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The Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals

Posted by Bob on July 31st, 2008 under General

Institutions are another aspect of Wordism.

What happened to the hundreds of thousands of monks who sang their lives out in isolated monasteries? They gave their genes to a Wordist institution which demanded human sacrifice, a human sacrifice never mentioned in the Old Testament or in the words of Jesus.

If Jesus meant to condemn all human reproduction instead of adultery, he could have said so. Which is why I am SO careful to describe Medieval Judeo-Christianity as “a Wordist institution built on the name of Jesus.

Buddha was a thoroughgoing atheist. His rejection of the gods of Hinduism was one of the major breaks between him and the Hinduism which stands in relation to Buddhism much as Judaism does to Christianity. It’s really Hindo-Buddhism, I guess.

Buddha, like Saint Peter, was married and had a child. But the popes claim descent from Peter and are forbidden to marry. They STILL say that all sex is sinful. The Catholic Bible says that “a bishop shall have one wife.” Both the Orthodox and Catholic churches which use this version of the Bible say that means a bishop shall have no wife. Orthodox priests can marry, but not bishops.

Meanwhile millions of Buddhist monks have died without issue

The obsession with sterility in Catholicism comes from Zoroastrianism in its degenerate form. The Buddhist monks seem to have a similar weird interpretation of Hindo-Buddhism, also of Aryan derivation.

Unlike the Orient, which seems to roll on no matter how miserable life gets, Aryan religion addresses the question of the meaning of life itself. In their degenerate phases, Aryan religion seems to give up and worship death, which is the danger of asking that fundamental question.

Political Correctness may be a third in this series of Aryan religious degeneration.

This would make Political Correctness not something that is new and only fails by attacking traditional values, but something very old and diseased. The suicidal demands of PC are the same as those of the Catholic Church Political Correctness hates so much. Anti-Catholicism has been described for two centuries as “The Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals.”

The disease is survivable, but it is important to know what one is dealing with.
This is a picture of Political Correctness the professors would NOT like.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/31/2008 - 7:30 pm

    Wordism’s greatest weakness is that it is simply not pragmatic.

    In contrast to Political Correctness, the irony of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etcetera is that they agree with the most pragmatic of understandings: Life cannot be planned. But none of these religions take that piece of knowledge and employee it in a practical way.

    Instead, they twist the notion into trafficking in trauma and life’s trials and tribulations.

    But people like Goldratt, Speer, Stafford Beer, (and Robert Whitaker) say that life cannot be planned, but take that knowledge to advocate that it be employed in a practical way.

    There is a difference between prophecy, (which fools engage and believe in), and early detection (which is what the weatherman does). One is idiotic and Wordist, the other is scientific.

    The scientist realizes that nature is going to visit us with surprises and that we cannot anticipate what these surprises will be, all you can do is engage in early detection.

    That is why people like Goldratt, Speer, and Beer say organizations can only improve themselves by intelligently determining what activities need to be added and what activities need to be eliminated in the immediate present. But after implementing the additions and eliminations, they advocate you cannot anticipate what needs to be addressed next. You have to go back to the drawing board and yet once again start from stratch to figure out what makes sense to add and what makes sense to eliminate next. And so on endlessly.

    Actually, von Clausewitz understood this very clearly also. He seems to have been an early adopter in advocating this mode of thinking.

    It involves that basic realization that the world is too complex to anticipate and once you do something to alter it, you are going to get a boomerang hurled at you that involves an entirely unanticipated surprise. Political Correctness, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etcetera, only acknowledge this to the extent it doesn’t get in the way of their Wordism.

    But this realization is fundamentally white. I have never meant a nonwhite person who has a clue of what people like von Clausewitz, Goldratt, Speer, Beer, and Whitaker are talking about.

    Can you image a nonwhite getting Mark’s dictum? “Those who own the present own the Future. Those who own the present NEVER have any serious relationship to what is really going to happen.”

    I don’t really think that our ideas are accessible to nonwhite minds. Apprehending the way nature actually functions, which forces us to realize how important it is to become adept at effectively responding to endless surprises, is exclusively a capacity of the white mind.

