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Politics Abhors a Vacuum

Posted by Bob on July 5th, 2008 under General

The Perot phenomenon demonstrated this rule.

It is hard for us today to look at history and understand why no one saw the French and Russian Revolutions coming. I compared the March on Rome to Perot.

Every revolution is preceded by a wide, gaping hole in the political landscape which anybody should have seen but nobody does. Every time there are several elephants stamping around in the living room.

Today, as I also pointed out, you can see the hole because everybody who gets paid for talking agrees it isn’t there.

What is frustrating to me is that everybody sees this in retrospect, but they have the same attitude that existed before every major turning-point in history. So while others whine about our being excluded from the dialogue, the fact that we are so desperately excluded is the same as if the establishment said: “These people are the future.”

For years I have been pointing out that the traitors whites are not going to have anywhere to GO. Now Obama just knocked off Hillary and Bill has nowhere to go.

Instead of seeing where I am going, people whine about a black president and insist on being astonished. Please read back over what I have been predicting. Are we going to keep yelling to each other about our helpless tatted and how bad they are until somebody else comes along and fills the political hole?

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 07/06/2008 - 1:48 am

    Remember that the Mayor of the seat of establishment opinion, New York City, is a liberal Jewish businessman who had to run as a Republican to get elected.

    Of course whites can forget about exercising political power as Democrats in large heavily minority major U.S. cities.

    East Coast fashionable Liberals will quietly become Republican. At least in the voting booth.

    In states with large non-white populations, party affiliation is increasingly race based, while in the whiter mid-west, party affiliation is based on principals.

    Also, whites are moving out of town, so they are becoming increasingly rural.

    A white socialistic-agrarian soil-centered populist movement ain’t out of the question in the near future.

    I do think it will studiously ignore race as a talking point.

    And of course, screaming “the mud people are taking over the world” hasn’t been working as tactic in forming a strong white political coalition.

    So we really need to stop making the idea of the Negros and Jews as running/ruining the world as our central rallying cry and build white coalitions on what whites have in common instead of upon how non-whites differ.

    In a generation or so, most non-whites will be concentrated in huge metropolitan areas. Most whites will cheerfully see these cities as icky places and will have few qualms about shutting off the water and stopping food deliveries.

    There is the environment to consider, after all.

    Obviously, these ideas run just a little bit outside of respectable conservatism, which is worried about fighting the pro-choice and global-warming crowd.

    What political end do we desire?

    How can you determine which road to take if you can’t or won’t see your destination?

  2. #2 by shari on 07/06/2008 - 9:39 am

    Another elephant in the living room, would be JUDGES. They have run off a clift, with homo marriage, and rights of child rapists. There is nowhere for them to go but down.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 07/06/2008 - 12:06 pm

    Ask the traitors if the FCCs want them or any whites for that matter. I ask the white libs daily if I’m good enough or if whites are good enough for the new utopia of diversity, and when I find a FCC I ask them the same. White libs answer yes uneqivocably like its a no brainer, FCCs place a mountain of conditions in front of me. Those two groups since they never interact do not know this of each other. It will be fun to watch them interact once they figure this out about each other.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 07/07/2008 - 11:17 am

    Anecdote time; I asked a young vegan progressive girl at work in my usual nice way if she had to choose between polar bears or starving third worlders. Polar bears were chosen in an instant third worlders breed too much and are kind of creepy, you cannot make this up.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 07/07/2008 - 11:21 am

    And speaking of rushing in to fill vacuums over at v-dare Sailer is asking questions and not finishing sentences. I think its pretty close to what I imagine Mantra thinking to be.

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