Archive for category Bob

Revolutionary Patience

At the first instant, “revolutionary patience” seems like the ultimate oxymoron.

The next instant the Mantra Mind realized, “So THAT is why so few revolutionaries succeed!”

The revolutionary cannot push history. History has to come to him.  photo revolution_zps7f9ee991.jpg

And history couldn’t care less how loud you are shouting.

One commenter said he was tired of waiting for white people to speak out.

After fifty-five years, I might be getting a tad restless myself.

So one of our pros explained to him, with an example, that we have no idea how things will go and when.

The example given was a future in which we choose our genes. If, in THAT future, any mention of race has become dynamite and Hitlerian, our race is doomed.

If we are still fighting for the right of racial survival, we only have to get far enough to allow racial survival to be an issue to save ourselves.

If the AMPW crowd is all that is left at that point, all their arguments about inferiority will mean nothing. They could not contest it if mixed race children were just the proper genes.

The fact is that white people are hated, not because we claim to be superior, but because everybody BELIEVES we are superior. Whites who hate people hate whites.

What in the end stirs up non-whites is the fact that they can never BE white.

We have no idea how and when our time will come. We have no idea whether it will be peaceful or violent.

So we are telling an uncompromising truth, one that doesn’t involve how macho or Intellectual it makes us FEEL.

And I, for one, am here to STAY.




Upon Bob’s insistence, I would like to announce a change in comment policy regarding the daily article.

Starting tomorrow we will enforce a policy of one comment per commenter per article per day. Any following comments or those that are off topic will be deleted, regardless of merit.

Bob and I don’t wish to discourage commenting, but we are doing this to encourage a well written and thought out comment to reduce mental diarrhea.

The swarm will not be affected by this change.



A REAL Insult

When I was on the Hill Massachusetts had a black senator.

He was a black REPUBLICAN.

He had pale blue eyes and a pale complexion.

When I went to the Hill at Union Station subway, I would walk in the Senate side and go across to the House on the trolley.

At that time, security had been tightened by our standards but couldn’t compare with today’s. A civilian without a Hill ID had to have his appointment checked on. Those of us with IDs had to show them and were subject to a briefcase search.

About six one morning only me and Brookes came in at the same time. Capitol Hill Police must recognize all congressman by face, so he just walked in with a greeting to the cop.

The cop, trying to be nice , said, “If you’re with him, we don’t need to check your briefcase.“

It was six a.m. and I had been working most of the night, but I wasn’t rude. I just said “NO” with an emphasis that took the guards a bit aback and put my briefcase on he guard desk pretty hard.

Good God, NO. I was NOT with a Massachusetts mulatto, but most of all, I was NOT with a LIBERAL Republican.

The policeman grinned.

There is a feeling far worse than being accused of racism. That is when someone smiles and says you have NO racist feelings.

Another reason that old respectable denial is so bad is because it is humiliating.

The person is saying that you could not be called by ANY of his definitions a racist.

It is hard for me to think of a more vicious insult than that, even being accused of working for a New England liberal Republican, and that is very, very far out there.

The charge of racist should be met with the exact words no respectable conservative ever dares to ask: “What is a racist?”



The Important Question of the Season

Say, does anybody want some reindeer meat?




I apologize for yesterday’s outburst.

You remember the guy in the Godfather, the one who held the meeting in Cuba and talked about he wished he would be there to see the future. Michael Corleone, “He’s been dying of the same heart condition for thirty years.”

And sure enough, years later the only way to get the old man dead was for Corleone to get him shot.

The point of that fit was worth remembering, though: Someone who comes back at you withh this old “There is no race” crap, which was standard when I got into grammar school, is saying “There is no race so genocide is impossible.”

I am embarrassed about dropping this old man bit on you. Just let me try to get off the self-pity.

By the way, every bit of the version of the “There is no race” doctrine that was absolutely enforced when I entered grammar school has been absolutely, totally discredited.

So don’t let the new nonsense bother you.

One advantage of having an old codger like me around is that I’ve seen this all before.
