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This is the Old, Old Story

Posted by Bob on December 9th, 2011 under Coaching Session

You can understand history here better than by any other means. History is largely the advance of practical human truths.

So we try to get people to see, as the anti-whites have, that the key to stopping all resistance to the Politically Correct-Marxist world of intellectual and physical stagnation, a static world ruled by a bureaucratic priesthood, is to begin breaking their hold on the public mind by hitting on the genocide they have to perform to get rid of the only race that DOES not maintain the Wisdom of an ant-like, priest run society.

The practical truth is that if you can get rid of the white race, you can get rid of the one group that does not naturally evolve into the ant-like societies of the Middle East and the Orient, or the even more delightful straight animal societies of Africa.

None of this is a plot. It is truly conservative mind set. You find it in extreme right Catholic Cardinals and in Mao Tse-Tung.

In World War II you had a coalition of Churchill’s Pride in the British Empire, FDR’s political promise that he was saving capitalism and all his advisors’ claims that they were introducing steps to socialism. Above all, you had those two choosing Stalin.

White Hitler was dabbling about at a program to make all mankind Aryan, Stalin was working on a program to mix humans with apes so he could have the Ultimate Terror Corps to force the world to become an enormous ant colony, which is exactly what imported minorities are assigned to do today in white countries.

People, sadly including pro-white leaders, are too unimaginative, to see that what looks like the very opposite-APPEARING strategy is so precisely the same.

The use of big words and titles to entrench intimidation of all real thought in the name of Great Books and Ancient Wisdom is EXACTLY the same bullying strategy that the half-apes and the violent minorities use.

It always ends up being simply a means of intimidation to frighten people away from doing the BASIC thinking which is actually the white race’s means of advancing the human understanding and control of REALITY.

Our enemies today are doing nothing new. They have always had a two-edged sword, the SAME two-edged word they use today: mindless thugs and channeling all potential thought into Stagnant channels they call Great Wisdom.

I would appreacite it deeply if some comments on this, for a change, actually referred to the thoughts here rather than constently using BUGS as a convenient place to put a separate editorial or sermon.

  1. #1 by Genseric on 12/09/2011 - 9:36 am

    It seems to me Mommy Professor (and some pro-White leaders) likes to say, “Non-conformists and independent free-thinkers have got to go. Those who truly evolve through thought and every day action have GOT to go. We can’t have our Human Race plagued with a White, free-thinking Disease.”

    I think we all know and realize what THEIR vision of a future for White children and White countries looks like.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 12/09/2011 - 10:28 am

    One main strategy seems to be making a place straight animal– THEN ant colony looks really good. Threats of impeding chaos make them feel LUCKY (people use that word a lot, a word often used when motivated by fear) to be in ant colony.

    So a preponderance of American whites really do seem to believe that the greatest expression of “freedom” is a choice between a gazillion types of sugar products in cold warehouse-style food stores and threadbare nylon foreign-made clothes–at least this is what they SAY.

    The American Pollyanna.

    If you try to talk about anything —say changes in churches since the 60s ecumenical council; and if there are ecumenical councils, do we really have freedom of religion or conscience or thought, and what then about who gets to decide about what the issues of the councils are, and what all people will agree to believe, and was that very constitutional, and on and on, etc.— then with the energy of the Two Minute Hate someone will say “You are LUCKY to have churches here! In China they don’t even HAVE churches!”

    People talk about “guilt” and “shame” but underneath it is really more a culture of fear. The main thing to be is “regular” which turns countries into metameucil commercials.

    It’s like the old Chinese proverb about the chicken with its head out gets it cut off. But no one says this should alert us we’re living in china. Originality in ant colony can only become what shocks, nothing more. Like Lady Gag. “Innovation” is to jolt people out of the weird-bored-non-alive-non-thinking feeling they have. This is why it seems so attached to “addictions”— extreme sport. Jolting oneself out of the dead drudgery with shocks.

    Corporatist, top-down, hierarchical, you-take-orders— or else the jungle. And there is nothing else, but this “either/or.” They cannot envision free thought along positive lines, that is positive and healthy. Instead, it is the gravest danger, the threat of heresy! Of not conforming to the One Sanctioned Word that somebody else (the appointee of fear) has said will be Thee one word!

    If you get away from the One Sanctioned Word, then you are hated b/c you will surely bring Straight Animal chaos onto us all!!!

  3. #3 by Gar5 on 12/09/2011 - 10:33 am

    They think they are following new ideas, so they call themselves “progressive”. In reality, they are just repackaging what every dictator has done for hundreds of years and still does to this day.

    Tyranny doesn’t progress. It may change and get repackaged into pseudo-democracy or communism, but it NEVER progresses. They are still the same as street gangs or the mafia.

