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Lets Get Some New Ideas On How To Pummel DIEversity and Hate

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Lets Get Some New Ideas On How To Pummel DIEversity and Hate

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    Lets put our noggins together and work on some new ways to tackle the words that OUR enemy has retreated to.




    I like Gar5’s response.

    “DIEversity” is just a CODEWORD for White genocide”

    I came up with this one

    “DIEversity” is just another GENOCIDAL term used TARGET White people, and ONLY White people.


    “Diversity” advocates are Deniers. They Deny that Whites have histories and cultures, and a right to not have these destroyed by massive non-White immigration and forced integration and assimilation. “Diversity” advocates deny the existence of White nationhood. “Diversity” advocates deny the ongoing program of White Genocide.


    Only those who deny the existence of White Nationhood, and even the existence of White Identity support “diversity”. Diversity is a program put forth by deniers.


    Diversity is the outcome of denial, the denial of the right of White Peoples to have their own nations.


    School texts are filled with anti-White narratives. Anti-Whites are in denial about this.

    Movies and TV are filled with anti-White stories and images. Anti-Whites are in denial about this.

    Federal and State laws have a growing number of laws which are anti-White. Anti-Whites are in denial about this.

    White Genocide is occurring. Anti-Whites are in denial about this.

    Anti-Whites are in serious denial.


    There is some SERIOUS denial underway. Anti-Whites are Deniers. They deny White Genocide, and some even deny the existence of White people as a nation. Denial is a pathology.


    Wow those are some real good responses guys….im gonna go try them and report back if you dont mind…see ya in a little while


    Why do we want to say Anti-Whites are in denial about the anti-White narratives? They are consciously creating them. Doesn’t saying they are in denial give them more credit than they deserve?


    Jason, “denial” is being used as a psychological “slap”, not in a manner that is “logical”. It’s playing off of all the kinds of “denial” used by anti-Whites to create psychological guilt for “denying what everybody ‘knows’ is obviously true.

    Earlier, I asked for feedback on using the words “denier” and “in denial”. Glad to get yours. Perhaps you can figure and publish a better way to use this meme-term?

    Anti-Whites have been using “denial” and “deniers” for years not, as a psych-war term to silence Whites. How can we harness this energy, for our own use, if possible?


    Jason, basically, anti-Whites are IN DENIAL about themselves being anti-White.

    Slap them with their “denial” of their anti-White program.


    “Diversity is a code word for Ethnic Cleansing of White People.”


    I’m going to have to keep mulling it over.

    I think there could be value using the term “denial”, but I don’t think most of them actually are in denial. They know what they are doing. Obviously Tim Wise does!

    Maybe saying they are deniers, not so much “in denial”. As we push the meme about White Genocide more and more, it does become harder for an Anti-White to pretend he’s never even heard of White Genocide.


    Do africans in africa get accused of hate for being homogeneous?

    Do mexicans get accused of hate for showing “brown pride”?

    Do asians get accused of hate for marrying another asian?

    Any white person that articulates their desire to be around their own ppl or have children that look sound and act like them are accused of hate.

    Hate is just another word White Neighborhoods.


    They deny the that the White Race exsists.

    Then they deny White Genocide.

    Denial is just an anti whites way of justifying White Genocide.


    I think the term “denier” could/should be used when referring to anti-Whites who deny White people exist, or that deny White Genocide (only as a defense of White Genocide). They are NOT in denial, but DENY our people’s Genocide and/or dehumanize White people by denying we exist.

    I DO NOT think we should use it in place of “anti-White” for obvious reasons. This should be made clear to anyone who uses it, in my opinion.

    One other things I would keep in mind is that we don’t don’t try to take the term “racism” from anti-Whites (who’ve invested billions in the term) even though by any objective definition they are the ones being racist. We flip the script and point out the obvious truth without using anti-White terminology. We impose our own new terminology, ridiculing theirs, not using and thus strengthening theirs.


    @ Greg P
    Problem is ‘Denier’ now has a positive spin with the victory of the Global Warming ‘Deniers’

    It might be too late to use ‘Denier’ besides if we did we’d only be piggybacking on the term ‘holocaust denier’.
    @ The Asgardian known as Michael

    ” Do africans in africa get accused of hate for being homogeneous?
    Do mexicans get accused of hate for showing “brown pride”?
    Do asians get accused of hate for marrying another asian?
    Any white person that articulates their desire to be around their own ppl or have children that look sound and act like them are accused of hate.
    Hate is just another word White Neighborhoods. ”

    I checked the character count on youtube and you have 123 characters remaining.
    ARIACWFAW takes 40 characters, you have 84 characters left to drag the comment back to White Genocide, how do you propose doing that ?

