Agatha Christie wrote a story in which Detective Poirot took the side of a nasty American in England against two very nice old English ladies.
In the story Poirot explained his position this way: The American was an outsider in England and HE was an outsider in England: “I take the side of the other Outsider.” Agatha Christie obviously approved of this.
How many times have I heard someone interviewed on the street who says, “I am an immigrant, so I am for immigration.”
Joe Sobran, one of the strongest opponents of mass immigration later on, Joe Sobran, told me personally that most of his life, “I thought that, since my family were recent immigrants, I should be for immigration.”
A sane person patriot would NEVER allow anyone to immigrate if that person took it as giving the whole world an invitation to “come and get it.”
As only I have pointed out, the endlessly quoted inscription on the Statue of Liberty was written by a lifelong, dedicated Zionist, Emma Lazarus. If someone wrote an inscription on a statue in the harbor of her Israel inviting EVERYBODY, Jew or Gentile, to move in, our “Founding Mother” who wrote The Inscription would have shot them dead on the spot!
Every nation is a Nation of Immigrants. But the fact that France derives its name from a Germanic tribe does not indicate to any sane person that France was thereby obligated to bring in every German who wanted to come in and take over from then on.
In a country where excluding anybody is labelled “Nazi” it is very interesting that the adjective “exclusive” means “classy!”
The fate of every nation depends on two things:
1) The people who are INSIDE that nation; and
2) The people who are OUTSIDE of that nation.
In fact, the term “nation” means a certain type of people living inside certain borders.
Imagine an Exclusive Club making someone a member who promises to run out the door and invite everybody in!

#1 by Jason on 09/28/2014 - 6:41 am
Legal question: If someone deliberately twists the Words of the Mantra against the wishes of the copyright owner, can a suit be filed to stop it?
Sam Dickson is a prominent attorney who has represented pro-White groups before. What if obvious evidence is produced showing the mangling of the words in a deliberate attempt to violate the very essence of the message?
I wonder if a lawyer like him might take it up?
#2 by jo3w on 09/28/2014 - 2:52 pm
Is this vindictive or effective? Would your time and attorneys fees be the most effective used in this manner?
My guess is that you are bored and need a project.
#3 by Jason on 09/28/2014 - 3:08 pm
Why are you insulting me?
#4 by jo3w on 09/28/2014 - 4:55 pm
I’ve been reading your posts for nearly three years on these boards. Judging from what I’ve read, you’re capable of a lot more than attacking an obscure group of people who use the Mantra inappropriately.
If you truly have the time and money to pursue your idea, I would want to compel you to evaluate if this would be the most effective use of your resources. There is a tidal wave of anti-Whites to point your gun at.
What we do here is boring, this is no secret, we have discussed it before, you have addressed this before. Sometimes we look for anything to do to keep us busy, to feel like progress has been made. I got the feeling that this is what you were doing, my apologies if I am wrong.
We are obscure, anyone who twists Bobs Mantra in an inappropriate manner must be even more obscure. Such a big gun on such small target. They will get bored of their ineffective use of the Mantra and go away all on their own.
#5 by Secret Squirrel on 09/28/2014 - 5:49 pm
Good point. Seriously Jason, can you imagine these guys starting a Swarm of their own and hammering that meme day in day out, for years on end?
#6 by Jason on 09/29/2014 - 6:17 pm
I assure you, I am not looking to be ‘busy”. That is the last of my problems.
#7 by Jason on 09/29/2014 - 6:22 pm
As far as vindictiveness goes, I can see why Bob’s plan for money punishment will require the use of the sleaziest people on earth to keep it going. Whites are too eager to forgive and forget, to have a One Day Cleansing and then never think of the crimes that were committed against them again.
It is true, it is not good to be primarily motivated by a negative emotion. But sending a message that there will be consequences for deliberately engaging in what may be a crime (copyright infringement) is what any writer should do.
