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Ethnic Soiling

Posted by Bob on May 26th, 2008 under General

Someone sent me those two words.

I think that by now you know how to use that phrase. I want some responses on this. I want YOU to explain how to use it and why it is so valuable to us.

I want seminar members to start explaining BASICS here. AFKAN needs to cut back on the verbiage and go into Movements Past in a tight thinking way. A new member whom I asked to register said in passing that Rushton has to stay with some political correctness in order to do his job. I want him toe explain that. Each person has a ROLE to play in our movement, Dr. Duke on Jews, Pat Buchanan says things that only he can say, but that also requires his remaining a national columnist. I had to be disgustingly mainline when I made my living in politics.

This does not make it all right, but it is a necessity we who regard this as a war on many fronts must see and analyze clearly, and I am tired of doing all the analyzing. It is WORK tying down the very specific and subtle points here, and it is time YOU started doing it YOURSELF.

I also need people to tell me whether I am making this CLEAR. Too often my statements about what I need from YOU get no comments at all. But that is a major portion of my job here, and I need to know you are paying attention.

  1. #1 by TuetonicViking on 05/26/2008 - 3:03 pm

    You asked to explain why Phil Rushton had to stay PC in order to keep his job.

    I asked him whether east Asians would be more creative than the whites, since Rushton did say that generally the bigger the brain, the more creative one gets. (East Asian brains are slightly bigger than white brains). He pointed out that east Asians follow many of the social norms/conformity and that generally tend to stifle creativity. He went on to say that once they are freed from the conformity, they’ll have more freedom to be creative. Phil gave a couple of examples of some Asian PhD’s .

    I started the thread on that in SF, and I pointed out that Phil is tenured in his university. Many responses from that thread made me think that Phil may be PC since many people generally disagreed with his blanket statement that bigger brain = more creativity.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 05/26/2008 - 3:08 pm

    in (partial) reply to Bob:

    I can deal with one of your points at the moment.

    you wrote:

    AFKAN needs to cut back on the verbiage and go into Movements Past in a tight thinking way.

    in reply:
    The verbiage is useful because it helps to outline my thinking, such as it is, at each point. I also try to tie events into the issues my nephews will be facing, and I will tie that into the analysis of “Movement Past” in this post.

    A part of the problem is a lack of criticism of what I have to say, which tells me I am more right than I am wrong.

    I said everyone who remotely mattered in Movement Past could easily fit on a basketball court. The Destroyer’s attack on Positive Masculinity helps to explain why so few men who COULD have become Leaders, refused to become Leaders.

    Thus, a lot of discussions of various WN Forums resemble never-ending family quarrels…

    And they never go anywhere, or get resolved, because almost everyone is STILL stuck back in a psychological past waiting for the Father – the Patriarch, someone like Rockwell with a ton of money – to come and stop their arguing, and Lead them to Higher Ground.

    This is a stronger force than we realize – I know VNN’s Main Page/the blog, censors and deletes posts that are remotely critical of William Luther Pierce.

    Given VNN’s penchant for free speech, this is remarkable – and it is the only case of censorship on the Main Page/blog I have seen.

    More about Movement Past, because understanding it does help to understand our situation, and where we go from here, to follow.

  3. #3 by Pain on 05/26/2008 - 4:03 pm

    On verbiage:

    Both AFKAN and Dave have excellent things to say, but the more there is to wade through, the less likely that I, the reader, will catch it.

    Boil it down and it stands out starker.

    Already what you say is far ahead of the doctorates of the Chronicles crowd, who fluff up the little they have to say with endless verbiage in order to look more self-important. But those who fight for God’s truth don’t want to puff up their feathers or stuff their shirts. We’re proud to be BUGS.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 05/26/2008 - 5:39 pm

    in reply to Pain:

    I think the proper with tight writing is you have to have a goal, and an audience.

    My “loose” writing is aimed at defining my thinking as logically as possible, and is an invitation for people to jump in an critique damn near everything.

    Thus, I’ll try again:

    One, Movement Past failed because it took the Ideas, the Intellectual and Analytical Frameworks supplied to it, and get stuck inside the lines Someone Else drew for them.

    The failure of Movement Past came from its political counterpoint – the militant Civil Right Movement – which, in time, transformed itself into a Schism with the Church of Political Correctness, and transformed American Institutions with a philosophy of anti-White, anti-West, anti-Male, anti-Civilization – the basic catechism of the Church of Political Correctness.