  4. #4 by OldBlighty on 12/09/2011 - 10:36 am

    “We can’t have our Human Race plagued with a White, free-thinking Disease.”

    Unpredictable folks are a threat to their nice, easy, predictable life.

    I think Bob is going somewhere with this. How can we disempower permanently, Kings, Queens, Judges, Lawyers, Priesthoods of Correctness, etc.

    The one trick they all pulled off, is convincing the masses, they have “magical” powers. Their magic means their opinions are law and cannot be questioned. This is nothing but old fashioned superstition and should have been discarded long ago.

    • #5 by Genseric on 12/09/2011 - 2:54 pm

      “How can we disempower permanently, Kings, Queens, Judges, Lawyers, Priesthoods of Correctness, etc.”


      Deny them their most precious and powerful weapon.


      Live every day as if it were your last and you will have NOTHING to fear. I want our children to look at my life and say, “What did Genseric do today? On the day he died. All evidence points in the direction of him being on the front lines fighting White genocide…. Well DONE, man.”

      Be just and fear not,
      Daniel Genseric

  5. #6 by BGLass on 12/09/2011 - 11:01 am

    There’s an old Lou Reed song: ‘I’m sticking with you b/c I’m made out of glue; everything that you must do, I’m gonna do, too.” “Saw you hanging from a tree, and I made believe it was me.”

    The main problem for any Born Bugster will be trying to understand how ants think (which they don’t, and then staring into what must be an abyss).

    THEN it becomes clear that ‘consistent message’ works, b/c there is no thinking.

    You are better off saying, “The Colony IS NO LONGER following that Word!” You are to say this word now!

    And if there’s a speck of somebody home, which could be seen if all this makes them feel like idiots, all the better. B/c they have been acting like idiots.

  6. #8 by BGLass on 12/09/2011 - 11:06 am

    “Tyranny doesn’t progress.” — That was usably succinct.

  7. #9 by BGLass on 12/09/2011 - 11:09 am

    Another problem with this is arrogance.

    Most Ants THINK they are “saving the sheep,” and so on. They THINK they are free thinkers. (they have been able to do what FEELS like “make choices” within a small box and chose products and so on). Ants never understand they are ant colonists.

  8. #10 by Dave on 12/09/2011 - 11:18 am

    The bully’s constituency is a VOLUNTEER force that gains respite from the bully’s malevolence by succumbing to his ideology.

    This is why all EVIL in our society is shoehorned into common law crimes (rape, murder, burglary, etc.). The Establishment is thereby freed to do anything it pleases EXCEPT commit common law crimes.

    Genocide, by the way, is not a common law crime.

  9. #11 by Harumphty Dumpty on 12/09/2011 - 11:36 am

    I badly need some help here. The most important point of this post to me is this comment about pro-White leaders:

    “People, sadly including pro-white leaders, are too unimaginative, to see that what looks like the very opposite-APPEARING strategy is so precisely the same.”

    I don’t understand how the approaches of the pro-White leaders I can think of, Duke, the two Blacks, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald* point us toward a new form of ant colony (maybe I just don’t know enough pro-White leaders).

    I can’t see that pro-White leaders are doing the following:

    “The use of big words and titles to entrench intimidation of all real thought in the name of Great Books and Ancient Wisdom is EXACTLY the same bullying strategy that the half-apes and the violent minorities use.”

    BGLass, I thought your post was a great follow up to Bob’s, and if anyone could enlighten me on this (unless Bob himself would care to!), I suspect you could if you’d like to! And I know there are others here that could too.

    I love the clarity of this paragraph, and imagine it can be used just as it is in posts:

    “The practical truth is that if you can get rid of the white race, you can get rid of the one group that does not naturally evolve into the ant-like societies of the Middle East and the Orient, or the even more delightful straight animal societies of Africa.”

    My god, that’s beautiful! I’ll use it when propagating the understanding that Whites have lifted all groups up by developing civilization.

    (Bob, apologies, but unless your second paragraph presents a subtlety beyond my comprehension, which is very possible, it seems to contain an error of composition that made it a little confusing to me, though I believe I clearly understand the content of the paragraph now).

    *Hm, MacDonald possibly. But he’s just one man essentially writing an extensive monograph. He can’t be blamed that he’s the only serious investigator and expositor of how we got where we are, and that there is not an entire field honestly devoted to that same inquiry, replete with journals in which MacDonald’s conclusions would be discussed and possibly emended by other researchers.

    • #12 by Genseric on 12/09/2011 - 3:24 pm

      “My god, that’s beautiful!

      Yes. Yes, it is. The WHOLE thing really.

      Didn’t you know, as I believe it was Frank who first said, “Bob is a poet?”

