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Posted by Bob on May 26th, 2008 under General


When it comes to “attempts at organization” there are no slights of hand, color TV notwithstanding.

The German people, a people with a hardwired native competence, were saddled with governments that lacked sobriety and proportionality during the first half of the 20th century (they were not alone in this among the peoples of the world at the time). These governments were full of folly, being organized by conceited personalities, who tended to confuse their own careers with the destiny of their of their own nation, eventually falling pray to self-created myths and their delusional millennialism.

Nevertheless, the German people went on being natively competent both during the long trajectory of their ruin and afterwards when they astonishingly and rapidly repaired things (which you would expect of such a competent people).

But at the end of the day (May 1945) their successive one-off governments of folly did one thing supremely competently: It very competently handed off the baton of its millennialist folly to Political Correctness, a force that has been running wholeheartedly with it ever since.

That’s because refuges in Wordism and millennialism have staying power, seemingly with us perennially. And when Politically Correct zealots return (yet again, again, and again endlessly) to their favorite haunt of denouncing Nazism, to me at least, it is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

It never occurs to the anti-white whites (in the delusional millennialism they share with the very thing they denounce) that morally they are no friends of nonwhite people. And believe it or not, it has occurred to many of the more thoughtful coloreds, and other nonwhites, that perhaps the cult of Martin Luther King, the hordes of anti-whites whites, and the whole integrationist Politically Correct “civil rights” trajectory has, in fact, worked against their real long-term interests.

This is because there is no substitute for sobriety and proportionality and realism in life. There is also no substitute for the related attitude of calm and poise that goes along with it. It is this attitude that puts race relations to rights, and encourages people to organize their affairs and relations in a wholesome and realistic way. This encourages a responsible reining in of the hotheads, the millenialists, the BELIEVERS, and the (mentally and emotionally) disproportionate and fearful of every stripe.

But bear this in mind: Once you SEE, once you really have accurate visibility, there remains the greatest barrier to “sight” of all, and that barrier is the fulcrum of interpersonal trust (or lack of it) that underlies all relations.

There is no “gaining visibility” on the issue of trust. There is no “SEEING”. When it comes to trusting others, you can only “believe”.

And that is why I believe nonwhite people want the white race to succeed and fill the roles of “creators”, “governors”, and “anchors” for the world that nature seems to have assigned for us.

This view is greatly at odds with the views of the Politically Correct millenialists. And this view is also greatly at odds with most of the opponents of Political Correctness (who in my view are for the most part delusional millenialists themselves).

Accordingly, we white nationalists have a row to hoe. And that row is hoed one step at a time, patiently, in proportionality, in sobriety, in realism, with an attitude of calm bearing and poise (especially toward the challenges of our adversaries).

That is how I think it is done.

  1. #1 by Pain on 05/26/2008 - 4:31 pm

    The German people, a people with a hardwired native competence, were saddled with governments that lacked sobriety and proportionality during the first half of the 20th century (they were not alone in this among the peoples of the world at the time). These governments were full of folly, being organized by conceited personalities, who tended to confuse their own careers with the destiny of their of their own nation, eventually falling pray to self-created myths and their delusional millennialism.

    Yes, and we don’t want to copy their authoritarian government either. To be fair to them, the millennialism may have been necessary in that they had to be strong to halt the expansion of the absolutist Soviet Union which until 1942 was able to make good on its promise to overthrow all the governments of the world in International Revolution, an end-of-the-world scenario.

    Hitler is quoted making vague hopes to establish a confederalism after the war like the old American republic; but had the Axis not only halted Communism but made lasting conquests, they could have set up a government that very quickly would have become almost as bad, with bureaucrats and “intellectuals” dictating to the rest of us how they thought we should live. It’s the problem of the One Ring; eventually it will subvert you, no matter how good were your intentions at the start.

    White folk flourish only under great freedom. Creativity is nurtured in autonomous communities and in obedience to God, not the Oriental ant-hill State. The only modern model for the former is the old American republic before 1861 and the CSA.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 05/26/2008 - 8:59 pm

    in (partial) reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    That’s because refuges in Wordism and millennialism have staying power, seemingly with us perennially. And when Politically Correct zealots return (yet again, again, and again endlessly) to their favorite haunt of denouncing Nazism, to me at least, it is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    in reply:
    Wordism really does place the Mind in the functional equivalent of the Matrix, and it is a continuous challenge to see what is right in front of you. With Wordism, in effect, it is simply the practical theology of Political Correctness: “We have done the thinking for you. Trust, and Obey.”