    In short, Political Correctness is a religion of cultural perversion.

    The failure of Movement Past came from people who, in Covington’s formulation, came looking for what they could get OUT of it, with no thought as to what they could put INTO it. Think of David Lane, and The Order, and so many others, who looked for a “Movement” that wasn’t there, but was there IF they had thought to develop it organically.

    Thus, Movement Past failed as a political force; it offered no substantial benefits for making the world a Brighter, Whiter World.

    Two, organically, THE NATION IS THE RACE.

    To the extent the Nation reflects the values and aspirations of more than one Race, it fails to fulfill its unique heritage. NSDAP Germany was ethnically pure – and, freed of the limits of Political Correctness, sprung forward like a new land of advanced economics, and technology – all in the service of the Race, which WAS the Nation.

    Three, organic Racial solutions depend upon transcending the artificial limits placed upon the Race by another Race, that is oganized solely along the lines of Race – First, Foremost, Forever.

    Four, a major mistake of Movement Past was to identify the Racial Enemy, and then Do Nothing positive about the situation, in terms of transforming themselves, their Lives, and their Culture, to countervail against the Enemy.

    Five, the Racial Enemy attacked on all fronts – economic, cultural, political – while Movement Past rested, allowing the Racial Enemy to define the Terms and Definitions – the Words and Pictures – used to define Who They Were.

    Six, the only solution is to form a Positive Theory of Race, starting where we are, and then form Families, and then, Racial Conscious Communities, ALL starting where we are. Local churches are the most segregated places in America, for excellent, Racially Positive reasons.

    There are all manners of choices available to us, and all manner of useful symbols to quietly make our message known. For instance, the State Religion of Political Correctness has one Goal – Equality.

    My nephews want to make t-shirts with the red circle with a diagonal line – the universale symbol for “NO” – on a white background with the letters “LCD.”

    After all, what is the pursuit of “Equality” but the pursuit of the “Lowest Common Denominator?”

    More to follow.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 05/26/2008 - 7:03 pm

    I have one word, “incitement” as in the incitement to hate whites that exists amongst the magic liberal whites and their FCCs.

  6. #6 by AFKANNow on 05/26/2008 - 10:15 pm

    in reply to Bob on “Ethnic Soiling”:

    I suspect we shall be hearing the phrase “ethnic cleansing” more and more in The Time To Come – the entire Kosovo/Greater Serbia issue is a long way from being settled, for example, and the Mexicans are feeling quite secure in their attacks upon the Faithful Colored Companions.

    Indeed, I will echo a comment Dave made, and note that the most insightful of the Faithful Colored Companions see the beginnings of the handwriting on the wall.

    “Ethnic” is really a euphemism for Race.

    So, “ethnic cleansing” – Racial cleansing – has as its counterpart “ethnic soiling” – Racial soiling.

    I think Race has always had a vertical component, and this will become increasingly valued in The Time To Come.

    Thus, “ethnic soiling” will be a watchwords among those who want better for their Children, as well as better children.


    Demographers know that small families are the families of high achievement; there is only so much “quality time” available, and the Elite Families groom their children with a greater Racial purpose in mind. The example of the Rothschilds comes to mind, and, on the other hand, Chelsea seems to have turned out well ahead of her peer group back in Little Rock.

    So, people will have to make intelligent bets – “investments” – in their Children, and the Purpose for which their Children are groomed, the greater Purpose they will serve.

    The Chinese are about to do this in a big way; their genetics programs are world-class, and they have no shortage of material for experimental purposes.

    Thus, a two fold Plan is called for:

    “Ethnic Cleansing” – Racial “Enhancement” – alongside Cultural Cleansing – Cultural Enhancement.

    This latter will do wonders; the transformation of English Society during the Victorians demonstrates this.

    (On a personal note, I have invested little more than a thousand dollars in helping my nephews to overcome the tremendous Cultural gap they faced when they came here. This includes the Saxon Math program, which they desperately needed.)

    “Ethnic Soiling,” and “Cultural Cleansing.”

    Perhaps the word “Enhancement” seems more appropriate…

    For now.

    Speaking of “Cultural Enhancement,” my nephews are also developing logos and insignia to reflect their New Ideas.

    More to follow.

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