      As everyone here already knows, there is an entire OCEAN of difference between a writer and a poet.

      A hack commenter,

  10. #14 by OldBlighty on 12/09/2011 - 12:12 pm

    @Harumphty Dumpty
    “People, sadly including pro-white leaders, are too unimaginative, to see that what looks like the very opposite-APPEARING strategy is so precisely the same.”

    They take “anti-racism” at face value.

    Hitler wanted a world with only Aryans in it.

    Anti-racists want a world with no White people in it.

    Both are opposites, but are doing the same thing.

    • #15 by Genseric on 12/09/2011 - 3:35 pm

      My thought was that Bob meant Hitler and Stalin both wanted ant farms of their own.

      They just differed on which ants would inhabit them.

  11. #16 by H.Avenger on 12/09/2011 - 12:29 pm

    Harumphty Dumpty,

    As WN we tend to read alot about the Jews. So much so many start to think like the Jews. And this comes out in many WN solutions to our problems. I did a members only podcast where I addressed this as “Pacs of Little Jews”. Meaning our solutions are always based on some concept of “scarcity” (shortages is the word Ole Bob uses …I say scarcity but we are talking about the same thing). Our enemies thinking process is designed around scarcity/shortages. That is why we are actually still fighting Communism.

    Our race is the polar opposite. We don’t do scarcity or shortages. We do abundance IN EVERYTHING. Our enemy has decided that IF they want a world built on Communist principles (shortages/scarcity). They have to first get rid of our race by any means necessary. Hence …..White Rabbit Genocide.

    Now getting back to WN/Palecon Leaders. The first thing many people do in this struggle is try to think of a solution that involves higher white birthrates. Because they THINK we have a SHORTAGE of white children. This has happened on this blog as well with some commentators. Many WN only think in terms of scarcity. And this is a Jewish thinking process. I use the phrase “pacs of little jews” to describe it. Coming into WN many of our first solutions are NOT ARYAN solutions. The solutions come from a mindset that is Polar opposite of our natural mindset and our natural inclinations.

    In terms of our struggle it is delusional and dangerous. Because this involves a lack of understanding of the fact that someone is trying to GENOCIDE US. Japan has lower birthrates than us. But no one is trying to wipe the Japanese off the earth through immigration/assimilation. This is entirely WHITE and Global. So just having a larger family (which is great) is missing the damn point.

    The Jews exercise this thinking process in Israel all the time. This is natural for them. The Jews THINK they have a shortage of Jews vis-a-vis the Arabs. LOLZ. So they have tried to increase the birthrates of Jews. The religious Jews HAVE HUGE families. They have been doing so for quite some time. Which is wonderful and good for the Jews. But delusional as well. As anyone can agree, they will never be able to out breed the Muslims….even within Israel. And I am sure we can all agree that the Jews in Israel have come up with another solution for THE SURPLUS OF MUSLIMS.

    (I answered your question BUGS style. But I know that your question may not have been answered the way you WANTED it answered. Welcome to BUGS.)

    • #17 by meawhiterabbit on 12/10/2011 - 2:16 pm

      Horus-Thats a great post. Most JUSTIFICATIONS for genocide are also based on scarcity. For example…

      1. Lack of doctors
      2. Low birth rates.
      3. Lack of young people
      4. Lack of people to do our jobs (how this one still flies is beyond me!)
      5. Lack of working people in the future to pay taxes for pensions

      Damn i NEVER thought of it that way. That is an AMAZING observation.

  12. #18 by Harumphty Dumpty on 12/09/2011 - 12:38 pm

    Thanks! You’ve both given me things to think about, which I can’t do right now.

  13. #19 by Simmons on 12/09/2011 - 12:53 pm

    I like grouchy Bob. Spengler described this decades ago, we are Faustian and the ants are Magian (including the joos, especially them).

    Now here is how the human drovers are driving us white rabbits off the cliff, it is the same way drovers drive cattle place a treat called utopia in front of the herd and place a racket maker behind the herd.

    So like other herds this panics the females and they seek the respite and they keep going in the direction of the supposed safe haven and away from the noise, and the males follow.

    Horus speaks to this in his metaphysics of noise series ( I caught the youtube version)

  14. #20 by Simmons on 12/09/2011 - 2:37 pm

    Speaking of sharing BUGs, an emissary from the semi-respectable right is headed to Suid Afrika to speak with the Afrikanners, I ask politely that that person direct the young Afrikanners here to Bugs while politely listening to the old men while they point at maps.

  15. #21 by shari on 12/09/2011 - 3:45 pm

    I think that you ALL have something poetic in you. Bob’s piece today is the kind that is hard for me. Then a bunch of great comments helps so much.