#8 by time for freedom on 09/28/2014 - 10:49 am
Who is doing this Jason? Just curious
#9 by Jason on 09/28/2014 - 3:14 pm
One person, who has always been anti-Mantra (and has NEVER been a BUGSER), is signing his posts with a twisted version of “Anti-racist is a code word Anti-White”, and it involves putting the term Nazi it in and making it sound like a defense of Nazism.
I’m just saying, if a person is being deliberately and systematically malicious in his use of this material, can’t they be told to quit?
#10 by Secret Squirrel on 09/28/2014 - 3:52 pm
I doubt it. I think in copyright if you change something by a certain amount, it is no longer protected.
Besides, trying to sue someone for doing something like that, would be like waving a red rag at a bull. If you tell Whites they can’t have something, it becomes the most sexy thing in the world.
If it is what I think it is, its the anti-Whites fault for replacing “racist” with “Nazi” and was a very foolish move on their part, because the reaction is entirely predictable.
Instead of coming to the table and talking to us, the anti-Whites have chosen to escalate and any fool can see its going to explode in their faces. As Bob points out, the anti-White leadership is not particularly clever or rational.
#11 by Secret Squirrel on 09/28/2014 - 3:54 pm
I think it was Horus that said, the only thing you can do to stop a meme, is to create a better one.
#12 by Secret Squirrel on 09/28/2014 - 4:17 pm
Its reminds me of Coke vs Pepsi. You have the original Coke and then you have the clones trying to copy that success.The clones never have the same success as the original, because they aren’t creative.
#13 by Mimmy Jarr on 09/28/2014 - 9:42 pm
>>>In a country where excluding anybody is labelled “Nazi” it is very interesting that the adjective “exclusive” means “classy!”<<<
And yet, there are still people who consider themselves your followers, Bob, who have not realized that they are Nazis.
Perhaps you would do them the honor of revealing your innermost sentiments before you kick the bucket?
Perhaps, if you haven't already, you will treat yourself to an admiring glance in the Alice's looking glass.
You're a Nazi, Bob. You've said so in a thousand different ways, not the least of which is the Mantra itself. And yet, you seem unable to admit it to yourself.
Time is short. Say it, Bob. Say it out loud for the whole world to hear:
"Anti-Nazi is a code word for anti-White".
#14 by Carloman on 09/30/2014 - 7:25 pm
The test of good propaganda is “Does it work?”
“Anti-Nazi is a codeword for anti-White” is TRUE, but is it effective? Which version of the Mantra will get more people over to our side sooner? We’re not here to preach to the choir.
If you’re such a Nazi, then please reread the chapter on Political Propaganda from your dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf. Your leader knew that the purpose of propaganda is not to tell the WHOLE message but to get people’s attention so that they can be directed to the whole message.
#15 by Jason on 10/01/2014 - 12:31 am
My ancestors were in America 400 years ago and they had largely the same feelings on race I do. They were not “nazis” and neither am I.
Nor is anyone at BUGS.
Nazism was a strange political system peculiar to Germany in the 1930s. It has such silly ass tenets as a strong belief in the “Leadership Principle” which obviously no one at BUGS believes in and we certainly don’t follow!
Modern Neo-Nazis (all 3 dozen of them in North America) have a pathological addiction to Jews.
If William Pierce said some people couldn’t ‘t see “the Jew” then Neo-Nazis can ONLY see the Jew.
Take the blinders off, look around.
#16 by Simmons on 09/29/2014 - 8:46 am
I really wouldn’t get all twisted up over the nutters twisting any version of our Mantra memes.
If they were really effective 60 Minutes would have had them on by now. I know that Wise character tried to switch the meme from racist to Nazi but as of now that is still dead in the water.
I’m of the opinion that Bob is right, whites have made it over the hump in the fight for survival, and we are no longer dependent on the emotional wrecks of white nationalism.
