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Read the Comments on “Tim” Below!

Posted by Bob on May 25th, 2008 under General

You went ahead and took over the seminar here, which is my biggest ambition for BUGS.

Let me cite one example in these comments of our difference from others. It is only one.

Not the least benefit of being part of the only real seminar on earth is learning again what a seminar or a moot IS. The exchanges in the Tim comments show a group of equals going at each other but as a TEAM.

This is a very critical distinction. If you read these statements, you will see something unique. This is not an ARGUMENT with each person trying to justify himself.

Simmons makes a statement about Tim that would totally sidetrack all discussion on Stormfront. Instead of the SF, “God, how DARE you accuse me of that?!” Tim used it as a basis for some hard thinking. In other words, Tim’s reaction was not to fight back because Simmons was not being diplomatic.

This is two separate points. First, Tim did not RUSH back to counterattack. He thought about what Simmons had brought up to make it a part of a CONTRIBUTION here. Second, Tim did not regard his role her as just arguing with Simmons. Simmons was not being diplomatic; he was making his CONTRIBUTION as he saw it.

That is what separates a TEAM, or Moot, approach from the stuff we are used to and are trying to GROW out of.

Put in basic terms, we regard ourselves not as debating individuals in competition but as a TEAM trying to get at the TRUTH. We have plenty of tolerance for a lack of diplomacy or bad examples of the sort I often use, but we are mutually the enemies of NONSENSE.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 05/25/2008 - 12:33 pm

    I was a bit harsh with Tim but he handled it better than I would have. I have a bugaboo about the word “racist”, but all I should have asked was for Tim to define it if he were to use it instead of going off on smearing him as AR trained. Its my Scots-Irish means streak, and I had a bad childhood so its not my fault.

    Still this seminar needs a master since after all we are a heirarchal species, so don’t leave Bob.

  2. #2 by shari on 05/25/2008 - 4:43 pm

    Men who are on the same side don’t have to say a LOT of things carefully. And they can disagree about many things too, and not take offense or fall apart. It’s like the proverb that says “Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

    This is very different from being conscripts and forced.

  3. #3 by Tim on 05/25/2008 - 7:18 pm

    Bugs taught me long ago to stick with the basics and make my point. If I get the impression that it was not clearly understood (and that can happen online). I try to make my point again.

    All my life I have seen people argue. I have yet to see anyone really win an argument. Good White folks have argued with total idiots against this Anti-White nonsense for years and it did not make a difference. Staying on Bugs message makes a difference. I can see it working.

    On top of all that, our enemy loves to argue. They love conflict, tension and hate. I just stay on message and make my point over and over again. In the process, I have learned that making my point over and over again without getting upset destroys our enemies. It is a nuclear attack against petty conventional warfare.

    Since I was born an Irish hothead. This has been a revelation for me. And was very hard at first. The challenge for Bugs is not that it is difficult. It is so easy most people do not realize how effective it is. Just memorize the mantra make it your own and live it. Stay on message.

    By the way, this is the only online blog I go to and read the comments. If someone gets offended by any comment on this blog, they are missing the point of the blog.

    Scotch-Irish Simmons has earned the right to comment as he pleases. He usually has something interesting to contribute. More times than not his comments make you think. And more importantly, I don’t distrust his loyalty to my race.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 05/25/2008 - 9:16 pm

    I’ve been thinking about this, and, in part, it’s because BUGS forces you to ask The Big Questions, and tie it all back to a Positive Theory of Race.

    Most of us really don’t understand the why’s and wherefore’s of what we believe, even those what we believe can be seen in our actions.

    Most of us have been engaged in discussions of issues that represent Racial differences, but use these issues as a proxy of Race, in that particular context.

    What is the IQ debate, but one example after another objectively proving the validity of IQ as a measurement tool for Racial differences?

    What is the Culture Wars debate, but one example after another for objectively proving that only one Race can Create Civilization, sustain Civilization, and transform Civilization into something that leads to ever better futures?

    What has been needed is a Positive Theory of Race to support all of this, and a willingness to skip the false flags and other diversions placed before us by our Racial enemies.

    I have often wondered why all of our attempts at organization have failed, and what can be done about it.

    Thanks to BUGS, where one can even criticize Sky God William Pierce, I think I have enough of an answer to lay the foundation for a Solution.

    Thus, where so many of us look at “the Goddamn Jews,” and stop there, we can now look at the process of Judaism – the EXACT Opposite of Christianity, and the religion of The Destroyer – and stop fighting the Shadows, while building a better nation, one Family at a time.

    Something damn Positive, for a change!

    And about time!

  5. #5 by Dave on 05/26/2008 - 12:10 am


    When it comes to “attempts at organization” there are no slights of hand, color TV notwithstanding.

    The German people, a people with a hardwired native competence, were saddled with governments that lacked sobriety and proportionality during the first half of the 20th century (they were not alone in this among the peoples of the world at the time). These governments were full of folly, being organized by conceited personalities, who tended to confuse their own careers with the destiny of their of their own nation, eventually falling pray to self-created myths and their delusional millennialism.

    Nevertheless, the German people went on being natively competent both during the long trajectory of their ruin and afterwards when they astonishingly and rapidly repaired things (which you would expect of such a competent people).

    But at the end of the day (May 1945) their successive one-off governments of folly did one thing supremely competently: It very competently handed off the baton of its millennialist folly to Political Correctness, a force that has been running wholeheartedly with it ever since.

    That’s because refuges in Wordism and millennialism have staying power, seemingly with us perennially. And when Politically Correct zealots return (yet again, again, and again endlessly) to their favorite haunt of denouncing Nazism, to me at least, it is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    It never occurs to the anti-white whites (in the delusional millennialism they share with the very thing they denounce) that morally they are no friends of nonwhite people. And believe it or not, it has occurred to many of the more thoughtful coloreds, and other nonwhites, that perhaps the cult of Martin Luther King, the hordes of anti-whites whites, and the whole integrationist Politically Correct “civil rights” trajectory has, in fact, worked against their real long-term interests.

    This is because there is no substitute for sobriety and proportionality and realism in life. There is also no substitute for the related attitude of calm and poise that goes along with it. It is this attitude that puts race relations to rights, and encourages people to organize their affairs and relations in a wholesome and realistic way. This encourages a responsible reining in of the hotheads, the millenialists, the BELIEVERS, and the (mentally and emotionally) disproportionate and fearful of every stripe.

    But bear this in mind: Once you SEE, once you really have accurate visibility, there remains the greatest barrier to “sight” of all, and that barrier is the fulcrum of interpersonal trust (or lack of it) that underlies all relations.

    There is no “gaining visibility” on the issue of trust. There is no “SEEING”. When it comes to trusting others, you can only “believe”.

    And that is why I believe nonwhite people want the white race to succeed and fill the roles of “creators”, “governors”, and “anchors” for the world that nature seems to have assigned for us.

    This view is greatly at odds with the views of the Politically Correct millenialists. And this view is also greatly at odds with most of the opponents of Political Correctness (who in my view are for the most part delusional millenialists themselves).

    Accordingly, we white nationalists have a row to hoe. And that row is hoed one step at a time, patiently, in proportionality, in sobriety, in realism, with an attitude of calm bearing and poise (especially toward the challenges of our adversaries).

    That is how I think it is done.

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