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Simmons, Dave, Mderpelding and English

Posted by Bob on July 11th, 2008 under General

The Simmons-mderpelding-Dave colloquy on English leads me to some thoughts.

When I was an air negotiator, I was amused by the fact that an Air France pilot flying into Orly Airport in Paris from Marseilles had to speak in ENGLISH. That infuriated them. But nothing could be done about it.

When you are getting air traffic controller instructions there simply is no room for a melting pot. You can’t have one pilot speaking Swahili and another communicating in Urdu. Passengers on an air line include first class VIPs and they are not about to risk their lives on linguistic affirmative action.

At medical schools in Moscow, the first three years are offered in English. That is language all entries from the third world take. In those three years they have to learn Russian.

The kicker is that they also have to take a course in Latin to understand medical terms.

To us, having to learn Latin is quaint. If you are an eighteen-year-old Thai student who has spent TWELVE YEARS mastering the recognized international language which is utterly foreign to you, it is bad enough that you cannot get into a Thai school or a school where they teach in English. It is punishment enough to have to learn Russian.

Then, for no reason you can understand, you are hit with having to learn a dead tongue, plus lots of ancient Greek. All the time you are trying to learn really fluent Russian and make it in medical school.

I can’t say it in Thai, but their comment, roughly translated, is “What in the HELL is this all ABOUT!?”

First class passengers trying to stay alive in air traffic won’t put up with that crap.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/11/2008 - 11:53 am

    But the heart of the meaning of the dominance of English is that our tribal culture is intact. And by our tribal culture I mean the tribal cultures all white people whether they speak German, French, Dutch, Swedish, and Russian, whatever.

    This is in contrast to the nonwhite peoples whose English-speaking mandate means the death of their indigenous cultures.

    This is another one of those things that is so obvious nobody sees it.

    How was it that the Germans were ever defeated? German culture is entirely intact.


    You don’t know history if you think there was a defeat. IT NEVER HAPPENED.

    There is no doubt who the conqueror is and who the conquered are.

    Every Asian throughout the world lives this every day. Every African lives this every day. Every Arab lives this every day. Every Persian lives this every day. Every Turkic lives this every day. Every nonwhite in the world lives this every day.

    White people are the only people in the world who have their tribal cultures intact, going way back to antiquity.

    All these nonwhites pressing down upon us are imitators and adopters of our tribal cultures. That’s what makes their claims so absurd.

    Every time I walk on an Indian Reservation I lose my temper at its pretensions. That whole thing is too goddamn absurd. But what I have come to realize is that the whole nonwhite world is an Indian Reservation with the VERY SAME pretensions.

    I long ago lost any ability to take this in stride.

    The rest of the white race is catching up with me.

  2. #2 by mderpelding on 07/11/2008 - 9:02 pm

    Dave, I disagree.

    Cultures are the products of races.
    All primates are natural mimics.

    German culture is intact only because Germans survived WW2.
    Others will mimic German culture until there are no more Germans.
    At which point, there will be no need to mimic German culture anymore.

    Note this…
    “White people are the only people in the world who have their tribal cultures intact, going way back to antiquity.

    All these nonwhites pressing down upon us are imitators and adopters of our tribal cultures. That’s what makes their claims so absurd.

    Every time I walk on an Indian Reservation I lose my temper at its pretensions. That whole thing is too goddamn absurd. But what I have come to realize is that the whole nonwhite world is an Indian Reservation with the VERY SAME pretensions. ”

    Quotes mine.

    The Indians mimic you for your pretensions. Not theirs.

    In your absence, things are far different.

    In the world of the indian, the aboriginal, the savage, the so-called conquered is not allowed to breed. It’s tamer remnants are used as slaves and it’s bloodlines are eradicated.

    Remember, in the war between the Indian and the white man on this continent, if the Indian would have won, there would have been no surviving white men. Or women, or children.

    These people don’t want to emulate us.

    They want to annihilate us.

    You see, these people have observed us.
    And have learned something.

    Only a fool engages a superior foe on it’s terms.
    Aboriginal people are mighty smart when it comes to survival.
    They are not fools.

    So they come in peace, desiring our compassion, our brotherhood.

    Soon we think, “Gee whiz, they just want to be like we are.”

    They don’t.

    All of us want to live in a white world. We love our white history, folkways, arts and science.

    Because we are white.

    Non-whites have a different ideal world.

    There is no compromise. There never was.

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