    Millenialism compliments Wordism to a remarkable extent; having defined the Adversary, the Other, in a framework of millenialism, again, one of freed from the burden of independent thought. “You don’t have to think; we have done it for you.”

    The only real difference is one of scope.

    you wrote:

    It never occurs to the anti-white whites (in the delusional millennialism they share with the very thing they denounce) that morally they are no friends of nonwhite people. And believe it or not, it has occurred to many of the more thoughtful coloreds, and other nonwhites, that perhaps the cult of Martin Luther King, the hordes of anti-whites whites, and the whole integrationist Politically Correct “civil rights” trajectory has, in fact, worked against their real long-term interests.

    in reply:
    The Faithful Colored Companions are just beginning to get a glimpse at how they will fare if the White Man leaves town for good.

    The Mexicans?

    They are on the ATTACK, and are going AFTER the Faithful Colored Companions.

    You will see this in the Univision reports from “Nueva Orleans,” where Bush went a few weeks back to celebrate the opening of the new Mexican consulate there.

    When the African Element has TRIED to return, they have the illegals who WANT the jobs the Faithful Colored Companions either lost, or scorned, and are quite aggressive in asserting their claims to the jobs, today, and the public housing, Real Soon Now.

    The SMART Colored – and damn, they are few in number – SEE the future they have without being the “protected class,” in close and safe proximity to the White Man.

    you wrote:

    And that is why I believe nonwhite people want the white race to succeed and fill the roles of “creators”, “governors”, and “anchors” for the world that nature seems to have assigned for us.

    in reply:
    I agree, with the exception of the Asians, who see us as clever tool-makers, and are rapidly developing their own overseas networks – the “sea turtles” – to try to assimilate within our social order.

    If they can capture the “Lightning In A Jar” of Western Creativity, they will succeed where their ancestors failed.

    Frankly, I look at the Chinese Elite – the “gentry” – putting tremendous resources into genetics/eugenics, and accelerating the transformation of coastal China into damn near a different, ruling nation, from the rest of Asia, in general, and China, in particular. I suspect that genetic engineering is their REAL Manhattan Project.

    My God!

    If, additionally, the Chinese ever get serious about colonizing collapsed Africa…

    The world really WILL fragment along Racial lines.

    you wrote:

    Accordingly, we white nationalists have a row to hoe. And that row is hoed one step at a time, patiently, in proportionality, in sobriety, in realism, with an attitude of calm bearing and poise (especially toward the challenges of our adversaries).

    in reply:
    One of the purposes of teaching my nephews from the Marine Corps Etiquette for Officers course is to teach them JUST that – poise, and grace under fire.

    I have discovered that those who have these qualities, derive them from a sense of Higher Purpose, as if they were working slowly, and patiently, for Something to happen, and, in time, the best of the rest of us will catch on, and catch up.

    you wrote:

    That is how I think it is done.

    in reply:
    So do I.

    I think this is part and parcel of the patterns of Failure that compose most of Movement Past.

    Everyone wants the damn torchlight parade, and, once it is started, they will jump right in.

    Nobody wants to develop the social, cultural and economic infrastructure that makes this state of affairs possible.

    However, as I told my nephews while watching “Triumph of the Will,”

    “Remember this.

    There are the people carrying the torches, and there are the people they are carrying the torches for.

    How you choose to act, and react, to situations, will determine which group you fall in to.”

    Onward, Christian Soldiers!

  3. #3 by Dave on 05/27/2008 - 1:47 pm


    I am personally around nonwhites too much and nothing they say evokes any sense of emotional challenge in me. I have come o realize how childlike their minds are.

    For example, when a native Hawaiian says, “Hawaii isn’t really a part of the United States. Hawaii is Hawaii (the Hawaii of the indigenous people), not American.”

    This is childish. White people need not take this kind of thing seriously in nonwhites. The fact this “ indigenous Hawaiian” makes these statements in the English language, his birth language and makes them in the classic West Coast American accent (not even a hint of the accent of his indigenous language), and cannot enunciate his own indigenous tongue other than very simple phrases (phrases that are usually in the nature of nursery rhymes). It also says everything that he drives to work, watches TV, enjoys air conditioning, uses a mobile phone, is wired into the Internet, and partakes wholeheartedly of every benefit of the white man’s capital platform.

    In fact every “indigenous Hawaiian” in Hawaii would literally crap his of her pants in terror if white people were actually to leave. They would all be on their knees begging us to stay.