    Only white people are able to overcome Wordism and nonwhites have no clue as to how powerful that makes us.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 07/31/2008 - 9:27 pm

    in reply to Dave:


    I came to Stafford Beer through Ackoff. I was amazed when he reduced the Chilean economy to seven variables, and made the damn thing work so well..

    You know the rest, and have probably read the poem Beer wrote later.

    Yet, he made the National Socialist economic model work – in Chile, of all places!

    I am working with my Nephews on the antidote to Wordism, which, to me, is to strip everything back to basic observation – input – process – output, as I try to escape the Matrix of limiting my observations.

    I also add One Value to the process of observation – “What does this mean to my Race?”

    It seems to make all of the difference.

    Things do get simpler, and the Truth becomes harder to obscure through triggered, programmed responses – which Marketing is trying to force you to do 24/7.

    This is what I realized this afternoon:

    Essentially, most Institutions are archaic, and all but obsolete.

    The early warning system for this is marginal return; when that starts sliding, you need to reevaluate the entire enterprise with ruthless intellectual honesty.

    This implies a lot of people are economically superfluous, and a marking of their efforts to market value will make many people very unhappy, indeed.

    I suspect we are entering into an era that can go two ways – a New Golden Age, and a New Dark Age.

    These will be the results of the choices we make, and I am doing all in my power to prepare my Nephews to prevail in either state of affairs, and do all in their power to make the New Age, a Golden Age.

    At least, for themselves, and their worthy and willing Family members.

  3. #3 by shari on 07/31/2008 - 9:41 pm

    So when Christ says “I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” He can’t have meant that the splender of the Vatican will go on forever, while the English, German, French, Scaninavian, Polish, Russian, Irish, etc., all whites everywhere, perish, genocided out, one way or another.
    Dave says “only white people are able to overcome Wordism.” That’s because only whites can have any real idea what wordism IS. It’s in our whole history.

  4. #4 by Dave on 07/31/2008 - 11:18 pm


    Three centuries after Newton and the binomial theorem we have Indian gambling casinos, state lotteries, Las Vegas, Macau, etc.

    Now the house understands the binomial theorem to a T. But as for the suckers, how in the hell is this possible? Why can’t people understand that a 1 in 10,000 chance isn’t a chance? How can anybody ignore Newton?

    Casinos and lotteries tell us something about the real arithmetic of the transmission of knowledge.

    People like you and myself ask these questions and we are outliers.

    You know that anybody with a real brain understands that Albert Speer was one of the great geniuses of the 20th century. You can buy Inside the Third Reich in any bookstore. It continually sells decade after decade, but try to find one company that uses his methods?

    Eli Goldratt is taught in every business school, and I personally know almost all the top performers in accounting and finance professional education, and none of them has a clue about Goldratt. Futhermore, I have never met a professor or a business student that had a clue. Go figure.

    I have several copies of Stafford Beer’s book on organizational system theory. It is one of the most fabulous books ever written on the connection between organizations and the natural world, but be prepared to pay over $100 a pop for the book. How few have ever read him and of those that have, how few understand.

    Now here we are at BUGS and Mr. Robert Whitaker, who is in reality is a great genius himself, but would probably be secretly annoyed to be called one, like most geniuses.

    What you I have in common is that we follow real minds. Few, very few people do.

    That’s why power is so concentrated.

    Hardly anyone recognizes that the real problem we humans have is our power.

    It is always the confused that think there is a great distance between themselves and the generals and the presidents. It is not so.

    This is what Robert Whitaker tries frustratingly to convey to the participants in BUGS.

    Robert Whitaker knows he is hugely influential. It’s a fact. But I know many of the participants here don’t believe it. What they don’t get is what is really going on. They don’t get their own power.

  5. #5 by Dave on 08/01/2008 - 12:39 am

    “Essentially, most Institutions are archaic, and all but obsolete.”

    You are so right, it is impossible to be more right.

    Think about Stafford Beer’s 1 through 5 typology:

    We can ignore system 1. That’s just the fabrication critical path.

    System 2, the real capital platform (machines, devices, and tools), is where white people live.

