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PC and Prohibition

Posted by Bob on June 5th, 2010 under Coaching Session

It is useful to point out to people that the reason Hitler failed to take over Germany in the 1930s was because they had Hate Laws. This is why their tactic was not to say someone was a Jew, but rather to give the entire name to show they were Jewish.

A lot of people back then noted that Hitler was he only major politician who couldn’t say what he meant. Communists could call for blood in the streets but, as in America today, you had to hire them anyway. Today you cannot fire someone for advocating violent class revolution but you can fire someone for having a Confederate flag INSIDE their lunch box.

There were many Jews in the Fascist Party until Mussolini became attached to Hitler about 1938. It was a law and order party, not a racist one. Latins are traditionally only interested in church and language, not race.

The Lega Norda just elected the first black mayor of Rome, her black half being American. She’s an Obama Democrat, but there are precious few Europeans who AREN’T Obama Democrats.

As I keep saying, Canada, Australia and Europe are politically American blue states. The population of the blue states is dropping the way the population of Europe is.

In the immediate future, I expect the European right to get more and more what the Brits call “wet.” This means moderate but with the straight weakness thrown in. Even “wets” like the term a lot less than Republicans moderates like their word.

But in a Europe where the Mantra keeps getting repeated, even though the BNP has lost the guts to repeat it, the goal of saving our race becomes the major target of the rank-and-file. White areas become more militantly white. But only if we keep hitting the rank-and-file with the Mantra.

European media simply cannot BELIEVE that a continent whose whole history for a human lifetime has been HITLER is now voting for nationalist parties again. NR quoted one poll showing that 20% of British voters would CONSIDER voting for the BNP.

They TELL pollsters that! There is a LOT of difference between what people will do in the ballot box and what they tell pollsters who all look like they just stepped out of Political Correctness HQ.

We don’t have resources to put into any politics, least of all Europe’s. But we are also not interested in electing anybody. We have no IMMEDIATE interests, and 99% of all political resources go into immediate or near-term political results.

On the PC side the 1% aimed at the long-term has been co-opted. It now provides jobs for people to get people together for a Revolution. This has gotten so out of favor that the World Council of Churches doesn’t even send supplies to Red Terrorists any more.

We are the only game in town, in the Global Village, so to speak. Anti-shark hunters are out there in multimillion dollar boats getting paid to protect sharks. A million student “radicals” demanding Revolution are old hat and always run into the embarrassing fact that everybody now knows that their only evolution is a bureaucrat-ridden nightmare that will collapse of its own accord.

The Mantra is classic and it is unique. All we need is for a good proportion of whites to become aware of their right to survive. Anti-discrimination will go the way of Prohibition. IF we do OUR work.

  1. #1 by Wandrin on 06/05/2010 - 10:47 am

    Parties like the BNP need to be revolutionary – respectably dressed revolutionaries yes, but still revolutionary. People naturally choke on Mantra type words if they’re trying to be respectable because “respectable” implies not saying revolutionary things. Hopefully they’ll practise combining respectable presentation with revolutionary words.

    Regardless, the big game is the propaganda war against the multicult, political victory will follow behind that like a land campaign following an air campaign.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 06/05/2010 - 12:24 pm

    My WAG is that the gentile left realizes that the money for their mob is in Jew hands, and to get their share of jew money they need to hurt Israel so they can get some protection money (and there is a lot to be had).

    On the other hand the Jew money tries to placate the crazy anti-white Left by drumming up hate against whites, but there ain’t much in it to make 30k a year bashing David Duke.

    As long as we can keep away from the bait of trying to fight a multi-front war.

    Mantra logic distills our enemy to one, the Anti-White, the Mantra keeps all our enemies on one front and one front only.

    Sorry to the pro Israel and Jew bashers, they simply must be chocked into the anti-white camp for now. Sorry to the intellectuals who make a living studying IQ and crime studies we must fight on one front and one front only, against the anti-white.

  3. #3 by backbaygrouch4 on 06/05/2010 - 2:10 pm

    Simmons, I would like to refine your concept of Jew money in politics because I do not believe it is understood. It is a matter of corruption. Central to the analysis is that while individuals may not be predictable, large numbers of people are. This assumption is the basis of all the social sciences. There can be no value to polling without accepting this premise.

    Mantra thinking asks: Why is this money being put into politics?

    Let’s do Jewish money in politics by the numbers. The press often tells us that over half the money is Jewish; 60% + of the D’s and 50%+ for the R’s. Assume an even split in the general population and a 4 to 1 division in the Jewish population. For the sake of easy understanding peg the Jewish contribution to each party’s coffers to be half.

    The result of this logic is that for the Ds half their money comes from 4% of their voters. That means that the average Jew D is 24 times more generous, or civic minded than the average gentile D. For the Rs the ratio is 99 to 1. Why the average R Jew is about 4 times more generous and civic minded than the average D Jew is unexplainable.

    Consider now the highest civic duty of all, the defense of the nation. Military service is a function of civic mindedness. Even after WWII statistics on the religion of the members of the armed services were public. The the Jews got them kept secret. Why? Because so few Jews had the civic mindedness to serve. The statistics, that is the facts, are anti-Semitic, and therefore, have to be kept from the public.

    It is absurd to think that people who uniquely among all demographics groups in the American population have so little commitment to their fellow citizens in terms of military service are also so uniquely generous when it comes to money. The conclusion that I draw is that the money is coming from elsewhere. American Jews are being reimbursed for their political contributions.

    There is only one place it could be coming from: the American taxpayer. Simmons, it isn’t Jewish money it is your money that is buying elections and driving up the cost of elections. Israel sets aside a portion of American aid to fund further aid. Traitorous Jews launder the money as campaign donations. US aid to Israel is the only substantial budget item that is never audited. AIPAC is the only foreign agent that is not registered or audited. Get the picture?.

    Most of the yammering about American Jews being committed to Zionism and about Christian Zionists being the same is bovine feces. It is a diversion from the real source, third party bribery. Money is doing the real talking. Not Jewish money. Your money.

    The Romans said it best: Cui bono? [Who benefits?] Richard Nixon updated it to: Follow the money. Of course, without auditing, it is not easy. And the devil is in the details. But to ask the question is to answer it.

  4. #4 by Alan B on 06/05/2010 - 7:15 pm

    Jew Money? How about foresight. Information and the control of it is power, the media was bought out by non Gentiles at a time when Gentiles in America were rolling in dough. What surpress information is not the Jews but those who refuse to operate by their own legal standards. The BNP can point out the Mantra and not be in violation of Englands hate laws, yet they refuse to do so because they can not handle the heat from the Left. Point is, the BNP allows the oposition to muzzle them as effectivly as any law can, the BNP is in effect under the control of the opposition. PC is the enemy, the BNP is PC thus BNP is in essences a controlled opposition and little else.

  5. #5 by Wandrin on 06/06/2010 - 12:08 pm

    “Point is, the BNP allows the oposition to muzzle them as effectivly as any law can”

    The multicult is a religion of white genocide. It works by lowering a crushing weight of guilt on white people to the point where they can no longer defend themselves. With the sheer volume of hostile mass media there is it’s hard for people to fight against it. Even nationalists constantly buckle under the pressure and spend all their time defending themselves instead of attacking.

    The more we can turn the morality upside down and show that the ultimate sin of their religion – genocide – is precisely what they are doing to us the more we reduce that crushing weight.

    Arguments as to whether the multicult was created by accident or design and further arguments about which group (or groups) was primarily responsible are all separate arguments.

    The main thing about the BUGS point of view (at least in my opinion) is pushing the multicult off the moral high ground.

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