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SC Washes Out New Hampshire

Posted by Bob on February 17th, 2016 under Coaching Session

South Carolina was once known as a rebellious electorate. Once the primary happens here you will see the pattern no other political analyst has noticed.

No famous political analyst becomes famous for being right. No one ever checks their predictions. A public political writer makes his living by saying what he should say when he needs to say it.

You would be astonished by the difference in what a staffer writes to his boss and the public commentaries:

Goof real advice up and you’re dead.

We just had a not unusual New Hampshire primary. The rebels won. This time in both parties.  photo trumpsanders.jpg

SC will, as always, wash that out.

Rebellious? In recent times The SC electorate has a doglike loyalty that would make Lassie jealous.

Black or white, those at the polls in South Carolina primaries, black or white don’t really vote.

Whites do what the Republican establishment tells them to do. Blacks do what their owners tell THEM to do.

Black obedience is more ostentatious because their owners actually write down the list of candidates and Black “voters” take it with them into the polling booth.

In South Carolina in 2010 an utterly unknown candidate got the United States Senatorial nomination entirely because the list was printed wrong.

Show me the political writer who would survive reporting THAT!

This year In the New Hampshire primary Bernie and Trump got the nomination. The media noted that Bernie did not get the minuscule minority vote in that state and he certainly couldn’t win the election without it.

When the SC primary occurs Hillary will win. She knows who owns them and how to buy them. This is the first time Hillary will be able to deal directly with the minority’s owners.

Hillary will get what they call the minority “vote.”

On the Republican side, SC voters stopped the Buchanan tide in New Hampshire and SC voters are likely to reject Trump on Republican orders.
Put simply, Trump voters here will be afraid they will be labelled “rednecks.”

I would be delightedly surprised if SC voter doggies didn’t do exactly what they are told will make them “respectable.”

For the thousandth a time, a three -way election is entirely different from a two-way, and that is what Trump will be in. He COULD get a plurality, but I doubt it.

Trump is a vote against orders, fit for a redneck instead of a Respectable.

  1. #1 by Daniel Genseric on 02/17/2016 - 12:47 pm

    While your analysis is undoubtedly historically accurate, its calculus fails to include the effects of your mantra and the void it and the swarm carved out in BOTH parties. #TrumpLandslide

  2. #2 by Simmons on 02/17/2016 - 6:11 pm

    Bob is never wrong, and if the latest poll is correct Trump’s vote equals Cruz and Rubio’s put together.

    Bob might be underestimating the new media’s effect, and that is about all I can say to disagree with him.

    Here is a secret that Bob himself has not quite articulated, he seeks out the weaknesses of the enemy. Conservatives only seek to build a higher Maginot Line of essays for their defense.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/17/2016 - 6:30 pm

    Also I thought Pat kind of skipped over SC to go campaign in Arizona, which they thought they won and even McCain called him on voting night to congratulate him but lo and behold Dole won a squeaker.

    But that leads me to think that Pat threw the whole deal since he skipped over SC when his major oligarch sponsor was Milliken from SC.

    I could be wrong this post is from a 20 year old memory.

    Anyway, how much would it cost to get one of those voter crib sheets for blacks? With the new media we can crucify the souls of those Bernie supporters by broadcasting it far and wide.

  4. #4 by Henry Davenport on 02/17/2016 - 9:21 pm

    Then it looks like #Trump may not get to build his “Stop #WhiteGenocide Wall.”

    Maybe we can still build him a cyber Stop White Genocide wall on twitter.

  5. #5 by Secret Squirrel on 02/18/2016 - 4:02 am

    As Bob says, never underestimate the cowardice of the Respectable Conservative. The left are already producing propaganda, they are White Supremacists in South Carolina. So the Conservatives know what they must do, to earn a pat on the head from their Real masters.

    And take a good look at what they elect in South Carolina.

    • #6 by Jason on 02/18/2016 - 6:22 am

      Lord, that links proves South Carolina does have a problem with Respectable Conservatism that makes most country clubs look positively radical.

      Strong military state. They’ve got to learn their is a difference between being a soldier and a citizen.

      The party boss telling you how to vote is not your sarge trying to keep you alive.

      Goddamn that “Good Doggie” feeling so many Whites get.

  6. #7 by Bob on 02/18/2016 - 5:33 am

    Once again, I back my own prediction and hope to God Gerseric’s contradiction is correct.
    Simmons’ Maginot Line point is dead on target.

  7. #8 by Jason on 02/18/2016 - 6:30 am

    If Trump wins it will be a big deal, considering everything Bob points out. Trump just told them today they had the dumbest Senator in the country (Lindsey Graham). And Trump called out Bush for the WMD fiasco.

    If Trump wins – in South Carolina – after humiliating the GOP Respectables, it will be Yuuuuggge.

    But either way, Trump is just riding the waves BUGS created. He wasn’t talking this way 10 years ago.

    We are saving ourselves. We changed the environment, not them. And there is still tons of work to be done.

  8. #9 by Jason on 02/18/2016 - 6:47 am

    My best hope for Trump is that he is a transitional figure from the Tea Party (what Bob called the Last Gasp of White Supremacy to whatever pro-White movement finally emerges.

    Trump has one foot in the old way of thinking. The whole “make America great again” slogan suggests turning the clock back the way the Tea Party wanted, without facing up to the racial changes in the country.

    But he is beyond dressing up like Uncle Sam and singing Yankee Doodle.

    Maybe Trump can only go as far as WE help him go by pushing the Mantra and the White Genocide meme.

    • #10 by Henry Davenport on 02/18/2016 - 8:05 pm

      The popularity/notoriety of Trump and his border wall should carry our own memes a long ways if we attach them.

      Hopefully media will be asking him about his “Stop White Genocide Wall” before the election!

      TWEET and RAPIDLY RETWEET: “#Trump’s ‘Stop #WhiteGenocide #Wall’”

      • #11 by Henry Davenport on 02/18/2016 - 8:12 pm

        And it appears that Trump may think that some slight association of himself with our main meme can contribute to keeping his own fire blazing high, so this could work out really well! 🙂

  9. #12 by Dennis K on 02/20/2016 - 3:42 am

    It seems the Trumps lead is diminishing.

    I don’t know a lot about how it works over there in the USA, and what Trumps loss here will mean overall, but Bob has a keen sense of these things. We’d like to think the world has changed significantly in the last two years, but my guess is what we’ve learned from decades of experience is mostly still applicable today.

  10. #13 by Jason on 02/20/2016 - 7:47 pm

    Sorry for my dribbling posts a few days ago.

    Trump has won South Carolina. So, the GOP establishment may not be able to stop him from winning the GOP nomination.

    Which means there may not be a need for a 3rd party run by Trmp.

    • #14 by Secret Squirrel on 02/20/2016 - 8:21 pm

      I am relieved we were wrong about SC. If they have had enough of the anti-Whites, imagine what the rest of the country must be like?

      “Which means there may not be a need for a 3rd party run by Trmp.”

      It would be more efficient to take the Republican Party from the anti-Whites, rather than build another one. The anti-Whites have been hijacking institutions built by Whites, it will be good to do some hijacking of our own.

      • #15 by Jason on 02/20/2016 - 8:51 pm

        Now, the big danger is the Establishment somehow forces every non-Trump out of the race so they can consolidate the votes in one person.

        Bush just dropped out. But I think the egos of the others will keep them in – but then again, they can ALL be bought!

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