I know that few of you can do any counterintuitive thinking, but I’ll leave this and hopefully not confuse you. The WNs are basically not our allies in any helpful way, they are off into emotional outbursts/street theatre and grinding themselves into the dirt by trying to fight against the propaganda machine with emotional outbursts and endless essays. If they drop that stupid shit and adopt our consistent message and sound like normal human beings they can save themselves, if not, doom.
Our allies are the colored racists, ethnic extremist jews and the crazy sounding anti-white whites who look and act like people who adopt rabid animals and wonder why they get bit.
#17 by Benjamin Newells on 09/29/2014 - 12:14 pm
How are they our allies? Do you mean that they are so ineffective that they make our job easy?
#18 by Secret Squirrel on 09/29/2014 - 5:53 pm
Oh they are very effective, for our side. When they say something anti-White, encourage them to say it louder. Obnoxious anti-Whites create Pro Whites.
#19 by Jason on 09/29/2014 - 6:30 pm
I suspect that the reason so many WNs “leaders” don’t like the Mantra is because it works. I think their game is to be king of a tiny little weird world. When being pro-White goes mainstream, they lose.
#20 by Scott on 10/02/2014 - 5:54 pm
My whole family is antiwhite by default. They are neo-conservative “Judeo-Christians.” I talked to them about the jew issue constantly for about a year. At first they almost disowned me, but they let their emotions get the best of them and tolerated me. I had been pointing out all the jewish people who my family already knew about and hated but didn’t know they were Jewish (Barbara Boxer, Feinstein, Al Franken, Debbie Wazzerman Scholtz, Anthony Weiner, Carl Levin, Eliot Spitzer, …….the list goes on). It didn’t matter how many names I named. I could see the cognitive dissonance in their eyes. I quit doing it and began pushing mantra terminology. Then, after a month I heard my brother say antiwhite twice. I got excited and started talking about jews again. I haven’t heard him use the term since.
This message works. I’ve seen it work with my own eyes. I agree, get of the jew obsession. The masses are far too conditioned. I’ve seen the video you did at that college Marr. It took a lot of guts to go out there by yourself and do something like that, and I have nothing but respect for you. I disagree about the jew issue because I understand human psychology, as I believe the rest of the BUGSers here do. Even the word “Jew” causes a upsetting reaction in people who hear it. Study into buzz words Marr. They have proved that upon hearing a buzzword the individuals brain releases chemicals that create an emotional response. At that point when the mind is guarded you will never get through. Study Cognitive Dissonance, It’s the minds way of avoiding facts that contradict strongly held beliefs and assumptions.
White people feel the bigotry towards them. They roll their eyes at the word racist. The mantra uses that sense of oppression to build an identity in the masses. Once we have control we can rewrite the history books and let the people know what took place. Until then, until people feel a White identity, they will never be open to what you have to say about Jews.
#21 by Henry Davenport on 10/02/2014 - 6:58 pm
“I got excited and started talking about jews again.”
What an extremely fine essay, Scott. I think it’s the best thing I’ve seen on this topic.
#22 by Henry Davenport on 10/02/2014 - 7:57 pm
I took the liberty of reproducing it in a couple of places, I hope you don’t mind:
The second link may be inaccessible…it’s to the contributors’ thread for Don Black’s radio show.
#23 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/02/2014 - 9:56 pm
I’ll be your best friend for ever and ever if you post my photo on Stormfront, HD.
P-l-e-a-s-e ?
I promise. I won’t even THINK about jews for the rest of night. I swear to God…. er …. no… not that god.
Please? I haven’t had any smoke blown up my ass all day. Just one photo. Stormfront closed my account ’cause I wouldn’t give them any money.
Please? And don’t write anything nasty about me either.
Here’s the photo, HD. I’m trusting you – no snide comments. Mkay?
#24 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/02/2014 - 10:24 pm
I ain’t seeing nothin’ over at Stormfront yet, HD. What’s going on?
#25 by Polar Bear on 10/02/2014 - 11:34 pm
“An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”
― Joseph Sobran
The great man must of been a mantra thinker.