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I Have Abandoned “Conservatism” Totally

Posted by Bob on July 20th, 2008 under General

Once at the Philadelphia Society, Sam Dickson was going on about the leadership of aristocrats. I stood up and pointed out that one lesson [of] the twentieth century was that ALL so-called aristocrats are a fraud. Like the self-styled Greatest Generation, they folded when challenged.

Like Jared Taylor, Sam uses his aristocratic pretensions to make his listeners feel good by having him as their leader. It’s a good tactic, and I have no argument with any good tactic. But he shouldn’t do the praise-the-aristocracy crap in a small discussion with me present.

Another loud disagreement Sam and I have is his praise of the British Monarchy.

The British Monarchy is very typical of the Greatest Generation-”aristocracy” crap. The Queen fought for the right of every third-worlder in the former British Commonwealth to come to Britain because they were all HER subjects. [S]he told the British people that it mattered where THEY were born, England belonged to everybody who had loyalty to her, because she was BORN Queen, had as much right there as the Brit peasants did.

They ate it up. The truly pathetic LOVE it when an “aristocrat” insults them.

Then there are those who are constantly repeating that all “our” problems have to do with deserting “traditional values.” This leads directly to their daughter marrying a “nice Christian Negro boy.”

OUR problems come directly from the simple fact that all OUR traditional safeguards have, when it comes to RACE, failed totally. The biggest objection conservatives have to nonwhites pouring into Europe and America is that they are not “assimilating” and marrying our daughters.

My objection to Pitt and Jolie’s nig kids is not that it is “contrived.” I am all FOR “contrived” families which consist of Indian parents wanting to have ARYAN children. I am not going to bitch about “contrived” families when the traditional family is so obviously failing us. Let’s STOP using the enemy’s code-words.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/20/2008 - 12:50 pm

    When the Communists come around the villages (which surprisingly they are still doing in various but dwindling remote places) and hand out paper texts with the catechisms they demand be memorized, they rarely receive the response that any self-respecting Anglo-Saxon would give and that is the finger and a big F**K Y**U!

    But the mechanism of controlling people through demands to allegiance to words is actually worse in America (and the other Anglo-Saxon states) than it is in the residual Communist states such as Mainland China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba, simply because the operational capability for that kind of thing is greater in America than in those third-world states.

    Wordist compliance mechanisms are so out of hand in America it is beyond belief that such a country can refer to itself as free, these constituting new heights of totalitarian cheekiness that is directly opposed by the Internet.

    The overthrow of apartheid in South Africa has fully exposed that fact that all nonwhite people are riding in the wagon of the white man’s capability. America follows South Africa into that particular brand of ruin. FOLLOWS.

    There is only the white man’s capability and he chooses to manage it and the British Aristocracy is nothing but a face of conceit, riding in the same wagon the nonwhites ride in. This explains the affinity.

    The balls, bats, and bases belong to us. Accordingly, where, how, when, and if the game is played is up to us. Only the very intelligent recognize this fact at the present time, something that will change greatly in the revolution to come.

  2. #2 by shari on 07/20/2008 - 1:38 pm

    Do you think that there is no chance that the now three white “Pitt-Jolie” might actually form real sibling bonds and reject those who are no relation to them? I think real ” traditional values” are in harmony with nature, not contrary to it, as every effort to make them perverse, is now. As Dave says “Nature trumps everything.” But I understand being hardheaded about ANYTHING to save our race.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 07/20/2008 - 4:21 pm

    Well said.

    Our own elite’s loyalty is to themselves, and others who share their ambitions. All other people are just grist for the mill.

    My own views on the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy are well known to any long time poster here.

    Sick murderous bastards.

    As for conservatives, they only care about yesterday’s religion.

    They are like my wife, whose car wouldn’t start, so she says, “it started yesterday”.

    I guess turning the key won’t work today, will it?

    If it were up to conservatives, we would all be hunters and gatherers in animal skins.

    Or under the thumb of the Roman Church.

    Or living in an agrarian “paradise” like the Old South.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 07/20/2008 - 4:46 pm

    Bob’s position on the CONservatives – and CONservatism – is actually quite moderate compared to many on VNN’s Blog, who see the entire lot as the functional equivalent of race traitors – and THAT is a generous assessment, indeed.

