Archive for category Bob

Short One

Fascism — One Man One Vote — with the man specificed.


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Short One

Synagogoe Cemetery — A Jewish Plot


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Short One

EG — Liberal Freedom of Speech = Fredom of Speech for Liberals



I Gave Derek Black the Wrong Name for BUGS

The announcement of our name was incorrect in the article announcing the East Tennessee meeting.

I guess I was tired when I spoke to Derek, and he had never looked at my blog.

BUGS means Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar, not Bob’s Undergraduate Seminar.

It is graduate because it is for anyone who has outgrown his college education, whether he had one or not.

It will be interesting to see if anyone else noticed that error.

One critical new concept Derek has added here is alternative sites for meetings. We used to have an annual National Alliance meeting, but the hurricane and the other forces of PC stopped its revival.

Then we agreed to go to the American Renaissance meetings, but then the forces of Freedom of Speech — capitalized — stopped those.

But the East Tennessee meeting has arranged for members there to provide alternative meetings sites if the Freedom of Speech anti-whites scare the management of wherever this meeting was to be held.

Since they are denying us the right to freely assemble, they might be called the Freedom of Assembly crowd, too. A person like an Inquisitor who has no mercy at all says he operates in the name of Mercy, Europeans who ban speech in Europe do so in the name of Freedom of Speech, that is, Real Freedom of Speech should not be ABUSED.

It never hurts to remember that they say that treason to the white race is Loyalty to Humanity. The capital letter is a perfect description of how anti-whites use every word, like Humanity and Diversity, to promote the utter extinction of the real thing.



Inquisition, Then and Now

It looks to me like Obama will be reelected.

As usual, my logic is so simple it will never make a regular column.

Americans have a black president.

Why not reelect him?

There will be no change at all no matter who the Republicans nominate. Without respectable conservatives liberals would have been gone long ago.

There is no alternative. In order to write for National Review or columns with national circulation you must avoid anything that has been Decided.

I capitalize that word Decided because it has legal standing. For example, a lawyer who has defended a person against a charge of Hate Crimes in Europe will be subject to arrest if he does not admit his client was guilty.

It’s humorous that for so many years, Communism, Political Correctness, Marxism were considered new. In the Soviet Union if you lost an ideological argument you were routinely arrested. In the Middle Ages the priest assigned by the Church itself to do the necessary job of arguing against sainthood was required, if sainthood was granted, to do penance in the way only Church professionals knew how to do it.

The only new thing is that in the United States, for the time being, losing an argument is not a capital crime.

Our present system follows this Traditional Values approach. There comes a time when someone who makes his living as a respectable conservative knows that a subject can no longer be broached.

The priest who argued against canonization had to declare that he had been, literally, the Devil’s Advocate. If you know Medieval history conservative groveling about how they stood in the way of Saint Martin Luther the King will be bone chillingly familiar.

When you read about a French college professor actually screaming and crying in court that he did not mean what he said to be a felonious hint that the Six Million Doctrine was not true, you see how people looked when called before the Inquisition.