  16. #22 by Dick_Whitman on 12/09/2011 - 5:04 pm

    “It always ends up being simply a means of intimidation to frighten people away from doing the BASIC thinking which is actually the white race’s means of advancing the human understanding and control of REALITY.” (Bob)

    Followers of the White Rabbit have heard him discuss the difference between open and closed systems. I believe what Bob is describing here is what we might be able to call “open systems thinking.”

    Closed systems thinking characteristically features dogma, doctrine, and/or credentialism (all destructive to thought). Our enemy’s physics (splitting the atom) and finance (usury/debt) are closed system based.

    As the White Rabbit points out closed systems are based on scarcity (limitations). In fact, every intro level economics course in the world teaches the concept of scarcity on the first day (on the second day they teach the “rationality assumption”).

    Just as the White Rabbit has alluded to, Bob is telling us to stop thinking like “little packs of Jews.” Thinking like “little packs of Jews” is closed systems thinking. It’s destructive.

    The universe only creates and destroys.

    Open systems thinking = Aryans = creation.

    Closed systems thinking = Little packs of Jews/Pink Rabbits = destruction

    * I hope this post doesn’t sound like a sermon? But what can I do…I’m filled with the Holy White Spirit? Just a minute ago I was shaking around the room like a

  17. #23 by The Seeker of Truth on 12/10/2011 - 3:03 am

    I am an uneducated Alabama hillbilly that was paid the greatest compliment in my life by old Bob. He told me that I have an “aw shucks” way of speaking. That either speaks to his greatness or my lack thereof, you decide.

    On this we have been told by WN, pro-White, White supremacist leaders for years that their way of thinking is natural. We have also been told that by Democrats, Republicans, church leaders, feminists, gays and evryone else.

    I am sure that most would think that a cat and dog playing together is unnatural, yet you can see it everyday on the net. I am sure that most think an alligator and a bird with a mutually beneficial relationship is unnatural, yet you can find that as well. Most would think that a mother killing their young is unnatural, yet that happens as well.

    You see when people are talking about “natural” they always forget two very important words “to me.”

    What is natural to you is not necessarily natural to me. Nolan Ryan had the fastest pitch in baseball, it came naturally. Not to me.

    The problem Bob has pointed out is that most opposition to the anthill mentality just wants a new queen. Naturally.

  18. #24 by OldBlighty on 12/10/2011 - 3:37 am

    @The Seeker of Truth

    “In your opinion”, should be a mandatory subject taught at all schools. “In your opinion”, means no Kings, Queens, or Mommy Professors.

  19. #25 by Harumphty Dumpty on 12/10/2011 - 4:14 pm


    Thanks for that. I’ll spend some time thinking about how pro-White leaders are operating from a mindset of scarcity/shortages…I suspect I’m not going to get very far on that on my own, so it’s probably time to take a closer look at the several podcast levels you have on your site.

    One thing that comes straight to mind is that most pro-White sites I know of put little focus on the desirability of their members getting to know each other offline as a first step in increasing community (SF seems to be better than most at that).

    I know of one prominent site whose moderators are not even allowed to know who the other moderators are…how is that for community building?! Lol!

    In my several years posting at Amren, I made two very good friends there, who like me were brave enough to risk contact. Those two friends have been such a help in so many ways.

    Several months ago I opened my email address at Amren again, and was posting almost daily with an obviously open email, but over a period of many weeks I got just one timid email by someone who apparently had no desire to communicate further.

    Obviously the anti-White system has in place a very effective system of terror! Imagine groups of people all interested in the same thing but afraid to meet each other! People are rightfully terrified of losing their livelihoods!

    But that this impediment is not being addressed as an issue that’s as important as many others, with remedies being sought and to some degree found, says to me that our minds are caught in a scarcity mode, where what little we feel that we possess we feel we have to very carefully protect, rather than thinking actively how to expand what we have…expansion and not fearful contraction is the white way. But with care so as to minimize risk.

    I’m not sure I’m on the right track here, re scarcity thinking. Anyone who understands it better feel like chipping in?

  20. #26 by Rumble Rabbit on 12/10/2011 - 11:26 pm

    #25 by Harumphty Dumpty

    I agree with you about the need for offline community. I don’t know anyone I can talk to, and I’ve been awake for over five years. Fear of professional suicide is the biggest reason, but there are others. Being openly pro-White can threaten even one’s closest personal relationships. Also, most people have a psychological need to be accepted and well liked. Advocating for White group interests, even in a very high tone, can easily mark one as an outsider.

    We need to talk more about the practical problems of being racially aware.

  21. #27 by shari on 12/11/2011 - 12:24 pm

    One of the meaner effects of anti-white political correctness is the walls and misunderstandings between people who should understand one another very well. Loneliness is epidemic, I think. I don’t cry much, but I FEEL like it a lot.

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