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Three Little Words

Posted by Bob on January 6th, 2016 under Coaching Session

Laura dragged me, bitching and screaming, to a Paltalk session.

She said BUGSERS had been asking for me.

It had been announced that I would be there, but only a few showed up.

They explained to me that the others were having a great time ganging up to hit anti-whites in other PalTalk rooms.

If my dreams come true, BUGSERS are out hitting anti-whites, and it is an ultra-dream if they are ENJOYING it.

So what does a Great Leader do if his folks are out doing exactly what they should be doing.

He leaves them at it.

I guess it is hard for most people who have been leaders all their lives to do that. They want to stay there and be listened to.

But my dream is to have you out there using the ammunition I gave you and the ammunition we are developing together.  photo guerrilla war.jpg

Take my word for it: In a guerrilla war, you can only do so much leading.

It can be scary the first few times you and your buddies go out without the Sarge.

In politics and on the Hill, the congressman or candidate has a critical meeting and he cannot make it. There are big contributors or other congressmen who need his input.

That’s where the Three Little Words come in.

When it’s critical and the boss needs someone there who absolutely speaks and makes deals for him, those three little words are scary. But on the other hands those three words give you praise no speech, however eloquent, could give you.

It is three words I say to BUGSERS.

He cannot do it, so someone must deal with the Big Guys in his name,

Nothing shows you have arrived like the boss saying:

“You take it.”

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 01/06/2016 - 8:03 pm

    Stick around Bob. You’re still needed. Things are only just starting to get interesting.

    ALL White countries and ONLY White countries. It’s GENOCIDE!

    • #2 by time for freedom on 01/07/2016 - 9:37 am

      Obviously what I’m interested to know Lord Nelson is the next event signifying the downfall of this evil system of White Genocide. Bob would know what that should be, given his experience at bringing down an empire using our methods. His political commentary and stories are always highly valued on Paltalk. So I agree with you, he should be sticking around.
      I’m also interested to know how things are going for you guys over in Britain. Also, do you know of any Irish Mantrafied White dissidents?

      • #3 by Lord Nelson on 01/07/2016 - 6:24 pm

        tff. I will defer to the Coach’s better judgment, but I believe the next step for us is to start being more direct with our consistent message and calling repeatedly for arrests and trials of those clearly responsible for attempted Genocide.

        Ole Bob may be feeling a little tired but he can’t retire just yet. Sorry Coach 😉

        Don’t know of any Irish BUGSers but with the Internet we all listen to and are influenced by, whatever English language Pro-White message is out there.

  2. #4 by Jason on 01/07/2016 - 1:51 am

    I think we only got a few hours notice of that paltalk. Most of us didn’t know about it until after it was over. Give us a couple days notice and 20+ will show up as usual.

    Although thanks to Eyeslevel recording it, we just listened later. 🙂

    • #5 by time for freedom on 01/07/2016 - 9:38 am

      I’ll definitely be there every Saturday Jason. Just show up and chances are that we will be there. See you on Saturday.

  3. #6 by Lord Nelson on 01/07/2016 - 6:38 pm

    Folks the goal posts have moved. The original Mantra is now over 10 years old. It still has it’s place, but I believe we are now ready for a new Mantra that effectively asks WHY the leaders of Europe are not being arrested and put trial for Attempted Genocide.

    When the same government that passes laws to ensure that non-whites are equally represented in a football team or a TV show is also openly pushing for no more Whites in Europe there is no more argument. The contradiction is CLEAR!

    It’s time to move on with our message to the next level. And we need folks here to come up with suggests for a new Mantra to reflect these moving times. What do you think Coach?

    • #7 by Secret Squirrel on 01/07/2016 - 8:43 pm

      I think Bob said recently the White Genocide Mantra is not a point of disagreement its an indictment.

      • #8 by Ice Knight on 01/09/2016 - 7:23 pm

        This opinion piece was published by RT yesterday – you make a valid point Lord Nelson, the landscape is definitely changing!

        “My nation’s forebears laid down their lives in their millions to defend their land. I do not believe I am alone in regarding as pernicious, criminal, treacherous and evil that collusion between politics, education, media and business which treats any instinct for survival among indigenous European peoples as a disposable and distasteful commodity.”

        Whether or not we need additional memes at this point is certainly worth considering, although the originals are still VERY potent.

        • #9 by Lord Nelson on 01/09/2016 - 9:36 pm

          Remember that We are the cutting edge. It is our duty to seize the moment and lead the way.

          • #10 by Jason on 01/10/2016 - 4:15 am

            And I’d like to add it isn’t just “elites” who are traitors. When justice comes for White Genocide, the net needs to be cast wide.

            • #11 by Lord Nelson on 01/10/2016 - 4:26 pm

              Just to make it clear. What I am proposing means we still stay on message and that message is GENOCIDE. But I feel it’s time to start asking REPEATEDLY, WHY, are our leaders not being arrested and put on trial for attempted Genocide!

              Below is a tame first attempt I have been trying out, but with the talent here I am sure we can come up with something better and more powerful:

              “If I put a rattle snake in your bed and it bit you, you would blame me. Your government enforced mass Muslim invasion on you along with your media. And you blame?”

