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The Mantra and the Fabian Principle

Posted by Bob on December 16th, 2011 under Coaching Session

One of the most amazing examples, and therefore least known, is Julius Caesar’s. It concerned his invasion of Britain.

Caesar calmly pointed out that if the Britons had had the patience of Fabius Maximus and his discipline which destroyed Hannibal’s mortal threat to Rome, not only world his army have been destroyed, but he himself could never have escaped the island alive.

It didn’t worry Caesar to admit this. He knew every well that the Britons, even those who had read Roman history, could no more have discipline and wisdom than a respectable conservative could today. Like respectable conservatives, their imperatives were exactly the opposite.

British leaders made exactly the same mistake against Hannibal that the Britons made against Caesar. The difference is that Caesar, like Ole Bob, knew people so well it never OCCURRED to him that the Britons would do otherwise.

It would be like an editor at National Review actually WORRYING that one of his writers would use the Mantra!

So the Romans, like everybody but Fabius, got their hordes together, screamed, and charged.

The only group in history who used any other tactics were the Germans at Teutonburg Forest, a battle that not only stopped the Roman advance into Germany, but confirmed Augustus Caesar in his decision to end Roman expansion everywhere.

This subject comes from a Swarm comment, of course. Swarm is where our few, pitifully few, warriors run into actual problems from the other side, rather than the old theorizing abut what they MIGHT say. With impressive and necessary modesty he admitted he had had a problem with one anti-white’s reply.

The anti-white had assumed we are against ALL immigration, obviously he is used to dealing with respectables. He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.

So, he said, we are all about racism.

If we were charging in like the Britons against Caesar, the answer would be complicated. We would point out that immigration is not a requirement of our Constitution that is very specifically, and ONLY, about “Ourselves and OUR Posterity.“

But this is exactly the opposite of the Fabian strategy, and is the key to disaster.

Caesar pointed out that when the Britons hit the Romans until the Romans ceased to be surprised and then withdrew, the Britons won the advantage, and a lot of small advantages, as Fabius found, add up to total victory.

So my answer in this case would be “Yes, it IS all about race.” “No, we would NOT call this genocide if all the immigrants were of our race.”

And above all, we would make the point: “It is all about race. Until we are able to discuss THAT openly, all this other crap you keep throwing at us is irrelevant.”

That is why the DISCIPLINE of sticking to one point makes ALL the difference.

Destroying an enemy to death by pinpricks is better than letting him escape in mere defeat.

That, or Caesar wasn’t a very good general.

  1. #1 by Dave on 12/16/2011 - 11:35 am

    The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale. Employment of this strategy implies that the weaker side believes time is on its side, but it may also be adopted when no feasible alternative strategy can be devised.

  2. #3 by Simmons on 12/16/2011 - 3:52 pm

    Someone who did not apply the Fabian was King Harold of Wessex, he had time and territory on his side but a worn out army, yet he went toe to toe with a superior army and lost England in 1066.

    IMO we are fighting a cult that has chosen to defend a castle made of mud, each step they take they destroy themselves a little more, the Mantra makes them dance.

    • #4 by Genseric on 12/17/2011 - 2:47 am

      Great analogy Simmons.

      Although, theirs is a castle of monstrous proportions. Let’s keep ’em dancin’.


  3. #5 by Cleric Preston on 12/16/2011 - 5:34 pm

    My cut ‘n paste response if anybody wants to use it
    “The problem is not with ‘immigration’,White people have ALWAYS travelled between White countries
    Anti-Whites DEMAND that immigration to White countries be non-White
    Every White country,and ONLY White countries are flooded with 3rd Worlders who it’s DEMANDED we ‘assimilate’ with
    ‘Anti-racism’ is a codeword for Anti-White ”
    About 130 charectors left for any tweaking needed on youtube

  4. #6 by dungeoneer on 12/16/2011 - 5:45 pm

    “He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.”

    It`s like catching a street urchin picking your pocket and the little thief saying: “You`re a greedy pig”.

  5. #7 by Cleric Preston on 12/17/2011 - 12:42 am

    “He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.”

    It`s like catching a street urchin picking your pocket and the little thief saying: “You`re a greedy pig
    I thought of a variation on yours,
    It’s like catching a street urchin picking your pocket and the little thief saying: “You wouldn’t object if I was putting money IN your pocket.You’re a greedy pig”

  6. #8 by Gar5 on 12/17/2011 - 2:35 am

    “He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.”


    That is just a hypothetical situation. It’s illegal and immoral to commit genocide against a race of people no matter what hypothetical situation you dream up.

  7. #9 by Genseric on 12/17/2011 - 3:10 am

    “Yes, it IS all about race.” – Bob

    I agree. It always has been. We tell them that we are just trying to be REAL about race. THEY say that makes us “RACCCISSST.”

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist IS a code-Word for anti-White

  8. #10 by Harumphty Dumpty on 12/19/2011 - 2:18 am

    “He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.”

    The populations of small countries wouldn’t object to having bombs dropped on them if the bombs contained care packages instead of explosives.

    (I know that because the famous Halliday and Resnick physics textbook had a sample problem of a plane dropping a bomb in its first edition in 1960, and the bomb was replaced by a care package in later editions.)

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