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Prometheus and the Southern Nation

Posted by Bob on July 18th, 2008 under General

If you have to tell people what their nation consists of, that that said nation doesn’t exist.
Whether the south had blacks or not is about as relevant as whether Australia had aboriginals or not.

There is an unwritten and unstated but assumed rule that says that “Australian” means Anglo-Celtic or similarly ‘assimilated’ white European. As for the aboriginals, well, they’ve always been there and been part of the landscape, both literally and metaphorically. It is the anti-whites who write tomes to try and ‘prove’ otherwise, to prove that the nation is multiracial and one of immigrants.

Nations are BORN through natural progression and it is this natural progression which defines it.

Artificial multiracial states are carefully handcrafted and legislated, like Angeline Jolies family. All families have people who immigrated into it, so why is hers so artificial and contrived?

— Prometheus

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/18/2008 - 1:21 pm

    This is a brilliant post. Genetic engineering must result in a “contrived and artificial” family.

    See how the future pokes its head up out of the ground in surprising ways?

    The future is something that is stumbled into. But the unwritten rule is that the beauty and desirability of white skin is eternal. Do you really think Angelina Jolie would ever give up hers?

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