          • #12 by Electric on 01/10/2016 - 4:32 pm

            @Lord Nelson You are right in some ways, before everyone thought White anti-Whites like Merkel were just stupid, everyone thought she was carrying out White genocide because she never knew any better. It has gotten to the point where everyone can now see she’s EVIL and DELIBERATELY carrying out White genocide. At the same time I think we should keep doing what we’re doing, the call for punishments will come out naturally.

  4. #13 by Jason on 01/07/2016 - 7:46 pm

    Bob was spot about so many pro-Whites screaming for Trump like teen girls for their latest crush.

    It’s funny but sad. Ironically that craving for IMMEDIATE victory and a big parade is what has kept pro-Whites from winning for generations!

    • #14 by Secret Squirrel on 01/07/2016 - 8:50 pm

      “Bob was spot about so many pro-Whites screaming for Trump like teen girls for their latest crush.”

      I found it repulsive and disappointing. I console myself with the fact that the people doing it, have made no difference to this fight, nor will they ever.

  5. #15 by Jason on 01/11/2016 - 9:26 pm

    Great, Jared Taylor and William Johnson of AFP had their robocalls featured on MSNBC endorsing …. Trump.

    What a wasted opportunity. They could have at least mentioned White Genocide. Gotta go punch something.

    • #16 by time for freedom on 01/12/2016 - 12:23 am

      I hear ya Jason. Now you know why I flipped out in 2011 when Bob discussed giving money to Jamie Kelso in a bid to get him to puuulllleeeasse just say the Mantra. They’re not the Mantra….WE ARE, and only us. They’ll never understand our perspective. We need to turn our backs on them and just keep going with repeating our points over and over…and thereby winning over and destroying the goddamned anti-whites. Now, if you’ll excuse me…I GOTTA GO PUNCH SOMETHING.

      • #17 by Laura on 01/12/2016 - 2:34 pm

        I’m not sure I agree guys?!

        I think this robocall campaign has generated a HUGE amount of publicity for the American Freedom Party and also Bob’s campaign.

        This robocall call campaign could now pressure Trump to address white genocide and pro-whites support for him in the hopes he will stop white genocide.

        Let’s FORCE Trump to address it!!!

  6. #20 by Henry Davenport on 01/12/2016 - 7:39 pm

    As reported in our Mantra in the News thread, Jezebel wrote this about the robo-calls:
    On Friday, the super PAC put out a press release in which Bob Whitaker, the American Freedom Party’s presidential candidate, defends the group’s support for Trump:

    “Our campaign slogan is ‘Diversity is a code word for white genocide.’ Donald Trump’s campaign may help remind Americans that all genocide, even against white people, is evil. My campaign is there to help keep the candidates on point regarding race in America.”

    (The Jezebel article worked off of a TalkingPointsMemo article about the robo-calls that included a link to that press release)

    Bob’s comment was great, so I think there was a net gain, although it could have been very much greater, and I’m no happier than Jason and TFF are.

    I thought Jared Taylor’s portion of the robocall was a good pro-White message, even though non-Mantra. I didn’t understand what the rest of the robocall was supposed to accomplish…does the AFP actually think that pro-White support will HELP Trump??

    Similar to Laura, I hope to hear media sooner or later ask Trump White Genocide questions.

    The AFP Board should be thinking the same, but they aren’t.

    Probable title of February’s White House meme-message:

    Let Bob Whitaker build Donald Trump’s “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Wall” NOW!

    • #21 by Henry Davenport on 01/12/2016 - 7:53 pm

      I think it wouldn’t hurt to say now and then,

      We support Donald Trump’s “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Wall”

      That hooks our meme directly to Trump’s most powerful meme, and maybe Trump’s wall will start being called “Trump’s ‘STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Wall’“! 🙂

      • #22 by Ice Knight on 01/13/2016 - 2:51 pm

        I really like that HD, I would even shorten it slightly to Trump’s ‘White Genocide Wall’. Not quite as descriptive but has a really nice hook to it.

        • #23 by Henry Davenport on 01/14/2016 - 1:07 pm

          Thanks a lot for the suggestion Ice Knight, but won’t some Whites hearing “White Genocide” for the first time take that shorter version to possibly mean that the wall is part of Whites wanting to genocide non-Whites by keeping them out of the U.S.?

          “Trump’s ‘White GeNOcide Wall'” might work in some contexts, but even that I think is a bit too much complexity for the uninitiated.

          So even though it’s slightly clunky, we’ll probably go with the longer “Trump’s ‘STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Wall'”

          But I’m interested in others’ opinions that may differ, and we’re especially interested in suggestions for other petition titles or angles that use Trump’s newsworthiness. Here’s the ideas on those that we have so far. Someone please come up with some brilliant angle!


          I visited a friend recently who’s been very involved in Republican Party politics and is very smart, and he said he’s seen “White Genocide” all over the place but hasn’t seen “anti-White.”

          He also thinks Trump doesn’t stand much chance of getting the Repub. nomination. So let’s use Trump while we have him.

  7. #27 by RobRoy on 01/21/2016 - 2:34 am’t-lose-the-victory/

    “PAID informers for traitors. NEVER FORGET!”

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