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A Prize Example

Posted by -backbaygrouch- on November 29th, 2014 under Coaching Session

James Dewey Watson, aged 34, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work discovering DNA. For 45 years thereafter he was feted. His opinions were sought out. In 2007 he died to polite society. He told the truth and was banished.

Today at 86 he seeks to reenter the public arena. He is selling his Nobel medal to raise funds. Sadly he is also, to some degeree, groveling. His crime was noting that the intelligence levels between races is not exactly equal. In an interview in 2007 he pointed out that Europeans were more intelligence by and large than subSaharan Africans.

At this point he became an unhuman, unacknowledged and shunned. One would almost think he had posted the Mantra so great was the calumny heped upon his aged frame. Yesterday he announced that he had been foolish, foolish to speak the Truth.

Giving a man an award for being intelligent and then demanding that he be cobblestone skulled stupid thereafter is silly. Yet nearly all recipients of such awards are content to cash the checks and buckle under.

These celebrated achievers may be clever about this or that but they are not men. Such Nobelists are lower than the meanest medieval peasant in England who had the right to deny the king or his agents the right of entrance to his home without cause. Their minds are the common property of their overlords. They are uneducated of liberty and servile by habit.  photo nominate.jpg

They are evidence that the burst of Liberty occasioned by the events from 1776 through 1787 in America has withered, grown sere, atrophied and finally hardened into chains. This is what we here are reacting to.

James Watson has faltered in his commitment to Truth unique to our heritage. He did not owe anyone the apologies he has uttered. The deity Caesar, surrounded by base acolytes, has been offered a sacrifice. It may not be accepted. His loneliness may continue. Political Correctness is not merciful.

BUGSERS are not often, face it, never, nominated for Nobel Prizes in any field. We’re not even officers. We are grunts slogging along to make some of the same points that James Watson has been ostracized for making. One of them is the reality of White Genocide.

His interview asserting the White race has some unique characteristics implied that these were worthy of being preserved. Verboten thoughts. For this high crime and misdemeanor a bitter pill has been forced upon Watson.

Sometimes in their lives BUGSERS too will be hard pressed for their loyalty to their race. Be of stout heart. Post the Mantra today in solidarity with James Watson in his time of solitude.

One hopes that after James Watson replenishes his purse his courage will regenerate and that his remaining years can be devoted to his earlier, high ideals arrayed in candor. His weapon is science, ours, the Mantra. Both when wielded are powerful. Though he has understandably strayed a bit, fortitude is probably in his genes, and they are our genes. Let us wish him well and bestow upon him the privilege of having the Mantra posted in his honor.

Newbies, kindly click on the Mantra and learn what we are all about. Membership is open. There are no dues. A bit of work is solicited. There are no tangible rewards other than the preservation of your family, your community and your race.

  1. #1 by Jason on 11/29/2014 - 10:15 pm

    Excellent article. I knew he had gotten in trouble but didn’t realize how bad it was.

    This one saddens but gives motivation too. I will throw James Watson in the face of every anti-White Leftist who claims to be for science.

    And they only financially ruined him because they couldn’t throw him jail. And we all know what they really want to do to dissenters.

  2. #2 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/30/2014 - 9:48 am

    DNA breakthrough scientist denounced and defunded for contradicting belief in racial Lysenkoism.

  3. #3 by Bob on 11/30/2014 - 9:55 am

    Actually, the double helix was discovered by Crick AND Watson.
    Jeffrey Crick made the same statements and more about racial IQ differences.
    As you know, the inventor of the transistor, William Shockley, was a militant on the subject.
    Crick and Shockley got away with it in their day.
    Maybe the Mantra will once again make the world safe for Nobel Prize winners to tell the truth.

  4. #4 by mandela on 11/30/2014 - 9:24 pm

    Nice article

  5. #5 by time for freedom on 11/30/2014 - 10:11 pm

    Sorry for putting this here, but Comments are Closed in the Bugs Swarm for some reason.

    The Swiss have apparently voted to reject a curb on immigration by about 74% against to 26% for. This is the first time I have heard of a modern White COUNTRY being explicitly allowed to vote to have immigration into its borders sharply reduced. This vote is, I believe, epic.

