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Dealing With Defeatists

Posted by Bob on July 15th, 2008 under General

In 1928, less than five years before it took power, the German National Socialist Party got less than one percent of the total vote in the national election for the Reichstag. Hitler was so little known that the foreign press kept referring to Hitler as a “monarchist.”

In fact, AFTER THE ELECTION OF 1932, when the NSDAP had a solid plurality and it and the Communists combined held a majority, meaning one of them HAD to be let into the Government, Time magazine declared that all the experts agreed that the one thing that was certain was that the Kaiser would be restored to power.

This blindness was not limited to the United States. The reason they said it was because Belgium had protested the restoration of the Kaiser that never happened and was not ABOUT to happen.

I KEEP repeating that Mussolini almost missed the March on Rome. Nobody had less idea than he did that he was about to take over Italy.

I KEEP repeating that the lesson of the Perot Phenomenon of 1992 was NOT that Perot had big ears or that he was a loon. In weeks, he went from an announcement that he was willing to run for the presidency to a solid plurality against the other two candidates, including a sitting president.

Perot was less to believe it than Mussolini was.

So all we ever hear is “All is LOST!” because we are not making steady headway that people can SEE. They point to the heavy financing of the left in America and its visibility.

So let’s take a look at the history of far left side. The Communist Party is the most consistent “also-ran” in history. For decades, before and after WWII, it consistently outpolled almost every other party in France and Italy. It KEPT a quarter to a third of the vote in many countries.

Communists controlled the unions. Communists controlled the movie industry OPENLY in Europe, while its control here was an open secret. They had enough power it the media to keep it under wraps during the McCarthy Era.

No one talks about how powerful the Communist Party was in 1932 Germany. At that time, the workers and the union vote was considered the way we now look at minorities, a solid block for the Reds.

History says that our kin d of movement is NEVER big until it suddenly explodes into power. History says that our kind of movement NEVER takes power unless the other side is growing and looking inevitable.

Nobody had any idea who Hitler and Mussolini WERE until they were suddenly absolute rulers.

Don’t tell me “Allis Lost!” Don’t tell me “All is WON!”

Read some HISTORY, for God’s sake!

  1. #1 by Simmons on 07/15/2008 - 2:40 pm

    Speaking of the defeatist semi-respectables at Chronicles one of them is carping on the Bolsheviks as they move against their right. I try to stem the tide of profundity with this simple reposte.

  2. #2 by Marwinsing on 07/15/2008 - 3:24 pm

    deNugent’s your man.

  3. #3 by Dave on 07/15/2008 - 7:31 pm

    Those who are skilled need only await advantageous surprises. But it is just a given that all but handful of assessments of the present are wrong.

    But the future belongs to those whose tactics are within an entirely different logical order, based upon insights no one else can access. That’s how Albert Spear was able to increase the efficiency of the German war machine 10 fold in an unbelievably short period of time.

    His assessment of (his present) was three-dimensional. No one else could do that because no one else had the habit of mind he acquired through years of architectural design activity.

    Without his habit of thinking three dimensionally he could have never perceived the mechanism (that of redefining the meaning of a transaction to the idea that a transaction was anything two people had to conclude to get something accomplished) that enabled him to hold his executives (industry captains who reported him) feet to the fire by forcing them (through the counting and mandated reduction of transactions) to cut the bullshit.

    Today, every skilled executive benchmarks. That means they establish targets for activities and costs that are measured in real time. That’s how they hold their subordinates feet to the fire.

    But think of this: This method is in direct opposition to Spear’s method, for Spear’s mandate was to REDUCE communications and measurements, not INCREASE them!!!

    Spear made only one measurement that measured the absolute number and frequency of communications for the sole purpose of forcing their reduction.

    Our executives whether in government or in the private sector in America today are buffoons. They are truly rubes. And the miracle that Spear accomplished is ignored and unseen.

    But my point is this: Both Perot and Mussolini were clowns. In no way were they competent to the surprises that came their way.

    Neither of them was in possession of the methods of a new logical order, or of proprietary insight.

    If you are going to do a revolution, you have got to do a revolution. Real revolutions are exceedingly rare events, but we have one today, and it is called the Internet.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 07/16/2008 - 2:49 am

    in reply to Dave:

    Look at the situation Speer faced, and his damn brilliance is all the more amazing.

    I recalled when I read “Inside The Third Reich,” and Speer’s Model was business reengineering on steroids – in the case of my employer at the time, reengineering – the current “managerial” fad worthy of the SPGG- was simply doing the wrong thing with a DMBS, and lots of computers.

    Doing the wrong thing, with greater efficiency, and MUCH greater intensity.

    I thought I saw patterns in “Inside” that I did not have to understand when I read Speer as a younger man.

    The Key to the Code is as follows:

    One, it is German LAW that any depiction of life in NSDAP Germany MUST present it in an ultimately negative light; in effect, any good thing must be matched by at least one bad thing, and the summary must drive home the negative points.

    That explains a lot of what seems to be schizophrenia in the writing of “Inside.”

    Covington broke the Code Speer used.

    Just go through “Inside,” and IGNORE the negative materials – particularly when they seem gratuitous – and then, you will begin to understand just how much of a revolutionary Uncle Adolph REALLY was.

    You will also appreciate how quickly the defeatist mindset was overcome when people saw the very first glimmer of hope, a topic Fest discusses in his biography of Uncle Adolph.

    The defeatists quickly became triumphalists, and the Race was ON!

    The Internet is revolutionary, in part because it removes all of the facades from the Truth.

    All we have to do is be able to deal with it.

  5. #5 by Prometheus on 07/16/2008 - 3:46 am

    The problem with defeatists, is when they start talking to you, you get the distinct impression that they LIKE to lose. If one was actually observant, one would quickly realise that most defeatists are full of crap.

    Any fool can tell me how me how I’ll fail. There’s no skill in that.

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch4 on 07/16/2008 - 6:29 am

    A little noticed event in the present White House Sweepstakes involved the Ron Paul fund raisers. They were getting a lot of $5 contributions, a number of which bounced. They quickly figured out that their ‘money bombs’ were being used by a stolen credit card rings to find out what cards had not been canceled. The Ron Paul team went to the banks with a list of highly likely stolen cards. The banks were flabbergasted. They hadn’t a clue. Their old thinking fraud experts were still working in the 1950s. The point is that the Internet made possible data gathering and analysis that was unimagined 10 years ago. People with brains are about to take over from wired placemen. Inertia is threatened. But predicting when a volcano blows is still tricky.

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