Archive for October, 2008

I Wish I Had Lost a Billion, I’m Glad I Didn’t Lose a Million

If I had lost a billion dollars in the stock crash I would have dropped maybe forty percent of my total worth. I would still have one and a half billion to comfort me.

At the other extreme, if you’re living largely on welfare the stock market means nothing to you and a new depression just means lots more voters are joining you to increase your benefits.

But if you lost a million, you are in serious trouble. That puts you in the category of people who have a family to support and who have done well. You have a lot of commitments, and every dime of that million comes out of money you depended on when made those commitments.

The superrich and the welfare class – which is NOT the working class in our age – form a natural coalition. Teddy Kennedy and Bill Gates and permanent welfare recipients form a natural alliance. The welfare class benefits from a huge tax and spend apparatus and the superrich have the power in such a system.

And if anybody points this obvious reality out, you knock them down by calling them “simplistic.”





There are three types of people in the world.

There are truth tellers and there are liars.

Truth tellers and liars are equally bound to the truth, because they both know the truth.

Then there are the BS’ers.

I’m like so many malcontents. Authentic hatred doesn’t upset me. It’s the phony kind that drives me up the wall.

I well understand why those of us most consumed by hatred choose to attack the innocent, for so often the innocent are the most intolerable of all, they never open the door to the world and walk within it as it really is.



Dave surely knows that what he calls “the innocent” here are as innocent as members of a lynch mob. In fact the Mantra says that that is exactly what they are.


Back to Dave:

The political apparatus and election system is designed to serve the innocent. These are those cheering fans you see at Obama and McCain rallies. So are the great multitudes trying to live peaceful and protected lives, all those peering out into the world from their living rooms, who think they have the right to lives unmolested and unharmed.

These innocents are our real enemies.

When you begin to understand things like this, you begin to get what it takes to make a revolution.

It’s coming, I can feel it. And furthermore, the growing territorial dominion of criminals, their emergence into the daylight, and the fact that they now set standard of culture, tells me it is so.

— Dave


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Saying It to Their Face

McCain has a problem with his accusations against Obama, and the media is using it. The weakness is that in the debate he didn’t FACE Obama with those charges. Doing it in the last debate when he is umpteen points behind looks like what it is, a gamit of desperation. This shows why BUGS’ mission is so basic.

ALL of our present problems — and McCain’s problem — go back to the same thing:

No one SAID so. No one ASKED the basic question and demanded an answer.

Where did the stock market crash really come from? It came from deals which no one ASKED about. The assumption was that, while they were a bit greedy, the Leaders of Finance knew what they were doing. Exactly the same thing happened with Enron, but that was such a minor matter that no one learned anything.

Surely if there were an Enron Lesson, it would be insulting to Leaders of Finance to say that they did not learn it. In our society, anyone who would have asked basic questions would have been kicked out of the Big Finance fraternity at the beginning of their career. As sociopathic society bases advancement on the ability to say the proper things at the proper time, it does NOT ask awkward questions. If you are one of the experts who never asked awkward questions, you will be called in and paid to solve the latest disaster you have caused.

BUGS says it to your FACE. But no one would say to Big Finance, men who knew what clothes to wear and above all what to say at the right time, “Do you have anything but your connections to back this up?” Ever since the sociopath’s cookbook, How to Win Friends and Influence People, we have learned that form IS substance, and that the only way to succeed is diplomacy.

So in McCain’s world the last thing one would do is say, “You work with terrorists, you had a preacher who hated white people and said so, maybe this says something about you.” No way. In a good sociopathic society, the priority that truth has is below that of shoe polish.

BUGS is dedicated to the proposition that the truth is something that has to be hammered in, repeated, pushed, No one with political or economic power is assumed innocent until proven guilty. We believe in the real lesson of Original Sin more than Christians do. And we’re not trying to sell a baptism that will get rid of it. We LIVE with the fact that a war hero will lie like a dog in front of a congressional committee when he wants military appropriations.

Reagan had to put “Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall” back into his speech THREE TIMES because his speech writers kept taking it out. Respectable conservatives would no more discuss the Berlin Wall than Wall Street commentators would talk about what was really going on, and for the same reason. The fact that a third of the world was ruled by people who had to use landmines and machine guns to keep their people in was too simplistic for them.

How could conservatives sell tomes about libertarian theory and Catholic theology if someone kept saying that any fool could see what was wrong with Communism? A country that keeps people OUT is a good one. A country that must keep people IN is a bad one. Try THAT out on a libertarian or a religious conservative and you will find that the left doesn’t have a monopoly on the word “simplistic.” So Reagan had to overrule his own speech writers THREE TIMES.

McCain could not tell the truth when he had time. No one could yell that the guys in the suits were simple being stupid, despite the Enron example.

The problems of our society can be met with Mantra Logic, BUGS logic. The LAST people who can deal with it is a Panel of Recognized Experts or Established Commentators..

To repeat, the Problem is recognized expertise and established comment.

The solution is Occam’s Law.

BUGS is Occam’s Law in practice.




Why Do People Say Things?

A whole science could be based on this question. For example, I am always amused that the people who caused a problem are always the ones who are assembled when their advice has caused a disaster. Take our present financial disaster.

One thing about the polls is that they that people blame both sides for crisis.

So far so good.

Then we have emergency discussions between expert spokesmen. Here is the question no one asks:

“How does one BECOME an expert spokesman?”

One is chosen to be an expert spokesman by experts. In other words you have to be satisfactory to those who caused the crisis in the first place.

People have asked me who, in today’s politics, is nearest to my stand. I try to make them understand that the requirement for being a voice in today’s politics disqualifies one from being rational.

No one understands this. The fact that a person is recognized expert on the economy means that he has bobbed and weaved his way through all this unmitigated crap for decades. It is like asking Mrs. O’Leary to tell us, as a major figure in a historical fire, how to deal with fire safety.
she is a famous figure in the history oif fires, how one should deal with them.



Black is White

I mentioned Jane Goodall going ape, excuse the expression, when the fact that chimps patrol their borders and kill intruders was brought to its logical conclusion. They said that borders and fighting, which everybody thought until the 1980s was purely human, was in the nature of social animals in general. Her logical reply was that “It CAN’T be!”

I was watching yet another documentary trying to make Politically Correct sense out of those 4000 year old mummies in China. They are largely blond and they look like a Northern European population. Other documentaries praised the probability that those whites disappeared into the local population and look like everybody else now, which is the goal of Diversity,

This documentary took the Goodall Approach: “They CAN”T be!” It said the mummies were not white, but part of the Melting Pot. They called in some DNA folks to testify for them. The same genes were found in populations as far away as Siberia and India.

In other words, where each wave of Aryan movement had long since come these Aryan genes were also found. So they were a melting pot population, not whites.

As in the Mantra, where whites go is a Melting Pot area. One documentary traced the only probable origin of the Clovis Point to Europe. They concluded that America was therefore a Melting Pot country from the word go. This is the new Party Line: Where whites obviously brought in the inventions, like the wheel, the area is declared to have been a Melting Pot from the first.