    Many pro-Whites will be angered and frustrated with the outcome of this vote, and so was I, initially, until I started thinking about it a little bit. I believe that this movement to have votes on immigration follows from our influence here at BUGS. I believe this is the anti-White empire’s attempt to give one last try to legitimize it’s anti-White rule and policies.

    In a sense, this could be the anti-White empire’s Glasnost and Parastroika moment. The evil anti-White empire is trying to give political currency to its continued anti-White policy of White Genocide by saying in effect: “Look, we have finally given you White idiots a chance to vote on whether or not you want to be racially assimilated, and you have chosen via democratic vote to go along with your own assimilation, hence, the policies of non-White immigration, racial integration, and racial assimilation that we are perpetrating upon you are ALL legitimate.”

    These anti-White elites are making an overt admission that what they have been doing to White people up to this point has been thoroughly illegitimate, in fact, downright Treasonous and Genocidal according to numerous national and International laws and conventions. This is very similar to the USSR saying–IN EFFECT–to their people that “up until now we have not been a beautiful worker’s paradise as we always claimed, so we are going to listen to our people and give you more freedom from our version of the worker’s paradise”….AND THEN THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN.

    When I was on Youtube everyday, I used to deal with questions about whether or not allowing a vote on open borders was a legitimizing factor in leading massive numbers of non-Whites into White countries and ONLY white countries. My answer has always been that these votes are only being proposed for White countries and ONLY White countries; No Asian or African countries have to contend with the issue of voting about whether to ‘allow’ open borders and have racially dissimilar peoples led into their homelands. The Mantra point that I liked to use was the following:

    IN plain terms, why should our people have to even consider demanding a vote to combat such a vile measure in the first place. This mere fact is proof positive that there has been a concerted and highly structured program by the elites to do something very hideous to the indigenous people of White countries and ONLY white countries, that being of course, Genocide-by-Assimilation. It is possible to do so within the confines of democracy, in fact it may be easier to do so

    This recent vote in Switzerland might be a huge victory for us pro-Whites in the same way that Glasnost and Perastroika were floodgates demonstrating to the Russian people and their managerial class the total illegitimacy of what their elites had been doing to them up until the eighties. White people all over the world will ultimately be watching events like that in Switzerland and will, I believe, come to a similar conclusion about their own anti-White elites…AND THEN THE WALLS WILL COME CRUMBLING DOWN.

    Man, I can’t wait ’til they try a vote like this in France or Britain.

    By staying on the White Genocide message we will simply help our people see this much quicker.

    • #6 by Denounce Genocidists on 12/01/2014 - 1:35 am

      “The country voted in February to re-introduce immigration quotas, in effect opting out of an EU free movement agreement.

      The government still has to implement that referendum result, which threw relations with the EU into turmoil”

      ” Some 23% of its inhabitants are foreign nationals, most of them from EU states”

      “Switzerland’s population is about 8.18 million – of whom 1.96 million are not Swiss nationals, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO)
      EU citizens make up the vast majority of immigrants in Switzerland
      The largest group of foreign nationals living in Switzerland is Italians; immigration from Italy started more than a century ago, but difficulties getting Swiss nationality meant many families remained Italian
      The second largest group comes from Germany, and the third largest comes from the former Yugoslavia”

      Of course, there were elections in the USSR but no one can claim they were “legitimate”.

  6. #7 by -Gar5- on 12/01/2014 - 6:46 am

    He’s a scientist. It’s in his nature to say what he sees.

    Social scientists are the exact opposite. It’s in their nature to say what we “SHOULD!” see.

    Social scientists have decided long ago that we “SHOULD!” see that race doesn’t exist.

    When the evidence for DNA and genetics finally overwhelmed anti-Whites, they had to switch from “race doesn’t exist” to “it’s just skin colour”. Or in other-words: race ALMOST doesn’t exist.

    Anti-Whites had to compromise their argument so they could survive as a group. If they didn’t they would have been ridiculed as much as the Flat Earth Society or Creationists are today.

  7. #8 by shari on 12/01/2014 - 11:54 am

    Gar5 Thanks for this comment. It was an e-mailer for me.

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