I am trying to accomplish with my nephews.

    I could not agree more about “plans for the masses.” They will be the first to destroy us – yet, look what they have done, and ask yourself why we should blindly follow their model.

    I have no “secret plans for the masses.”

    Quite the contrary.

    I think the masses will further numb themselves with the narcotics of television, alcohol, and prescription tranquilizers, and this is a tide of sociocultural inertia that can not be stopped, and nor should it be stopped.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism; believe me, the history of “Movement Past” is pretty much one group of “super secret” holders after another, all of whom accomplished pretty much nothing, for good reason.

    More to discuss directly.

  13. #13 by AFKANNow on 05/24/2008 - 4:24 pm

    in considered reply to Simmons:

    Your closing point deserves more discussion.

    you wrote:

    Think of that one person who tried his honey trap (FBI/Stormfronter) with his “secret nazi plans) here at BUGS, don’t get caught in that mileu. I don’t think you are, I’m just saying that is what it sounds like to an outsider would see if he brought up the blog (like say a fanatic at the SPLC or the FBI extremist watch whatever).

    Then you fall into the super secret Stormfronter we against the world mentality, let us all hide from the “authorities” and plan stuff. When what is needed is inquiry into the world around us, for example, and I’ll keep picking on Stormfront for this, the principals of that outfit need to actually seek out its detractors such as the SPLC, FBI, Canadian Human Rights Commision, ADL and ask of its principals daring cutting questions as to their business and why they want our genocide.

    in reply:
    Again, I’ll tie your great points about the Stormfronters with the analysis of “Movement Past.”

    I regard virtually all membership organizations as intelligence “honey pots,” pure and simple.

    That really does explain the National Alliance, both under Pierce, and, especially, under the present leadership.

    I think this also explains, at least in part, why Pierce made no plans for the National Alliance past his lifetime; he gave They Who Rule what they wanted – membership lists, which they were getting, anyway, one way or another, and he gave those who joined what they wanted, consistent with what they needed.

    I suspect what he REALLY wanted was for the smartest and strongest to form organizations that would appropriately change what they could, quietly, peacefully, and effectively. He was fully aware that, ironically, the National Alliance had been fatally compromised by his taking the Order money…

    I always assume that someone from They Who Rule is looking over my shoulders as I write, and listening in as I talk. They will, anyway – that’s their job, and that’s that.

    Their real focus is to make sure no one does anything that might be bad for the nation’s business by use of force.

    Look at “Movement Past.”

    How many of them go to bed dreaming of SOME AUTHORITY FIGURE TELLING THEN “NOW” for their incredibly foolish plans of taking on the world’s foremost military power with an old squirrel rifle, and an old beater car?

    I see this as people who have failed so often – for reasons to be discussed later – seeking some grand Moment of Validation, which never came.

    In high school I was assigned Wells’ “Outline of World History.” I missed underlying themes, but I realize, at the end of his life, Wells spoke the truth:

    “From now on, my religion is The Open Conspiracy, and I will devote all of the days of the rest of my life to it.” (paraphrased)

    His side has all but won, for now.

    They won by controlling the pictures we see, the words he hear, the music we listen to, and the Institutions of the extant social order.

    “Movement Past” resembles little more than a bunch of illiterates (with a few exceptions), looking at the wrong map, provided by their Enemies, using the wrong compass, provided by their Enemies, and heading in the wrong direction, to their Enemies delight.

    That takes us to the conspiracy theorists among us.

    The strongest conspiracy theorists are the least effective people we have; their lives are circumscribed in ever smaller circles, limited by ever more powerful conspiracies.

    The smartest among us – and I think David Duke is wicked smart – seem to realize the only way we are going to change society is to change our SELVES, one person at a time, one day at a time, one deed at a time, and then leading by our examples.

    This is how the Destroyer took America, as it was, away from us, and that is how we will take America as it is, BACK, and rebuild as much as much of it as we can, into what it should be.

    That is where Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model comes to the fore.

    Politically, we can’t beat something with nothing.

    We must develop Creative Institutions, and Creative Solutions, where we are. There seem to be no shortages of opportunities within the evangelical churches…

    I have also all but written off NINETY percent of our Racial Brethren, for the foreseeable future; the women are choosing to spend their time watching “Oprah,” and cheering the Obama Presidency, and the men are watching television sports…

    God, what a whirlwind they will reap…

    It’s not “us against the world.”

    It’s US, building a better world, openly, and forthrightly.

    Now, THAT’S an “Open Conspiracy!”

  14. #14 by Tim on 05/24/2008 - 5:21 pm

    My oh my, got a lot of good responses going on here!


    Good call. Yes, Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White/Genocide. I know that.

    When I used the word racist in the post. I was referring to what happens when average joe white person realizes the wonders of diversity. He or she immediately does a search online and sees all these so-called racists are just ordinary white people like themselves. Then the natural procession is to go to the websites devoted to crimes against whites etc. I was just pointing out a natural procession online. To go from reverse to drive you have to go through neutral.

    Most whites are RELIEVED when they subconsciously realize that Anti-Racism is just Anti-White Genocide. They are totally relieved when they realize that they are not going insane. White people are great at solving problems. But they first have to diagnose and understand there is a problem and it is not just them. Very difficult to do with the Major Media. That is where the media comes in.

