Archive for category Law and Order

PR: Firing of Las Vegas TV Weatherman

Firing of Las Vegas TV Weatherman

Press Release
For immediate release – January 18, 2005

The firing of the TV weatherman in Las Vegas for a slip of the tongue makes it ever clearer that Martin Luther King’s birthday is the true Holy Day of America’s state religion. Move over Jesus. Martin Luther King is now the god of America’s state religion.

In my book Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood I have a chapter titled “Who Is The God Of America’s Established Religion?” I explained that it was Hitler. Now I’m claiming that it is King. Am I contradicting myself?

Not at all.

In order to get Christians and those shaped by Christian values in America to change their religion, the left couldn’t immediately take them away from the worship of the good Christian God to the evil leftist god Hitler. No, they needed a “good” leftist god. That god is Martin Luther King.

Jesus taught that we were to worship God not in word, but in deed. Jesus did what He taught, He “practiced what He preached.” He was a living example of His teachings.

Martin Luther King was also a living example of his teachings. Namely, that it doesn’t matter what you do, if you articulate the right ideology.

The Pharisees worked tirelessly to catch Jesus in one little contradiction so they could destroy Him. The friends and promoters of MLK write openly about his sordid life. FBI and other government files on MLK’s private life were so embarrassing that they were officially sealed for fifty years and will probably never all be released.

G. K. Chesterton once wrote that making people accept in practice what they reject in principle is a form of religious persecution. What else is Political Correctness? None of the tenets of Political Correctness work. They have all proven disastrous over and over again. But not even the slightest deviation from PC orthodoxy is allowed from anyone.

Every day it seems, someone is being fired or attacked for the slightest gaff. A TV weatherman in Las Vegas for a slip of the tongue. Prince Harry for wearing a swastika to a costume party.

This is nothing but the meanest and most small-minded religious persecution ever witnessed on the face of the earth. The slightest infraction results in immediate damnation and eternal penance. Even Shylock would have been shocked by the mercilessness of the cult of Political Correctness.

This is the predictable result of giving college professors complete control of our educational system. The seminaries for the religion of Political Correctness are called Universities and Colleges. Every member of the media, every government school teacher, every government bureaucrat, and every corporate executive MUST attend an approved seminary and be blessed by its Priesthood.

Professors are the Priesthood of Political Correctness. The blessing bestowed is called a diploma. Academia is a completely isolated and inbred system that becomes further and further removed from reality. That is because they are not held accountable by anyone. No one demands that what they teach actually works in the real world.

Professors are tyrants. They create and bless little tyrants with diplomas, who then spread this system far and wide. We must cut it off at the root. We must DEMAND an end to the teaching of the religion of Political Correctness NOW. We PAY for these universities. They are accountable to US.

If we don’t, we will get more of the same. Early Americans held the Boston Tea Party to protest a much less preposterous outrage. Why don’t we learn something useful from our history for a change?

Robert Whitaker

TV weatherman fired over racial comment on air
“Martin Luther ‘Coon’ Day gets TV weatherman axed”



Stop Religious Persecution

WhitakerOnline SPECIAL EDITION Article – January 16, 2005

Stop Religious Persecution. Fight Political Correctness.

England’s Prince Harry committed the unpardonable sin against the de facto religion of the West. He wore a swastika to a costume party. Major media and Jewish organizations are demanding that he make a visit to Auschwitz to atone for this. In religious parlance, this is called a pilgrimage.
This type of thing is becoming a daily occurrence. French politician Jean Marie Le Pen is under criminal enquiry for the following heretical statements, about World War II:

“In France at least the German occupation was not especially inhumane, even if there were a number of excesses — inevitable in a country of 550,000 square kilometers.”

“If the Germans had carried out mass executions across the country as the received wisdom would have it, then there wouldn’t have been any need for concentration camps for political deportees.”

“It’s not just from the European Union and globalization that we need to deliver our country, but also from the lies about its history.”

Anyone who has visited Paris knows that the city did not have to be rebuilt. The Nazis despised Communists and modern art, but Pablo Picasso was able to live out the war in Paris without being arrested. And even Le Pen didn’t mention the fact that the Allied liberation of France resulted in thousands of rightists and conservatives being executed there.

Ernst Zundel, a sixty-five-year-old pacifist has been in solitary confinement in Canada for two years, as a “national security threat,” even though he has never advocated or even been accused of a violent crime. He is a “holocaust denier,” so that is all that is required to strip him of every right.

What would the world think if France or Canada were putting people in prison for denying the historicity of the gospels, or denying the existence of God? How loud would the outcry be?

Political Correctness is not LIKE a religion. It IS a religion. It is the established religion of all Western governments. Political Correctness is running a world-wide Inquisition which makes the much-maligned Spanish one look like a tea party.

G. K. Chesterton once wrote that making people accept in practice what they reject in principle is a form of religious persecution. What else is Political Correctness? None of the tenets of Political Correctness work. They have all proven disastrous over and over again. But not even the slightest deviation from PC orthodoxy is allowed from anyone.

So a twenty-year-old kid must be pilloried in the world media for wearing a costume that is verboten to a costume party. No one told him he couldn’t wear it beforehand. He is expected to know. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” is based on the premise that law is reasonable and just. A normal person can easily see where that applies to murder, or rape, or theft. This is simply the “Golden Rule.”

But how is Prince Harry supposed to “know” that wearing a Swastika to a costume party is the unforgivable sin? How are Le Pen and Zundel supposed to “know” which details of history can be repeated and which ones can’t? Is it something that is “written in their hearts” as the Bible says of Christians? Is it reasonable and just and obvious to any objective person?

Of course not. It is pure, unadulterated political propaganda. It is not written in the heart by God, but drummed into the head by the schools and the media. Religious leaders are taught in seminaries. The word “seminary” has the same root as semen and inseminate. It is where the seed is planted.