    That is why the South Koreans suddenly changed their attitude when the Bush Administration shook them up by pulling back American forces a few kilometers to get them out of North Korean missile range. Suddenly, the whole South Korean nation decided overnight that it would be a great idea for Americans to stay another 60 years.
    It put an end to the “kick the Americans out” debate immediately and permanently.

    The childish emotional compensations of nonwhites pose no problem whatsoever for white people. Nonwhites in general are not capable of understanding the minds of white people. They only know whites are very powerful and truly “inscrutable” to them.

    Chinese inscrutable? I think Chinese are easiest people in the world to figure out. Like nonwhites in general, there is nothing complicated about them. We whites are complicated. That chagrins nonwhites a lot, especially nonwhite intellectuals.

    The problem with anti-white whites is they take the childish mouthings of nonwhites seriously. That native Hawaiian cannot possibly be Politically Correct. His “ideology” is completely situational. He will hold it as long as it is not for real. The minute it might become real, he will abandon it immediately.

    Not so the anti-white whites. Their sociopathy makes them dangerous.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 05/27/2008 - 7:23 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    Look at this:

    This is an achievement that, while quite remarkable, in routine for what the White Race does when it decides to achieve in the Infinite Plane.

    That picture is the Mars Lander Phoenix, taken AS THE PARACHUTE IS BEING DEPLOYED – see the tether lines from the chute? – successfully landing a robot vehicle on another damn planet, with a picture taken directly above it – from an ORBITING spacecraft that only the White Race would have wanted to design, and could have designed, and built.

    If this picture does not make you stand up and cheer, nothing will.

    Now, to the Other Races…

    you wrote:

    For example, when a native Hawaiian says, “Hawaii isn’t really a part of the United States. Hawaii is Hawaii (the Hawaii of the indigenous people), not American.”

    This is childish. White people need not take this kind of thing seriously in nonwhites.

    in reply:
    This is the truly dangerous part of Wordism – we are rational with the irrational, and can not understand why they just don’t seem to get it.

    I have wasted years being rational with the irrational – and will not waste one minute more.

    Words are the tools we create, that we then allow to rule us, because we refuse to deal with the Greater Reality. In social issues, this can be seen in the confusion that dominates Race relations, and the simple solution – all we have to do is what works for us, and the Others will follow, enviously.

    All of the criticism of White America in the Philippines went away after we made the decision to close Clark and Subic Bay.

    Only We Create.

    That is the irreplaceable Gift we manifest to Mankind, and frankly, only a policy of social eugenics can make this Talent manifest.

    You can see where I am heading with this – more in a later post.

    you wrote:

    The problem with anti-white whites is they take the childish mouthings of nonwhites seriously. That native Hawaiian cannot possibly be Politically Correct. His “ideology” is completely situational. He will hold it as long as it is not for real. The minute it might become real, he will abandon it immediately.

    in reply:
    This is the power of Wordism, when manifesting in the undeveloped faculties of someone who was raised on color television.

    White America – the Culture of Achievement in the Infinite Plane – went to the Moon, and came back.

    The Children of the Sixties, and their offspring, took what color television offered them – the Culture of Hedonism – and then mocked and scorned the Culture of Achievement.

    you wrote:

    Not so the anti-white whites. Their sociopathy makes them dangerous.

    in reply:
    The Children of the Sixties became morally “neutral,” and self-centered – in effect, they became amoral, and self-centered.

    Just like small children…

    They place their wishes above the common good; In fact, they have no idea of a common good, other than “Equality,” the God of the religion of Political Correctness.

    And, as “equality” is not the norm for Mankind, they have decided to make Mankind over in their Image…

    By Any Means Necessary.

    The Children of the Sixties declared war on all that made this country great – including the assumptions of the White Race – and have become the Children of the Destroyer – never building, never Creating, always tearing down.

    The balance to childish sociopathy is a ruthless Adult focus on discipline, with punishment as required.

    I think the Children of the Sixties will all but destroy America as we knew it, but we shall have wonderful opportunities on the other side of What Is To Happen.

    We will have to develop the ability to walk past Children in the bodies of Adults who have loaded pistols pointed at their heads as they say to us, “STOP, or I’ll shoot.”

    My Racial Focus has one concept I use to determine all that I do – “Is what I am about to do going to help my Posterity walk on Mars?”

    The answer to THAT question determines everything.

    The Children of the Sixties?

    Their Posterity will have to learn Spanglish.

    By the way, my nephews are developing Ideas to get our Ideas across, starting where they are.

    More to follow.

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