    System 3 is management and policing. That’s where Political Correctness, the Global Warmers, the Coloreds, and all the ideologues live.

    System 4 is auditing. Only System 2’ers can do this competently.

    System 5 is leadership. That’s where Obama and all the shuck and jivers live.

    Now think about Stafford Beer’s main point: EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE AND REGULATION HAS TO BE LOCATED IN SYSTEM 2. It is only in system 2 that governance and regulation is supported and perceived as non-coercive. (Who protests lane paint on highways?)

    In system 3, governance and regulation is ineffective because of its labor intensiveness, and more importantly, system 3 is perceived to be coercive by the regulated. Uniformed cops live in system 3.

    This is why Communism failed. This is why the ideologues and religionists can never succeed in the long run. They are only competent in system 3 and system 3 is a weak base for governance and regulation.

    Now think about this: Who is the big leagues these days in system 2? The answer is experts in the SQL and the XML API (application programming interfaces) plus the platform software experts in hive computing. This is why Google is the most important company in the world in our time.


    The power of Congress, the power of the Courts, the power of the Executive is nothing compared to the power of the system 2 big leagues.

    That’s because the Congress, the Courts, and the Executive all reside in system 3. Without the system 2’ers to wipe their asses, they are nothing.

    System 2 can be used against white people. It in fact is used against white people. But only white people can mitigate the assaults of system 2 upon them. No other racial group has this power. That is because system 2 is the creation of white people.

    Since we created it, only we can mitigate its power when it is used against us.

    Stafford Beer would say only whites could create the requisite variety to counter the variety of system 2.

    White youth need to understand, there is only one career choice for them in today’s world, and that is in system 2. They need to go to work for Epsilon Corporation whether they like it or not.

    The coloreds and most nonwhites never had a clue about system 2, and can only be users of system 2. System 2 is beyond their ability. In fact, they want nothing to do with system 2 except to receive its benefits.

    That’s why they can only be shuck and jive artists (Obama and the Black Caucaus), security guards, and nursing home aids in the modern world.

    The world has been overturned. All these 19th century institutions we pay so much attention to have become nothing. It is important to recognize that.

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch4 on 08/01/2008 - 7:12 am

    “Orthodox priests can marry, but not bishops.” This is a common misconception. An orthodox priest cannot marry. However, a married man can become a priest. Bishops are chosen from unmarried priests. This creates a great incentive for early marriage among orthodox seminarians. A statistical byproduct of early marriage is more children, which in the context of our struggle, is positive.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 08/01/2008 - 11:50 am

    The white liberal kids were given an offer (post 1945) to transcend their race and become perhaps junior jews, they took it, but irony of irony their black heroes such as Obama won’t let them get away with it.

    More irony the snobs such as the PHD cult of Chronicles are attempting their own Saturn V liftoff from race, turns out you cannot get far on a bottle rocket booster. Half their writers focus on race, the colored christians could care less about the old stones or musty old books of dead white men that the PHDs insist are the high products of a deracianated “culture.”

    The Bob post also reminded me of a book by Gore Vidal “Mesiah” where the dangerous question was taken up to its logical conclusion.

    And a bit of news, in Kenya the colored christians are forming up to remove the old bones of Evolutionary theory from some museum. It seems the FCCs are unhappy with ape references, who would have thought that?

  8. #8 by dnrbr on 08/01/2008 - 12:22 pm

    And just as Christianity obsessed about and tried to prevent sex, Political Correctness obsesses about and tries to prevent white racial pride. Why would that be?

    Unlike Christianity though, Political Correctness is obviously unfair and hypocritical. You didn’t have Christian priests having orgies, while all the lay people had to abstain. Most white people don’t like ‘unfairness’ and only go along with Political Correctness, because it’s been in their best interests to do so thus far.

    But as things get tight, they are FORCED to stand up for themselves racially. They have no other choice. The anti-white white person is a dying breed.

  9. #9 by Bob on 08/01/2008 - 2:00 pm

    backbaygrouch, yes, I was literally wrong. I should have said Orthodox priests can BE married. I was baptised in the Melkite Church, where this is also the case.

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