The seminaries for the religion of Political Correctness are called Universities and Colleges. Every member of the media, every public school teacher, every government bureaucrat, and every corporate executive MUST attend an approved seminary and be blessed by its Priesthood.

Professors are the Priesthood of Political Correctness. The blessing bestowed is called a diploma. Academia is a completely isolated and inbred system that becomes further and further removed from reality. That is because they are not held accountable by anyone. No one demands that what they teach actually works in the real world.

Professors are tyrants. They create and bless little tyrants with diplomas, who then spread this system far and wide. We must cut it off at the root. We must DEMAND an end to the teaching of the religion of Political Correctness NOW. We PAY for these universities. They are accountable to US.

If we don’t, we will get more of the same. If they will do this to Prince Harry, what will they do to your twenty-year-old? Where will this stop?

Early Americans held the Boston Tea Party to protest a much less preposterous outrage. Why don’t we do the same?

Download an armband to support Prince Harry. Hold a costume party of your own on a campus near you. Use any graphics where you think best.




Few Laws, Strictly Enforced

I have made a LOT of laws and regulations in my time. I was sitting in a regulatory panel once, and we were laying out guidelines for rules under the Reagan Administration.

One Big Man, a real biggie, laid out the parameters. He said, “We must only have regulations we can actually enforce.”

This was serious stuff. Everybody in the room had the necessary grave expression on his face, except for one complete idiot who just had to say something stupid. So that idiot said,

“You know, God Almighty is still trying to enforce ten.”

They laughed. I will not tell you who that idiot was.



Legal Background on Gay Marriage

The Massachusetts Supreme Court decided that the MASSACHUSETTS STATE Constitution requires gay marriage.

The legal rule is that the Federal courts do not interpret STATE constitutions. So, from the point of view of Federal courts, the state constitution of Massachusetts requires gay marriage.

In 1968, twenty states had anti-miscegenation clauses in their constitutions. But the Supreme Court said that, regardless of the fact that all the states that ratified the Constitution and almost all the states that ratified the fourteenth amendment and had enforced anti-miscegenation laws, the United States Constitution did not allow anti-miscegenation laws.

There was NO question of constitutional intent in that 1968 decision. The Supreme Court made no pretense that they were interpreting original intent. They were making law, and they said so.

On the day that decision was issued, it was Federal law that constitutional intent means absolutely nothing. Unless you object to that decision, constitutional intent means nothing.

And no one dares to question it.

But in that case, the Supreme Court was interpreting the FEDERAL constitution. They agreed with state courts as the final word on the fact that state law banned interracial marriage, but they said the Federal Constitution overruled the state constitutions.

So the Massachusetts law stands.

The next question is whether a gay marriage performed in Massachusetts is valid in other states. The Federal Constitution requires every state to give “full faith and credit” to the acts of other states. But there is no enforcement clause in the “full faith and credit” statement. The Federal courts have consistently refused to enforce it.

The most important case relating to one state recognizing a marriage in another state was when North Carolina refused to recognize the easy Nevada divorce law. A person who was divorced in Nevada found that, according to the North Carolina Supreme Court, he was still married when he came back to North Carolina.

The Federal Supreme Court decided that the North Carolina decision was right, and that North Carolina had no obligation to recognize a Nevada divorce. So even today you can be legally married to two different people in two different states.

When a state refuses to extradite someone convicted in another state, that is a violation of “full faith and credit,” but they have done it hundreds of times.

So a gay couple is legally married as long as it stays inside the state of Massachusetts, and nothing less than a constitutional amendment is likely to change that.

My own opinion is that if you don’t want the courts to own the institution of marriage, you will have to condemn the 1968 decision first. And NOBODY has the guts to do that.



Jury-Made Law

Every law student learns about “judge-made law.” No one talks about jury-made law.

For many years South Carolina had rigid limitations on serving alcoholic beverages. This was a huge handicap to restaurants.

While the rest of South Carolina enforced these restrictions, there were open bars in Charleston. It is said that in the 1940s Governor Johnston (“a personal and political dry”) once called the Mayor of Charleston and told him to close those bars.

The Mayor replied, “You close them.”

That was the end of the debate. Charleston stayed wet while the rest of the state played with liquor-by-the-drink laws.

Finally a bartender in Columbia hit upon a grand scheme. He sold SETUPS. He GAVE away little liquor bottles the customer could pour into the nonalcoholic setup he bought.

A judge ruled in his favor. The judge said, “There is no law against a man giving away his liquor.”

Liquor by the drink became legal. That’s why so many South Carolina bars give you those little bottles. But this was not judge-made law. This was jury-made law.

The reason the judge made that decision was because no jury would convict those who served mixed drinks any more. The juries had repealed the law.

Exactly the same thing has happened over and over in Anglo-Saxon history. The laws on the books in the early ninteenth century still made picking pockets a capital offense, but no jury would convict because they simply wouldn’t hang a ten-year-old child.

In 1834, Andrew Jackson did what no president since had the guts to do. The Supreme Court made a decision, and Jackson said, “The Supreme Court made this law. Now let the Supreme Court ENFORCE it.”

If any President since had had that kind of courage, there would be no judge-made law.

The unique characteristic of Anglo-Saxon law is that everyone has a right to a jury trial. The legislature may have passed the law unanimously, but it doesn’t mean a thing if the jury won’t enforce it.

When I was coming up, if anyone had sold drugs on school grounds, a parent would have blown his head off, in public, with a twelve-gauge shotgun loaded with 4s.

Under the law, that was cold-blooded, premeditated, first degree murder.

And no jury would have convicted him.

Back then, nobody sold drugs on school grounds.