    CONservatism is simply another False Flag designed to keep the drones in subpotent awe, using Symbols that automatically inspire subservience.

    The older I get, the more it seems Buckley was a manufactured product, designed to insure Taft Conservatism never got in the way of the American Empire, in general, and blind, total support for Israel, in particular.

    Thus, what there was of a Conservatism that worked for America was transformed into a merry game for the Aristocracy to play on the Lower Orders.

    And, as Buckley told Sobran, it’s all a Game.

    Nobody really believed a word of it, in practice, save for Sobran, the late Dr. Sam Francis, and those who tried to form a Movement around the intellectual equivalent of a shell game.

    That takes us to this simpering, fawning attitude towards the British Monarchy – in truth, the most spectacularly dysfunctional extended family we shall see, ever, and the strongest argument for formal – written – Constitutional checks and balances on the monarchy.

    The irony?

    In America. we have a de facto Monarchy – Clinton, Kennedy, Bush – all changing places, while remaining close to the centers of power.

    And, this monarchy’s power grows ever greater, as the source of their power, the United States of America, collapses into the functional equivalent of a Second World Nation, with Third World Regions, and First World Enclaves.

    The two ideas – Burkean Conservatism, and the Monarchy – have always worked hand in glove for the Monarchy, and always will.

    I have been played for such a fool by my decades of support to CONservative causes.

    That has changed.

    Now, and forever, it’s simply Race that shapes all issues, and defines all solutions.

  5. #5 by Pain on 07/20/2008 - 5:01 pm


    Does this mean you will stop calling yourself a conservative? Will you still talk about conservatism as the opposite of PC?

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch4 on 07/20/2008 - 5:43 pm

    In Francoist Spain, where I lived for a few years, there was press censorship. A the newsstand one might notice that there was no ABC on this or that day. An inquiry to the dealer would reveal that all copies had been seized by the police. If asked he would tell you what story, what angle, etc., caused the confiscation. You would get all the details. Everyone who wanted knew the facts and the imposed limitations.

    Political Correctness, Wordism, speech codes and so on, work in this country because they are not overtly enforced by the police. They are all the more effective for that. Few Americans comprehend just how little free speech there in public discourse in this country. Censorship is far more brutal here. In fascist Spain an edition got pulped and life went on. The publisher was out a few pesetas. Here, cross the line and your career is ruined. You are pursued relentlessly. The punishment is open ended.

    But, far worse, the public does not know what happened or why. Third rail subjects such as race mixing, unbridled immigration as a policy and Israeli genocide against Arabs are simply taken off the table. The general public is ignorant, something that was not true in fascist Spain. Which is worse? Ignorance or knowledge with a caution?

    Invisible chains bind far more tightly than ones you feel. There was real more liberty in fascist Spain thirty years ago than there is in the United States today or has been since controls were put on during WWII. And the populace is oblivious to it. Censorship here is that efficient. You do not have to see it unless you are like the people who read Bob’s Blog.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 07/21/2008 - 11:28 am

    Aristocrats are the addle headed children, grandchildren of warlords. They survived in their own PC of their day as today’s losers of Evolution and their sponsors survive today, no questions must be asked. Since I’m not some insecure conservative I ask any of these losers or sponsors of to pitch me with their sales job on fill-in-the-blank wordism. They fail in their job and they know they’re failures once they have to explain themselves.

  8. #8 by Bob on 07/21/2008 - 12:33 pm

    Pain, Liberals make up the words today. On today’s speech, conservative today is used to decribe someone who differs with liberal orthodoxy.

    I am obviously addressing it here in its OTHER meaning. When a word has two meanings you use it two ways.

    Language is USAGE. In that sense, and in that sense only, I can be described by me or anybody else as a conservative.

    When I use the term, I mean that I disagree with liberal dogma.

  9. #9 by shari on 07/22/2008 - 5:21 pm

    “As for the upper classes, every Euro race – Englishmen, Italians, Germans, Dutchmen – could lop off and discard its entire upper class then generate a whole new one that would be just as good (or as bad), with the race as a whole none the worse for wear. The same is not true of a race’s other layers: these must remain intact. The lower layer, let’s say, cannot be tampered with or race-replaced without loss of racial integrity of the whole race. A race’s most expendable layer is its upper class.”

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