Archive for April, 2016

Response Letter to National Review Article

Letter to National Review.NR pic for BUGS

Dear Sir,

In your April 11 issue, James Kirchick called Donald Trump “a coward.”

The thugs you talk about were not the mob that showed up to deny Trumpeteers the right to peaceably assemble and to destroy free speech.

No, the article was devoted to denouncing people like Sam Dickson, a lawyer who dared defend Klansmen who could not afford adequate legal help on their own.

For this act Sam was called “a sometime Klan lawyer.”

Kirchick goes on to brag about how he loves the Constitution.

Apparently he loves that document only so long as it is represented by the ACLU.

Forty years ago, on June 9, 1978, you had a cover article calling me a “Country and Western Marxist”.

I led and represented a march of thousands of the people who would later be called “Reagan Democrats”, then you called them “Wallace Democrats.” Establishment conservatives, as the title of the article shows, called someone like me who actually worked with what they considered the dirty old working people a “Country and Western Marxist.”

On Election Day, everyone up there called those voters “Reagan Democrats.”

And every one of you forgot that Commie label.

Cowards like you never admit mistakes.

And not everyone there joined in your blind stupidity. Bill Rusher did the Foreword to my first book and gave me a life subscription to his magazine.

I hope there are still people at National Review who don’t go along with cowardly thugs like James Kirchick.



Robert Whitaker
Independent Presidential Candidate




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Anti-Whites’ Response to Any Disagreement is Always 100% Insult

Anti-Whites feel that anyone who disagrees with them is a criminal.

All Anti-Whites see any disagreement with them as a criminal act.

Every country ruled by Anti-Whites makes disagreement immediately a criminal act.  photo trump rally.jpg

If a place is found temporarily for disagreement, Anti-Whites use violence and riots to stop any free speech on anything they disagree with.

Political Correctness has never been anything but a Marxist term.


I am told that when he was informed that thugs were using violence at Trump rallies to shut up opponents, he grinned and the crowd cheered.

If Anti-Whites have such a brilliant argument, why do they ALWAYS resort to violence instead of debate?

If Marxism produces such wonderful countries why does every Marxist country have to kill anyone who tries to escape?

These so-called “intellectuals” are thugs.



AMPWs and Arabian Boatmen

As everyone who has experience with them knows, Anti-Mantra Pro-Whites (AMPWs) are unwilling to learn from others about what does and doesn’t WORK.

Instead they play Aryan SimCity every day and take part in their cargo cults.

Now I once saw a BBC documentary about how wooonderful traditional Arabian boatmen/boat builders were.  photo Dhow-Dinner-Cruise1.jpg

Apparently a traditional Arabian boatman doesn’t learn from anyone else. He starts from scratch and builds by trial and error.

After YEARS of building wooden boats that barely float, by the time he is near retirement he has mastered building non-leaky boats!

This is a fundamentally DIFFERENT mentality than the Western mind.

To the Western mind, we learn from different sources and create new technologies while bearing this in mind.

That way we went from small wooden boats, to longboats, to ironclads, to battleships.

It is open systems which allows basic progress in capabilities.

At BUGS we also have this very Western mentality.

We learn from different sources about what WORKS, and we create new ways of bringing down the anti-white system while bearing this in mind.

In terms of meme warfare, we’ve developed the equivalent of mass-produced nuclear submarines.

We go deep into enemy waters, in the knowledge that we have all the tools we need to take down any target.

Meanwhile, the AMPWs are on the sandy shore with the Arabian boatmen.

But to give the Arabian boatmen credit, occasionally they do produce a small wooden boat.

AMPWs don’t even manage to do that.



Judas Goats

It doesn’t matter which side, they need abortion and gays up front.

Abortion and Gay Rights are being pushed by the media.

That is all that matters.  photo judasgoat.jpg

Now they couldn’t care less about which side to take. They just desperately need to get the focus on the good old reliable Non-Issues.

They know it worked with the yahoos when Reagan Democrats became a threat.

Conservative or liberal, they just want the Good Old Religious Right back.

Conservatives want to be back with the vote that some preachers OWN, just the preachers like the Black vote that liberals get in a nice bundle every election day.

They got the yahoos to ignore the fact that their country was being invaded by ignoring that with abortion and gay rights.

This time liberals and respectable conservatives are absolutely united.

They are scared of the yahoos refusing to forget their very existence in the name Jerry Falwell or the other Judas Goats.



Jehovah Did Not Lisp

The United States recognizes Israel’s right to exist

The United States questions its own right to exist because “America was stolen from the Indians.”

The United States says that Germany must always actively condemn itself for genocide against the Jews.

The right of Israel to its territory is based on an act of genocide that was defined as genocide BY GOD and directly ordered by God. The Bible described the genocide that could not have been more specific.

The Old Testament is so explicit about the orders for Israel that it sounds as if God anticipated some objections as to whether it is genocide or not and Jehovah is making it clear even to the meanest intelligence that this IS genocide.  photo jehovah.jpg

The defeated are divided, very specifically, into two groups: 1) Those who were allies of the resident Canaanites and 2) Those who had been residents of the Promised Land.

ALL former residents of the land that now belonged to Moses’ followers were to be killed. As if anticipating those who STILL tried to claim that this was not intended as genocide, Jehovah added the PETS of those who had resided in the Promised Land were to be killed.

The CATTLE which had belonged to the former residents were to be KILLED, if the words of the Bible are to be believed.

Jehovah had no speech defect.

He ordered genocide more clearly than anyone in history had ever done it before or than anyone has ever done it since.

The white people who are supposed to have “stolen” America from the Indians are just as dead as Moses’ followers who proudly committed genocide to take Canaan from the Canaanites are.

But NOBODY today is allowed to say that Israel has not only the right but the obligation to keep the land their ancestors stole and committed genocide while stealing.

This WAS genocide. The United States’ whole foreign policy revolves around keeping large contingents of American troops around Israel’s borders to protect it for the sake of the descendants of those who committed genocide for that land.

This is an undisputed fact.

And this is the first and probably the last time you will ever see it mentioned.