    On ‘Diversity’

    “Diversity means LESS White people.
    That’s GENOCIDE
    ‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White ”
    On ‘Hate’

    Bob clued us in the other day, just go to some random article and if someone expresses an opinion on anything, reply “That’s Hate !” and then walk away.

    Call EVERYTHING ‘Hate’ EXCEPT Anti-White statements, that way it makes the word meaningless instead of reinforcing it.


    @cleric im attempting to disarm the term “hate”.

    Their next comment would force me to segway into white genocide.

    saying something along the lines of “you say go back to europe but europe OBVIOUSLY isnt for white ppl anymore, so where do you propose that we go? Thats the GOAL whites have no where to go…”CONDITIONS OF LIFE CALCULATED MEANT TO REDUCE A GROUP IN WHOLE OR IN PART”…..WHITES HAVING NO PLACE TO CALL “HOME” = WHITE GENOCIDE.


    How many of you accuse Anti-Whites of HATE?

    “what is your problem with white people? Why are you so full of HATE?”

    I do it quite often – but i dont know how effective it is… anyone else done it?

    When they say that im full of HATE i usually break out the pro-white spatula and do some flipping

    Are you saying that the reason Native Americans objected to colonialism is because they were really just Neo Native Supremacists that were full of HATE towards non-natives?

    Why does your insane logic only apply to white kids?

    Anti-Whites push whites into deliberate Genocide, then they want to accuse us of HATE if we object to the Genocide demanded upon us?

    Mimmy Jarr

    @ Linux Lewis

    Please email me at mimmyjarr at yahoo dot com.

    I have some questions I’d like to ask you about your diversity swastika design.


    Bob is frustrating me. I mean I respect the man but he really doesn’t answer with a straight forward answer at all, instead with sarcasm and mockery like I’m some kind of idiot. He doesn’t understand this WHOLE thing is a MASSIVE surprise to me. One day BOB says “Okay guys change of plans” Gives us the problem but never the solution. I understand we have to attack the “diversity” barrier our enemies are trying to hold up but HOW? Are we abandoning the “ARIACWFAW” line? What’s exactly happening?




    No, don’t bring your own beer (on second thought, that’s not such a bad idea).

    Be Your Own Bob. Take the wisdom when it is there… but you are allowed to disagree. Most of BUGS’ action takes place outside of here, with the vast majority not reporting. I assume you are following BUGSters on Twitter, watching activity on YouTube, checking out the Facebook groups, etc.

    For my part, I probably can’t express how much I disagree with the notion that we have “battered ‘racism’ and ‘racist’ into submission”. That opinion is based on hours of reading and absorbing, but to give a pithy example of why (so as not to be long-winded), it was only a short while ago that an elderly White woman got nationally crucified for having said the dreaded “N-word”, decades in the past, while a gun was pointed to her head. The accusation? Ray-cissssssssssssss!

    Our enemies don’t use “racist” anymore? L-O-L

    “Diversity” isn’t some Pawn on their side that suddenly got elevated to a Bishop or a Queen. Nor have we struck down most of the other pieces, leaving only “Diversity” remaining. Diversity has always been a Bishop or a Queen, and for all I know, might be nigh unto King.

    Most BUGSters implicitly recognized this, which is why, for a loooooong time, we have been using “Diversity is a codeword for Less White People” and “Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide”, or (related), “Multiculturalism is a codeword for White Genocide”. I would take those, any day of the week, over “Diversity is a codeword for Anti-White”.

    Watch the activity, and watch the Consistent Message (which is quite beyond any one or three people). There might be a slight burp of “Diversity is a codeword for Anti-White” in the light of the recent hullaballo, but I very much doubt it will stick. If, three months from now, 90% of the seasoned BUGSters that you see on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc., are all using “Diversity is a codeword for Less White People” and “Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide”… then that should help answer your question as to what Message to be on.

    Sometimes this place is like the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. And in those instances, Alice (and all of the resident Hares) needs to realize that she shouldn’t worry her pretty little head over all of the lunacy & glossolalia flying around.

    Incidentally, what are everyone’s thoughts on “Diversity is a codeword for Less White People” vs. “Diversity is a codeword for Fewer White People”? I got the that read on the air on the most listened to radio show in our state (via Tweeting the host) a month or two ago. I Tweeted “Less”. He changed it to “Fewer”. “Fewer” is more grammatically correct, and his media instincts changed it on the fly. If any intelligent media figure ever picked it up, they would probably change it to “Fewer” as well… though “Less” would make the same point and be colloquially accepted (without so much as a blink) by 70% of our audience. In either case, they make the same point… but I’ve been using “Fewer”.

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