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Few Laws, Strictly Enforced

Posted by Bob on December 14th, 2004 under Law and Order

I have made a LOT of laws and regulations in my time. I was sitting in a regulatory panel once, and we were laying out guidelines for rules under the Reagan Administration.

One Big Man, a real biggie, laid out the parameters. He said, “We must only have regulations we can actually enforce.”

This was serious stuff. Everybody in the room had the necessary grave expression on his face, except for one complete idiot who just had to say something stupid. So that idiot said,

“You know, God Almighty is still trying to enforce ten.”

They laughed. I will not tell you who that idiot was.

  1. #1 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/15/2004 - 9:34 pm

    His initials wouldn’t be Bob Whitaker, would they?

  2. #2 by Don on 12/16/2004 - 10:37 am

    Under which division of the Judeo-Christian Conglomerate do the Ten Commandments fall, anyway?

  3. #3 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/16/2004 - 9:34 pm

    Don, they fall under both.

  4. #4 by Don on 12/17/2004 - 11:54 am

    Do Jews object to Christians pushing the Big Ten? As in when Mr. What’s-his-name put them in the courthouse in Alabama.

  5. #5 by JasonW on 02/02/2011 - 10:17 pm

    Take a serious look at the Noahide Laws. They say that we are only under seven commandments, and that it is anti-Semitic to claim to believe that the ten commandments are for us.

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