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Lazy Writing

Posted by Bob on May 27th, 2008 under General

No one commented on the USEFULNESS of the term “Ethnic Soiling” as I specifically asked you to. What I got back was wandering thoughts.

AFKAN spent hundreds of words justifying his train-of-thought long pieces. All writers do that early on.

Long writing is lazy writing. Montaigne said it hundreds of years ago:

“If I had had more time, I would have written less.”

Rewriting, tightening up, is what makes writing for the market so HARD. Writing to be read is a matter of courtesy to the reader. As Pain points out, it also gets your important points READ.

If I address that Montaigne quote at AFKAN, another one of his quotes could have been addressed to ME:

“If I expected everything I say to be believed, I would not write.”

About everything I criticize, especially when it comes to writing, is a sin I myself have committed down through the decades and STILL repeat. For years readers here had to beat me over the head to get me to CONSISTENTLY take the simple step of putting my pieces in Word and check for errors before publishing them. Reading through my pieces where I left in all those errors, a sin which AFKAN does NOT commit, was a pain in the ass.

I have been in this game professionally for a long, LONG time, and I see laziness in AFKAN’s work

If I didn’t, AFKAN would be the only writer in history who never did lazy writing.
I wouldn’t make this objection if I didn’t think AFKAN’s points were worth it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/27/2008 - 4:04 pm

    AFKAN comes up with top-drawer snippets like this:

    The practical theology of Political Correctness: “We have done the thinking for you. Trust, and Obey.”

    Millennialism: “One freed from the burden of independent thought. You don’t have to think; we have done it for you.”

    Indoctrination: “They draw the lines and color inside them”.

    I especially like the Indoctrination piece. A phrase like that is a weapon, very useful and orienting. It is also a good description of how con artists operate.

    But look how useful the condensation “Wordism” is. Powerful knowledge packed into one word.

    If a word like that becomes mainstream we’ve got a revolution, bringing people back the idea that there is no substitute for doing your own thinking.

  2. #2 by Tim on 05/28/2008 - 11:15 am

    “Ethnic Soiling”

    I don’t really understand the phrase? I am assuming it is referring to taking an all white area and making it mixed???

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