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richard in General Comments

Posted by Bob on May 27th, 2008 under General

Has anybody ever studied Whites in prehistory? It’s depressing.

There were White Eurasian tribes in North and South America 9,000 years ago. They were wiped out by the Amerindians. Same in China and many other places. A combination of conquest and interbreeding.

Presumably there weren’t any Jews around in those days. We could do the job pretty well by ourselves.

All those centuries living in the frozen north during the Ice Age made us superior in many ways, but they took away our natural defences. You could only survive and pass on your genes if you were prepared to help and share, so we bred a race that was too trusting. Living among other more selfish races, we didn’t stand a chance.

Bob’s right when he says the future belongs to the few whites who have inherited immunity to the ‘white guilt’ virus. I just hope there are enough of them to sustain a people.

— richard

I can’t speak for whites nine thousand years ago. I was much younger and less observant back then. As I remember my big interest at that time was developing a palatable recipe for mammoth stew.

In more recent millennia, our big problem has been that we developed a unique way of thinking. No other race ever asked whether life itself was WORTH LIVING. Hinduism and Buddhism came in an age when it wasn’t. Their goal was not, as we Christians misinterpret it, achieving Heaven or Nirvana, but achieving total annihilation, total oblivion, escape from the Wheel of Life represented by eternal reincarnation.

Modern Political Correctness is totally white supremacist in this sense. There is no question of a question in Politically Correct doctrine that the white race, and ONLY the white race, would consider self-annihilation the ultimate virtue. It would never occur to any adherent of our established religion that a black man or a Jew or an Oriental would consider the end of his own genotype to be a VIRTUE.

  1. #1 by Tim on 05/28/2008 - 11:22 am

    Kevin MacDonald just made the front page of the ADL’s website. Obviously, he is doing something right.

    The one thing Hebrew leadership never addresses is the quotes he uses are their own. Why don’t they just say that they are trying to genocide Aryans?

  2. #2 by Simmons on 05/28/2008 - 11:34 am

    Prof MacDonald now needs to outgrow his college education and use this as an opportunity. He should ask to interview them at the ADL and ask them the limits to ethnocentrism and if they hold any hostility to whites and why and how they act upon it all in the name of science of course. That is unless the ADL finds themselves beyond reproach, and then they could explain why that is.

    But I assume he will go the way of being AR or outright “respectable” trained and bleat that he is not an antisemite and he will finish their sentences so as to prove it.

  3. #3 by Tim on 05/28/2008 - 8:13 pm

    I believe there a few differences in 2008 that has never been present before in the history of the world. We should be aware of them.

    One, modern travel, the best and brightest our race could literally all move very quickly around the world. This is new. Ultimately, we could go to another planet completely.

    Two, modern communication with minimal restrictions. The best and brightest of our race can communicate and create ethnocentric communities online. Thomas Paine wrote common sense and the printing press made him famous. Bob started BUGS and we will make his IDEAS and Mantra infamous. Information has never traveled this fast. This is new and revolutionary.

    Three, there are such glaring differences between White countries and non-white countries. This will come to play as Eastern Europe leads an ethnocentric rise. Eastern Europe benefits from understanding Communism and Capitalism. They are not demoralized and are NOT likely to be anytime soon.

    Time is NOT on the side of the Anti-Racists. Thanks to the internet the Eastern Europeans are reading the websites that everyone here reads when the Mexicans move into neighborhood. The Russians are reading them BEFORE they let in Mexicans.

    I suggest you read the above article about ZENIT. The St Petersburg football team that has a racial recruitment policy. This is in St Petersburg. Which is supposedly cosmopolitan. If this is going on in 2008—It will only get better for our race as the differences become more obvious. The differences have become glaring to healthy Whites. All this is due to the new media!

    I saw an interview with a Russian Nationalist that was put in the mainstream media. They asked him why he wanted Russian for the Russians. He pointed out the disaster of multi racialism in the UK and places in Europe. He stated on camera:”if you find that acceptable then you are not human”. And again if this were 1950 the propaganda would have hidden the multiracial problems. They can’t hide the problems anymore.

    Those differences will matter down the stretch. When the wall of 2nd Generation Communism (Scientific Racism) comes down in White countries there will be an epic fight for “Genetic Capital”. I will go on record saying that Anglosphere will be in a huge disadvantage. White Countries with little to no 2nd Generation Communism will have a huge advantage. How would the UK or America be able to compete if Russia started offering money to smart young Aryans to move! Could you imagine? Don’t think it can’t happen.

    So there are many differences between now and thousands of years ago. Namely, our race has expressed itself in a way that will prove truly liberating for those of our race that are smart and aware. Our technology has set us apart and will ultimately set us free. And you read it here first.

    In Closing Richard, I agree with your observations. However, I have a different conclusion from these observations. If OUR RACE can survive with all these glaring challenges in our face, we are going to survive this last step. I actually get exited thinking about a newly settled planet full of Aryans and ONLY ARYANS somewhere out there in space. Don’t think it can’t happen. We are out of the dark age and for good.

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