    I remember having a conversation just recently when the older gentlemen told me that he thought it was JUST him and his friends all alone in questioning this anti-racist garbage. Then came the internet. And now they know it is much broader than just them. It is a start and the internet is new.

    Yes, it would be better if we had 100’s of thousands of these folks repeating Bob’s Mantra. We have to start somewhere. That is what this blog is about.

    Our job is to articulate Bob’s mantra and talking points centered around the mantra to the beer halls of the internet and at work etc…etc….until the mantra is repeated like Bob’s classic anti commie lines prior to the Berlin Wall coming down.

  15. #15 by Simmons on 05/25/2008 - 1:04 am

    My critiques are not personal, and I insist that it be reciprocated if what I post is interesting or useful. As for history, the SPGG is over they were Adam who ate the apple, used by the “destroyer” now discarded for the most part, another useful warning for those that like to give them.

    The Covington model is fine but I think it needs to have the Mantra worked into it, but I could be wrong.

    Yes we need more suited men with the attitude of be glad your in the same room as me. This beats the tatooed shaved head look hands down.

    And Tim our gene pool is depressing if one looks at the surface but I think the currents roil swiftly under the placid appearance. “Isms” are slavery, “ists” are its population, and we are the cure.

  16. #16 by AFKANNow on 05/25/2008 - 4:53 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    Let’s revise and extend the metaphor of the SPGG to Adam.

    Adam’s Error was taking the advice of people who did not know what they were doing.

    MOST of the members of the SPGG made the same mistake, in that they FOLLOWED the advice of people who did not know what they were doing, who, in turn, followed the advice of people who knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

    Remember what Durant said, in “The Lessons of History”:

    Men, who manage men
    managed men, who manage things…
    But the men, who manage money,
    manage all.

    The men who manage money control things far more important than money, which, to them is a tool, a means to an end.

    They manage the mass communications system – the words you hear, and the pictures you see – and this includes the public indoctrination system.

    In short, they tell you what to think about, and what to think about it.

    You don’t need prison camps and guard dogs; they believe they are free, and that makes all of the difference.

    The SPGG never went to brass tacks; instead of acting what Nathan Bedford Forrest would do today, they adopted the Form of the First Klan, without the Substance profferred by the MERITOCRATIC Southern Aristocracy.

    SO, they followed, as they had been taught to do by World War II, and waited for The Leader.

    False Leaders came and went, and nobody bothered to define what a Leader would look like, what he would Do, and Why.

    Adam’s Fall had its counterpart in the SPGG’s unwillingness to take the personal responsibility to go back to brass tacks; they have been trapped ever since, in a soft mental prison Created by others.

    I look at the SPGG for several educational reasons; one, as their economic state has fallen, they have responded with more vociferous, damn newar eternal claims, for the little work they did while wearing their country’s uniform.

    I looked at the VFWers today, and realized the ones who had accomplished the least, had on the most articles of clothing identifying themselves as Great Men of Valor.

    I worked with a Recon Marine – he was the most soft-spoken, quiet, blend in person you would want to meet. He was – and is – a true warrior.

    He refused to participate in Memorial Day activities, and holds the VFW crowd in the quiet contempt I hold the SPGG.

    So, how do we get back to the Garden of Eden?

    We reject the Frameworks offered to us by our Enemies.

    We develop – we Create – new, more efficient, more effective, Frameworks for all areas of society, starting where we are, starting with the Family.

    I am using the Covington Model because it includes virtually everything we need, beginning with an explicit foundation of Race.

    He’s given us the outline, writ large.

    All we have to do is fill in the blanks.

    Don’t think dramatic changes aren’t in store, sooner than many might realize.

    If you look at a demographic map of the Northern Belt and the Northwest, you see a lot of small cities that are linked to the Greater Economy by feeder airlines – propjet spokes into airport hubs.

    Five dollars a gallon for basic gasoline – more for avgas – makes these increasingly uneconomical to serve.

    See the end of “Atlas Shrugged,” where the Taggart Comet was left along, abandoned, on the prairie…

    In Hawaii, today, gasoline is five dollars a gallon.

    As for the suit and tie team, it is a fact that this is the attire of They Who Rule. Eighteen year olds who dress like this to go to Church announce to one and all that they are willing to play by The Real Rules, and are investment grade material.

    I saw a bit of the Future today, by the way.

    I took my nephews into the supermarket – part of an international chain – and the weekend manager – a Latino-American who REALLY want to be with Our Side, opened a register and told us to get in pine.

    A couple of Faithful Colored Companions tried to butt in line in front of us!

    The Manager told them to leave, and get back in the other line.

    They started to argue with him, and adopted aggressive body postures.

    TWO of the stock clerks – Mexicans who also want to be Americans – appeared from NOWHERE, and flanked the Manager in a fighting triangle – they both had clenched fists, and BOX CUTTERS!

    And they were READY!

    I looked at my nephews, and said, “Guys, don’t say a thing. Just look and learn.”

    Later, we discussed what had happened.

    Another educational experience!

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