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Stormfront Followup to “Hillary’s Attack on Affirmative Action”

Posted by Bob on July 10th, 2008 under General

I put this article in Sustaining Members and on OV.

Most of the Sustaining Member comments were on the Hillary example, not on my general point.

So I tried again:

Maybe I can get the conversation on the track I have in mind by putting in an answer I gave an anti-white on this same subject in OV. You know what she said, straight Mommy Professor stuff about how White Nationalism wasn’t the way and it divided people instead of uniting them.

I tried to introduce her to the new world and the new world view.

I said,

In the real world Black Nationalism is not an ideology, it is a reality. Blacks have nations and they are not ABOUT to hand them out to others the way you want to do with white countries. Oriental nationalism is also a fact. Neither China nor Japan has even THOUGHT of letting the rest of the world have their countries.

Opposing what you call “White Nationalism” simply means handing out white lands to whoever wants them. It’s fun for you while it lasts, but it only lasts as long as you have something to give away.

Over the years people like you have played the Lady Bountiful to all the grateful colored folk who poured in. More blacks have come to America since 1965 than in the entire slave trade previously. But you no longer have anything for the Faithful Colored Companions to love you about.

They are beginning to wonder what the hell you are doing here on THEIR lands anyway. They are beginning to tolerate YOU. If you say anything about affirmative action, blacks are going to unite AGAINST you. Hispanics will vote against any attempt to limit Hispanic immigration. At the World Series, Hispanics who happened to be born inside the United States greeted, “Our Hispanic Brothers.”

Your Lady Bountiful days are over. They don’t need you. We don’t need you. You have given all you have to give, and what other use ARE you to anybody?

Now that the giving is over, what exactly IS your function in the new world?

Nationalism in other races is not a theory. It is a FACT.

What have YOU got to OFFER anybody? Now that you’ve run out of things to give away, how are you going to be part of the real world power politics bargaining process?

Your entire discussion here is about what you are NOT.

What ARE you? Who do you belong to as a bargaining group?

Giveaway is yesterday. It’s already been given away. The Clintons enjoyed the last of that phase of history.

My aim is to be a coach for Stormfront, I want to tell you what I have learned about playing this ga[me.]

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/11/2008 - 10:32 am

    “I tried to introduce her to the new world and the new world view.”

    It is all about making the obvious accessible to others, one of the hardest things to do.

    Honestly, only recently has it really dawned about me the enormity of the lie that has enabled our tolerance of the absurd claims of nonwhites on us.

    Every day, in every aspect of our national lives, we live a lie that has enabled a trespass upon our property, communities, lands, waters, and other benefits that rightfully belong to us, the inheritance of our people, derived from our people’s efforts and creativity.

    Nonwhites are the users of the benefits of our power. But we are the source of it.

    Reverend Jackson can carry on till the angels blow the trumpet for judgment day, but he will never be able to cure the low achievement stemming from the low IQs of the colored multitudes.

    Whites use words to get to a result. It is the result that matters, not words. In no way shape or form is our real inheritance composed of words. Instead, it is tangible, concrete, and real, benefits we enjoy every day.

    In contrast, all we get from nonwhites is words, endless words, which they treat as referring to something real. Meanwhile they avail themselves of our property and our inheritance and repay us by denouncing us.

    It is intolerable and it will end for they will never be able to steal the source, for that lay within our genes.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/11/2008 - 11:59 am

    The SFers are mommy prof trained mostly by their own underpaid non-endowment types like John Nugent and in their own terms try to sound profound in reply. If I put my time in there I probably would not waste my time on the average but single out the mommy wannabees for a savage critique. Probably have more luck than I do at AR which spends good money to censor criticism. Hmmm maybe SF is a good backdoor way to critique Taylor and his wordy profoundists?

  3. #3 by Pain on 07/11/2008 - 1:51 pm

    I see that Bob has used an observation of one of our own, Dave, in his reply:  “More blacks have come to America since 1965 than in the entire slave trade previously.”

  4. #4 by mderpelding on 07/11/2008 - 7:47 pm

    I see that Bob has used an observation of one of our own, Dave, in his reply: “More blacks have come to America since 1965 than in the entire slave trade previously.”

    My thanks to Pain…

    Sort of like South Africa.

    Another welfare magnet.

    Environmentalists see humans as parasites upon Earth.

    They started to view humans this way once they started to study Africa.

    Since Africans are viewed as “fundamental” humans, all humans are labeled as parasites by the left.

    Because Africans are parasites.

    Of course, our loyal compatriots at AR would never post something like this.

    Christians would be aghast!
    As if mimicry was unknown in the world around us!

    But God created lots of parasites, didn’t he?

    Some might even resemble men.

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